Home > The Wild Finale (The Wild Boys #3)(7)

The Wild Finale (The Wild Boys #3)(7)
Author: K.A. Knight

“Ms. Menro?” a quiet voice calls from behind me.

Turning with a raised eyebrow, I see a smiling, familiar face. I feel bad that I’ve still not learned all the names of the crew yet. Mark would be shaking his head at me, he knew everyone by name. The crew member is about the same age as me, and he has a shock of ginger hair that’s sticking out in all directions—the only thing taming it is the headset jammed over the top of it. He’s got handsome features, but they’re mostly hidden by a pair of black, square-rimmed glasses. He has one of those faces that blends into a crowd, which isn’t an excuse for forgetting his name, but he’s so quiet, he doesn’t seem to have many friends here.

“Please, call me Gabby,” I say, giving him my full attention and smiling to put him at ease. His body language seems to change as he recognises that I’m actually taking an interest in him, or at least paying attention to him, and I feel bad as I get the impression I’m not the only one. “How can I help…?” I’m hoping he misses my slip up at the lack of a name. He doesn’t.

“Oliver,” he supplies for me with a grin, shrugging away my awkward wince. “Don’t worry, people forget my name a lot.”


“No, I’m sorry, Oliver, that’s rude of me.” Reaching out, I gently touch his shoulder, not wanting him to just shrug off our rudeness, which he’s obviously used to by now, and I make a mental note to pay more attention. “Anyway, how can I help, Oliver?”

For someone who appears so shy, I notice he keeps eye contact with me the entire time, his irises a striking blue colour behind his thick-rimmed glasses. “I noticed you left your iPad behind.” Finally looking away, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a familiar device.

Frowning, I take it from him. “Damn, thank you, Oliver, I hadn’t even realised I’d brought it out of the tour bus with me. I must be losing my marbles.” I laugh absentmindedly. I could have sworn I’d left it locked up in my little lockable trunk with my possessions on the bus. A thought comes to me, and I remember a show when I first started back with The Wild Boys when Oliver found my missing iPad for me then. “Hey, you noticed last time I did this. I remember.” I smile, and it’s my turn to stare.

He flushes red under my gaze, reaching up and playing with his glasses, his eyes flicking over my face. “Oh, I just notice a lot of things.”

“Yeah, you do.” He seems suddenly uncomfortable under my gaze. “I guess I’ll have to keep you close by in case I leave anything else important lying around!” I joke with a smile. His whole face lights up, and I feel bad for ever doubting him. This guy is lonely, and here I am practically accusing him of being the murderer. First Emmett, and now Oliver. I’m paranoid.


Glancing over to the open dressing room, I see a half naked Leo hanging from the doorway, Liam appearing just behind him seconds later.

“Yes, sweetie?” I call back, turning from Oliver for a second so I can see what my strippers need from me.

Leo grins at my use of ‘sweetie,’ wiggling his eyebrows, which has me laughing. “Can you come in here? We need your help for a second.”

“I’ll be there in a second,” I reply with a grin, shaking my head as they wink and blow kisses at me. “Sorry about that,” I say as I turn back to Oliver, except he’s gone. Frowning, I look around, even going so far as to walk out onto the stage to see if he’s stepped out that way, not wanting him to think I’m rude or was ignoring him.

With a sigh, I give up and head to the dressing room, knocking on the open door to find the guys in various stages of undress. They all call out greetings, and Leo and Liam swarm me as soon as I enter the room. Laughing, I push them away.

“Strippers, step away. You’ll cover me in baby oil, and you know how many of my silk blouses you’ve ruined with that stuff.” The guys laugh, a couple of them calling out their apologies. “What did you need me for anyway?”

“No reason, we were just rescuing you,” Leo tells me with a grin, leaning against the doorframe in his rocker outfit.

Not missing a beat, Liam sits on a chair, relaxing and balancing on the back two legs precariously. “Yeah, who was that guy?”

“What guy?” Blake asks gruffly from the other side of the room, immediately looking up from where he’s fastening his leather trousers. Even though I must have seen him wear this outfit a dozen times, it still makes me drool. Pull it together, Gabby.

“Oliver, he’s just one of the crew,” I answer, looking down at my clipboard, checking for any last-minute issues I may need to sort, but I actually think we’re on top of everything.

“Never heard of him,” Emmett chimes in from his position in front of the mirror, and I shake my head. Unless that person was female, I doubt Emmett would have heard of them.

“I know Oliver, he’s quiet. Seems nice enough,” Kingston answers, and we all turn to look at him. Our gentle giant is a pretty good judge of character. Sure, he’s got things wrong in the past, but if he thinks he’s safe, I’ll agree with him.

“I don’t like it,” Blake grumbles, but I just roll my eyes as I turn to face him.

“You don’t even know who I’m talking about.”

“I just… Just be careful, please. I don’t know what I’d do if you died too.”

My heart feels like it’s going to rip out of my chest. He’s leaning against the dressing table, watching me warily as I step over to him. I don’t say anything as I approach. When I reach him, I raise up onto my toes and wrap my arms around his neck, resting my head against his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. After a few seconds, he slowly releases a pent-up breath and wraps his arms tightly around me. Another minute later, I hear the shuffling of feet, and I think the others are getting ready around us, but that’s when I feel another set of arms.

Then another.

Then another, until we are a giant, crushing hug of strippers with me in the center, and I’m perfectly happy with that.



I’m horny.

It’s the only way to describe my frustrated state. Watching my men dance, grind, and then flirt with me after is leaving me with blue balls. But travelling in a small bus with a driver and Emmett doesn’t allow much time for hanky-panky. Luckily, we reached our next venue this morning, and after practice, Emmett disappeared for a bit, stating he was going shopping.

The guys are lounging around in shorts and joggers, no shirts as usual, and my pussy says enough is enough. She wants some of that. I have five boyfriends, five penises at my disposal. I should never be this hard up.

Gabby is about to get some.

But how to proposition them? Then I realise I could literally say ‘you, get in my vagina,’ and they would strip faster than I could finish the sentence. I don’t do that. I do, however, stand and start to unbutton my blouse.

Damon notices first, his eyes cracking open as he relaxes in the chair opposite me. His legs are carelessly sprawled in front of him, his well-built body and tattoos on display. His eyes are already lined for tonight’s show, and his hair’s messy. My rocker boyfriend. My pussy clenches as he watches my hands move deftly across the buttons, exposing skin. When I pull it open and let it drop to the floor, he sits up. A smirk tilts up his lips as he leans back, his thighs parted.

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