Home > Christmas in Cockleberry Bay(9)

Christmas in Cockleberry Bay(9)
Author: Nicola May

‘How is your COPD at the moment?’

‘Since my attack last year, that lovely doctor at the hospital makes sure I have all the right inhalers and drugs on hand in case I start to go downhill. At last I feel it’s under control.’

‘Good.’ Rosa started to butter her toast. ‘Remember to keep them with you at all times though, won’t you? They’re no use in the medicine cupboard if an attack comes on quickly, like last time.’

‘Yes, daughter.’

‘So, I have a few hours now to pop by to see Titch, go up to the café and sort out the charity finances. Luke may have to wait.’

‘Well, make the most of the time, won’t you.’ Mary shuffled in the kitchen chair. ‘And Rosa?’

‘Yes. What is it?’

‘I’ve been meaning to tell you something.’

‘Go on.’

‘Christopher Webb, you know, your…your dad.’

‘You mean the man you had a one-night stand with and mistakenly created li’l ole me?’

‘Rosa.’ Mary looked upset. ‘Don’t you be saying things like that. You are so loved and he is a good man. You just need to give him a chance. Anyway, he’s decided to take on the old funeral director’s business at the very top of Main Street.’

‘He’s moving to live in the Bay!’

‘Yes. You never think of what happens to a funeral director when he dies, do you? Old Eddie Bailey only had one daughter and she emigrated to New Zealand years ago. It’s all set up for someone else to just move in.’ Mary put the kettle on again. ‘Christopher doesn’t want you to think he’s forcing anything on you, but with your brother here too now, he feels he wants to be nearer to his family – and that of course includes you and Little Ned.’

‘So how often do you see him then?’ Rosa asked flippantly.

‘I…er, we keep in touch, as he wanted to be kept in the picture about you and, of course, his new grandson. I’ve only met him once, for a drink last year, when you’d just found out about him. We talk on the phone and I send him photos of you and the little one.’ Mary sounded a little nervous. ‘I hope you don’t mind.’

‘Wow. You kept that quiet.’

‘It’s not that I was being deceitful. It was made clear to you that the door has always been open for you to meet him properly. When you are ready. He is a sensitive and kind man, Rosa. He hopes when the time is right, you will go to him. He’d love to meet his grandson in the flesh too, of course.’

‘I’m surprised I didn’t pick up that he was coming to town on the Cockleberry Gossip train.’

‘Nobody knows. The estate agents who dealt with it are in Polhampton and I wasn’t going to say anything that might jeopardise the peace of my family; you know that.’

‘When does he move? Where will he live?’

‘He actually arrived yesterday and there’s a flat above the Chapel of Rest that he’s going to stay in for now.’

‘That’s a bit spooky.’

‘I think it’s marvellous in many ways.’ Mary looked down to hide her blushes. ‘I can’t wait to see if it’s haunted.’ At that moment, Merlin screeched in through the back-door cat-flap and jumped right onto his mistress’s lap.

‘Something just spooked him for sure,’ Rosa noted, getting up and putting her coat back on. ‘OK, I’m off. Thanks for breakfast, Mum, and I will pop in with the little man soon. And are you sure you’re happy to babysit and dog-sit on Fireworks Night?’

‘Yes, duck, I’m sure. I’ll keep them safe from the loud noises. It’s a full moon tonight, by the way.’

‘Halloween and a full moon. It’s a witch’s paradise, isn’t it?’

Rosa faked a cackle, as her mother went on sombrely, ‘This time of year, that tide will be right up against the sea wall, you mark my words.’ She got up without another word, went to the kitchen counter and handed Rosa a plastic bag with some biscuits in.

Then, watching as her only daughter sped down the hill and over to the Corner Shop, she smiled a watery smile. A mother’s love – so nourishing, so magical but also, at times, so bloody complicated. She then looked inside her daughter’s teacup, saw the way the few leaves in the bottom were sitting and a prickly feeling of spirit went right through her. Closing her eyes, she took a massive breath and made a low moaning noise. Merlin jumped off her lap and ran upstairs, hissing. This time of year had always brought with it some sort of consequence for her daughter, and it looked like this one was going to be no exception. She must write herself a note, so as not to forget to warn her.






Rosa bumped into a stressed-looking Ritchie Rogers coming out of the Corner Shop as she made her way in.

‘All right, Rosa?’ he greeted her. ‘Glad you’re here. Titch is insistent she can cope, but I’m worried about her. She seems to forget she’s having a baby.’

‘Ritch, I know you love her dearly, but she’s young and tough and still got seven weeks to go. I worked up until a week before I dropped, and I was fine.’

‘OK, but tell her to wait and I’ll unload the delivery that’s just come in. My mum’s still not right so I said I’d do her shift at the chippie.’

There was no sign of Titch when Rosa entered the shop. Guessing her pregnant friend must be in the loo, she went through to the familiar back kitchen, put on the kettle, and deposited Mary’s Critter Cookies into the battered old biscuit tin – the same one that had seen the friends through many a drama over recent years. Titch had been insistent that when Rosa moved out, she must leave the biscuit tin behind so they could carry on their tea and biscuit counter-talks tradition. Saveloy and Mr Chips, Hot’s offspring by Jacob and Raffy’s dachshund bitch the Duchess (with her full name being Lady Dolce Vita Petunia Duchess Barclay), were sleeping soundly in their dog bed at the back of the shop. They were very much part of the family Titch and Ritchie had created for themselves.

The shop bell rang. On seeing it was Davina Hunt, Lucas’s girlfriend, Rosa put on her best fake smile. She’d taken an instinctive dislike to the woman the minute Lucas had introduced them, and this was the first time she had been in close proximity to the WPC without Lucas in tow.

‘Hi Davina, can I help you?’

‘Oh hi, Rosa. I didn’t know you still lowered yourself to do shopwork.’

Rosa’s smile remained fixed as the spiteful one went on, ‘Lucas has sent me up to see if you have any Halloween masks of all things. I thought this place just did pet supplies?’

‘Titch caters for all sorts of occasions. I think she’s put the masks in the children’s section over there.’ Rosa pointed. ‘There are some sparklers for Fireworks Night too, if you’re interested,’ she added, wishing she could light one and stick it up the rude cow’s arse. An hour had already passed since she had dropped Little Ned off at the nursery. She hoped he was all right. He had gone straight into Gladys’s arms without a whimper, so Rosa had felt no angst on leaving him. In fact, she was feeling rather guilty at how free it felt not to be at his every beck and call. There were only three children there this morning, and Claire, the young assistant, was helping two toddlers to do some finger-painting.

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