Home > The Wild Finale (The Wild Boys #3)(14)

The Wild Finale (The Wild Boys #3)(14)
Author: K.A. Knight

This is another Wild Tour, that’s for sure.

As Kathy goes through the show’s issues, I can’t help but let my mind drift to the stalker. The police are good, they are on it, but they have other cases. I only have this, my life, and I refuse to sit back and take this anymore. It’s time the predator becomes the prey…

I’m going to hunt the stalker.



“Ms. Menro.” The disapproving voice of Mr. Jones snaps me out of my daydream, and I know I drifted off.


Wincing, I sit up straighter in my seat and smooth back my hair, smiling apologetically at the balding man on the other side of the computer screen. “Apologies, Mr. Jones. It’s been a rather difficult couple of days, as you can imagine.”

What I don’t tell him is that after I’d finished dealing with the usual after show business with Kathy last night, I ended up staying up late with the guys, needing to feel their bodies against mine. Nothing sexual happened, it was more meaningful, deeper than that—slow, sensual touches and just listening to the sound of their heartbeats. Just needing to be there with them in that moment to make the most of every second I have with them. Eventually, they all fell asleep, but I couldn’t. Every time I closed my eyes, I felt like I was being watched, and if I did drop off into sleep, dreams would plague me and chase me back into wakefulness. Ultimately, I just lay in their arms and listened to their gentle breaths.

“Well,” the sweating board member begins, fiddling with the glasses on the end of his nose, suddenly looking uncomfortable. Whatever he’s about to say, he doesn’t want to. My bet is that Vance, Kathy’s dad, is behind this. “This is something we, the board, wanted to discuss with you.” He reaches over for a glass of water and takes a sip, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he buys time for whatever he’s about to say, while I watch on with a frown. Putting down the glass, he clears his throat. “Given the…stressful situation—”

I can’t hold back my snort at that. Stressful situation? There is a stalker on their payroll who is attacking other members of their staff, yet they are doing nothing about it! However, Mr. Jones is on a roll now, and he doesn’t let my little outburst slow him down.

“Perhaps it may be best for you to take a leave of absence while the police deal with this situation,” he finishes quickly, his nerves catching up with him.

I gape at the board member. I can’t be hearing him right. Surely the board can’t be telling me to go against the advice of the police? After everything that happened before, I thought we had gotten past this, yet once again, they’re trying to get rid of me and dictate what’s going to happen to my show and my boys.

“Of course, you will be paid in full during your absence,” he continues, taking my stunned silence as a sign that I’m considering his absurd offer.

“And who will run the show while I’m gone?” I almost snarl, fury filling my veins until I’m nearly vibrating with it.

“Well,” he blusters, taken aback by my abrupt question. “Mr. Vance would step in for the meantime.”

Vance. Of course it’s fucking Vance.

What a wanker. How Kathy put up with him for so long, I don’t know.

“Mr. Jones,” I interrupt, having had enough of this bullshit. “Your company has done nothing to ensure my safety on this tour, despite me showing you evidence that someone is stalking me, not to mention the fact they are also after the guys as well. Mark died because of this.” My voice breaks, but I don’t stop. This bastard needs to hear what I have to say. “The police have advised me to keep going on as usual while they investigate, and you are telling me to ignore that advice.” Now I pause, raising my eyebrows as I let everything I’ve just said settle in. He looks really uncomfortable now, and I know the first thing he’s going to do after this Skype call is speak to their lawyers. Well bring it the fuck on.

“I have enough evidence to bury you.” I lean forward so he can see how serious I am. “Yet all I want to do is do my job, Mr. Jones. That, and keep the guys and me safe. So please, let me do my job in peace.”

Silence greets my declaration as he mulls everything over. He doesn’t want to agree, that’s clear to see, but I’m not asking for much, just to get on with my job and for them to provide the security they should have in the first place. Placing my hands on the table in front of me, I interlace my fingers and patiently wait for him to come to a conclusion, smiling slightly. At least that’s what I show on the outside. On the inside, I’m an anxious wreck, but I refuse to let him see that.

Finally, Mr. Jones lets out a sigh. “Very well, Ms. Menro.”

“Thank you,” I reply with a curt smile. “I shall email over the list of extra security measures we will require as suggested by the police.” Reaching forward, I press the disconnect button before he can protest any further. As soon as the little white light disappears from my iPad, signalling that I’m not longer on camera, I close the case and lower my head to the table with a groan.

I’m exhausted. Today may be a day off for the guys, but for the tour manager, there’s no such thing as a true day off. There’s so much to organise, and I still need to call tomorrow’s venue and the hotel for tonight, not to mention—

“Gabby?” Kingston calls out a moment before I feel a large, warm hand on my back.

Lifting my head, I see my gentle giant looking down at me with a concerned expression. He starts to rub my back, and I smile tiredly up at him, resting my head on my arm. “Hey.”

“How did it go with the board?” he asks, but I just pull a face, making a noise of frustration in the back of my throat. “That well, huh?” Shaking his head, he uses his free hand to push away my iPad and abandoned clipboard. “Look, no more work today. No,” he scolds gently when I go to protest. “Kathy will help. Tell her what else needs doing, and then come and find me.”

I stare at him for a moment, tempted to argue, but then I think about Mark and what he would say. There’s no point working myself into an early grave. I was only just thinking last night that I was going to make the most of every moment with the guys from now on. Smiling, I push aside my worries and nod. “Okay, you’re right.” I sigh, leaning further into him. “I love you.”

Something else I promised myself—to tell them at every opportunity how much they mean to me. After all, you never know what’s around the corner.

Kingston’s smile widens, and he leans down and presses a deep, soft kiss against my lips. It leaves me panting and wanting for more, and as he pulls away, a needy noise escapes my lips. Grinning, Kingston winks at me. “That’s a promise of what’s to come later.” Without another word, he turns and walks from the bus.

I don’t know what he’s got planned, but I already like the sound of it.



It takes a couple of hours to sort out everything with Kathy. Not because it’s particularly difficult, but because we have different ideas of what’s important. Eventually, because she knows it will stress me out if I think it isn’t going to get done, Kathy agrees to complete all the tasks I had on my list, even if they could have waited until tomorrow. I like to be organised, okay?

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