Home > The Wild Finale (The Wild Boys #3)(31)

The Wild Finale (The Wild Boys #3)(31)
Author: K.A. Knight

I feel my phone vibrate, probably a message from my mum. She has called and texted me every day since she heard what happened. It’s nice to be close to her again, and I know she can’t wait for me to come home for a while.

Or maybe…maybe it’s Emmett. That thought stops me, and I pull my phone free, slumping when I don’t see his name there. He hasn’t contacted us once since he left. He has gone off grid, no updates, nothing. Wherever he is, I just hope he’s okay. He hurt me…he hurt my guys, I know that, but that doesn’t stop me from loving him. It does sting, though, that he hasn’t even called to check up on me.

I need to find mine. Emmett’s words echo in my head

I’m sad he couldn’t stay, that he had to leave, but maybe deep down, I understand. I guess only time will tell. Hopefully one day, he will come home to us and realise his family was here all along. Kathy pulls her phone out and sighs, and I stare out of the corner of my eye. Is she hoping it’s Emmett too? I thought there had been something between them, but he left. I don’t know if he even said goodbye to her. She seemed upset about it but didn’t say a word. Instead, she easily slipped into the role of assisting me, especially with my recovery and not being able to take on all my duties yet. She has been a godsend.

“You okay?” I ask softly.

She opens her mouth to answer when a light tech named Sam stops before me, looking nervous. “Ms. Menro, I’m sorry, we tried to reach you.”

“It’s okay. What’s wrong?” I inquire, flipping to manager mode instantly.

He winces and glances behind him. “The-the, erm, board is here.”

Sighing, I smash my lips together, and with a nod of thanks, I storm past him. The only reason they would be here is to talk to me, which can’t be good. I’m not in the mood, so I hope they came ready to fight, because I’m done taking their shit. I find them sitting before the stands on one of the extra tables we requested for this venue. There are twenty of them altogether, dotted in front of the stage. Eyes narrowed, shoulders squared, I head their way with the guys behind me. They aren’t willing to leave me for a moment. Kathy hangs back near the stage, but her eyes are on me. She refuses to look at her dad, who’s sitting there like he came for tea.

“Gentlemen,” I drawl as I reach them. “To what pleasure do I owe for this visit?”

They don’t even bother standing. They are all here. Mr. Jones darts his eyes away nervously. Mr. Vance watches me with a cocky grin, like he knows something I don’t. There is a new man there too, sitting down with them. He has dark eyes and blond hair, which is obviously dyed, and tan skin from a fake tan. He’s built, like a body builder, and in a tank top… Who the fuck is he?

A sick feeling starts in my stomach, but I don’t voice my objections or thoughts in case I’m wrong.

“Ms. Menro, take a seat,” Mr. Vance offers.

“I’ll stand,” I retort. “I have work to attend to. I do not mean to be rude—”

“Then let us not keep you,” he interrupts and looks at the other man. “Meet Rhett, he will be replacing Emmett.”

I go cold, my blood freezes, and my heart stops and then slams into gear again. Anger floods my veins.

“He will what?” I almost snarl, trying to restrain myself. The guys swear and gear up for an argument behind me, protests already leaving their lips.

Mr. Vance smirks like he knows this is just another hoop. Another way of them trying to control us. Without warning, they are replacing Emmett like he was disposable. Like he was nothing. Like he wasn’t family. “Is that a problem? Rhett is a professional.” He runs his eyes over me, as if to indicate I am not. “He will fit right in and learn the routines—”

“No, he fucking won’t,” I snap, done playing nice. Not once did they ask how we are or why Emmett left. All they care about is money and press, and I’m done. I’ve almost died for this job, for them, and this is how they treat me?

Fuck that.

Not to mention the deal we made, which they are going back on now. I’m tired of their games.

“Excuse me?” Mr. Jones exclaims.

“You can shut up too,” I reply, and turn my gaze back to Mr. Vance. “You have gone too far.” I step closer. “You didn’t help us when there was a fire. You didn’t help or do anything when Mark died. When I was stalked, your crew was at risk. You did nothing, and now this?” I gesture at Rhett. “No offence, but Emmett was family, you do not just replace him—”

“This is business, Ms. Menro,” he snarls, getting to his feet and going toe-to-toe with me. “It’s time you remembered that and fell into line.”

“Fuck your line. I’m done, I quit. See how well your show does without me.”

“Baby Girl,” Blake starts, but I glance over at him, letting him see how serious I am. I’m done. I have given everything for them, for this show. They have belittled me, been sexist and misogynistic. They don’t care for us or their employees, I’m done being treated like shit. Life is too short for that. He nods and smiles widely. “About fucking time.”

“What?” I ask with a frown, and Liam whoops as he looks over at the board.

“Fuck you, we quit too!” he yells.

“What?” Mr. Vance roars. “You cannot—”

“Yes, we fucking can,” Kingston snarls.

“And we are.” Damon smirks.

“What they said,” Leo offers.

“Guys, you don’t—” I shake my head.

“Baby Girl, the only reason we stayed was for you. Where you go, we go. We don’t need them. The show isn’t our life, you are,” he murmurs, and then leans in and kisses me, uncaring of the audience as he glares over at them. “We quit, effective immediately. Have fun finding a new act.” He turns away and starts to pull me with them before he stills. “Oh, and don’t forget, The Wild Boys brand is legally mine, so I suggest you change your name and fast.”

I laugh, I can’t help it. I’m almost giddy with it.

“Good riddance to you all then. You’re more trouble than you’re worth,” he spits, and then calls, “Kathy, you will take over the show.”

She steps forward, her chin raised high. “No, I won’t. They are my family, and I’m with them. Loyalty is earned, not bought.” She grins at him. “Fuck you, Daddy, and fuck your show.” She nods at me and walks away.

Holy shit.

With nothing left to say, the guys start to walk away, but I look back to the board to see them all shocked. “You did this. Had you looked after them better, they would have stayed and been as loyal to you as they are to me. Now look what you have. Nothing. All that money can’t buy you the talent you just lost. Good day.” I nod and follow after my men.

Each step is faster than the last as my heart skips a beat. Not in fear…but joy.

We break out into the back parking lot together. The guys are all talking and laughing, and Kathy is standing there, waiting. I hear some of the crew following after us, quitting as well. It seems we earned their loyalty. I know Mark is smiling down at us, telling me, You did good, kid.

As the fresh air hits my lungs, I smile. I hear the cameras flashing, but I don’t care. I take Blake’s hand and Liam’s. Relief and happiness flows through me. This is what was missing—our freedom.

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