Home > The Sleeping Arrangement(8)

The Sleeping Arrangement(8)
Author: Neva Bell

The biggest X factor is Drew himself. What if he’s an even bigger jerk than he was in the elevator? On the other hand, I only need to put up with him for a week. If I last a week, I get twenty-five thousand dollars. I can tolerate the worst person on the planet for a week. I know I can.

I pick up the blue pen and sign the contract before I can change my mind. I hope to God I didn’t skip over some critical contract term requiring me to eat sushi or to do jumping jacks naked every night.

Matthew returns a few minutes later and takes his seat. “I talked with Mr. Waters. He is agreeable to your school schedule and your inability to travel until your graduation.”

“That’s good.” I hand the agreement to Matthew. “I signed the contract.”

Matthew’s eyes light up. “Wonderful! Mr. Waters will be pleased.” He checks the last page for my signature and then smiles at me. “Everything is in order. I will make a copy and send it to you via email.”

Matthew and I exchange contact information and he gives me the address to Drew’s house.

“Mr. Waters is out of town this evening for an away game. He expects you to be at his home tomorrow night by 10 p.m.”


“The only other thing I need from you is your bank account information.”

“My bank account?”

“Yes. So I can wire the first payment.”

Alarm bells go off in my head. What am I going to tell Tom? I’ll have to lie to him about why I’m getting this money. I’ll have to lie to my brother and Tiffany too. I hate lying and I’m about to do a lot of it.

“I have an accountant. I will email you his information after we’re done here. He handles all of my finances.”

One of Matthew’s eyebrows shoots up. “You have an accountant?”

“Believe it or not – yes. He’s a family friend.”

“Alright. I’ll call him tomorrow.” Matthew closes his briefcase and extends his hand to me. “It was nice meeting you Ms. Michaels. Good luck.”

“Thank you,” I tell him before he leaves.

I was only with Drew’s attorney for fifteen minutes, but I think he may have just changed my life. A feeling of foreboding washes over me. What have I done?


“What do you mean, you’re quitting?” Tiffany asks as we eat another steak dinner after my shift.

“I know it’s sudden and I’m really sorry.”

Tiffany sets her steak knife down. “What’s going on Julie? You’ve looked like a deer in headlights all night and now you’re quitting.”

“I got a job offer today and I accepted.”

“With a firm?”

“No. I agreed to be Drew Waters’ personal assistant.”

Tiffany’s eyes get as wide as saucers. “Shut. Up.”

“His attorney was waiting for me at the Rehab Center when I got there today.”

Tiffany slaps my arm. “You ho! You told me nothing happened in the elevator!”

I laugh. “Nothing happened. I swear.”

“Then why is he making you a job offer?”

“No idea.”

Tiffany rolls her eyes. “Yeah right. You blew him.”

“I did not!”

“You must be good too. Or he wouldn’t offer you a job,” she teases.

After we stop giggling, I confide, “I think this is a terrible idea.”

“Why? Sounds awesome to me.”

“I don’t know this guy. At all.”

“So what?”

I push around the remainder of my steak with my fork. “You know I’m not a risk taker. This seems risky.”

“Julie, look at me.”

I put my fork down and turn to Tiffany.

She takes my hands. “You deserve something exciting in your life. You’ve had a rough road. A really rough road. Take advantage of this opportunity and make the most of it. What’s the worst thing that can happen?”

“He hates me and I get fired,” I say matter-of-factly.

“So?” she asks. “You’ll come back here and be a waitress again. Life goes on.”

She has a point. If things go south, I’ll be right back where I am now. “You’re right,” I admit.

“What is it your grandma used to say?”

I smile. “Regret the things you did, not the things you didn’t.”

“Exactly!” Tiffany exclaims. She drops my hands and picks up our plates. “Plus, why would he hate you? You’re too nice of a person for anyone to hate you.”

“I don’t know Tiff. He seems like a hard-ass.”

“All men act like hard-asses. You just have to find their soft spots.”

Tiffany walks away and leaves me contemplating whether a man like Drew Waters has a soft spot.


“No fucking way!” Jeremy exclaims when I tell him about my new job.

“Yep. I’m going to work for Drew Waters.”

“You are the luckiest person on the planet.”

I scoff. “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to bring me over to his house with you?”

“Probably not.”

“C’mon man! You have to get me in there! I gotta meet him.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Jeremy follows me down the hallway to my bedroom. “When do you start?”

“Tomorrow,” I respond as I kick off my heels. I hesitate before I tell him, “I’ll probably be spending most nights there until the season is over.”

Jeremy narrows his eyes at me. “You’re spending the night at his house?”

“Um, yeah. He needs me on call 24/7.”

Jeremy buys my explanation. “Not fair!” he pouts before stomping down the hallway.

I could tell Jeremy about the money and how we’ll be able to pay his tuition bill, but I don’t want to yet. I’ll wait until the money is in my account.

Tom wasn’t exactly thrilled when I called him earlier today and told him about my new job. “I’m not so sure about this Julie. As Drew’s personal assistant, he will demand a lot of your time. I realize the money is good, but you aren’t done with school yet. And what about studying for the bar exam?”

Poor Tom, he’s worrying about nothing. I wish I could tell him the truth. He’d be thrilled to know I am literally getting paid to sleep on the job.

“It will be fine Tom, I promise.”

“Alright, but if the job is too demanding, I want you to quit after you get the first twenty-five thousand.”

As I shower, I consider all the free time I’m going to have. What the heck will I do with it? I have no friends and zero hobbies.

I open the top drawer of my nightstand and pull out a book Tiffany got me for Christmas. I’ve wanted to read it since the day I got it, but haven’t had the chance. I put the book in an overnight bag and gather my things for tomorrow night. My toothbrush and toiletry items will have to wait until the morning, but I can pack myself a pair of pajamas and a change of clothes.

The pajamas are tricky. I don’t want to give off the sexy vibe, but I don’t want to look like a grandma either. I ultimately decide on a pair of black leggings and a long t-shirt.

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