Home > Fox (Hot Shots, Book 1)(13)

Fox (Hot Shots, Book 1)(13)
Author: Tory Baker









“Absolutely not. You’re not cancelling. It’s not even a concussion, just a headache, and by tomorrow, I’ll be good as new. You heard the doctor.” I harrumph, crossing my arms over my now braless state. Stupid hospital gowns.

“It’s tomorrow. No one is going to be home with you. Hell, by the time you get discharged from this place, more than likely when the skies are pitch black and we get back to our place, it’ll be close to freaking midnight. Please, let me be there for you, sunshine. Seeing you like I did, thinking you were lifeless, I’m gonna need at least twenty-four hours around you to settle down.” Fox is practically begging me, and I hate it, so freaking much. I hate that he doesn’t want to be at the second beach volleyball tournament of the season. Apparently, Cruz said he’ll drive or fly up to take his spot. Of course, that was part of Fox’s plea too. I still hate it.

“Fine, but I swear to God if you mother-hen me, I’m going to my own place,” I grump. We’re still waiting for the doctor to return with my CAT scan results, but my cognitive test showed no signs of a concussion. Fox was the one who was adamant I have the scan. I could roll my eyes at how he was acting, all alpha, growly, and basically beating his chest when the male doctor was taking my pulse. I know he means well, but he may need to get used to it. Men are going to be everywhere around us for the rest of time.

“Not promising, but I’ll hide your keys if you try to get up and start cleaning the house again,” he counters.

“Come here, please.” I lift my arm up. I’m not even admitted into my own room, thank goodness. So, aside from the hospital gown, I’m lucky to have no IVs or any other plethora of things that could go wrong.

“Hey, sunshine.” Fox mellows out as he sits next to me and I cup his cheek.

“Hey.” We look into each other’s eyes, but it’s more like our souls. I’m saying everything left unspoken with a look alone.

“God, Mel. It scared the shit out of me. We have so much left to do, so much left to say. I can’t even imagine a life without you at this point. That thought alone kills me to even speak out loud. Let me do this for you, and for me.” I sit up, not giving two shits about my headache or the oxygen meter on my finger. The only thing I need is Fox, and the only thing Fox needs is me.

“I’ll give you that, but only if you’ll snuggle on the couch with me, and can we work on getting your back deck fixed? I really love it out there, but I’m not sure I can go out there again until things are different. It’s not like there was blood out there, but I think the memory of trying to fight for my life and get away from my own blood, yeah, it causes a full-body shiver.

“Already texted Chance. He said he’ll be down in the next few days, him and Peyton. Cruz will be here tomorrow. Think he can stay in your rental? One less thing for him to have to pay for. It’s not like he’s hurting too much, but it’ll give him that much more of an enticement.”

“About that. I need to figure out what I’m doing. The rental will be up before we know it, and then I’ll be homeless. Do you know of any long-term rentals or a home that isn’t going to break my bank?” My father left plenty of money to my name, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go batshit crazy. A huge portion of it will be going to charity, there are a few places I’ve been looking into with Gene, a few are already becoming near and dear to my heart, and they won’t be in just one area but across the country as well.

“I’m thinking you won’t need your own place. Your sweet self will be with me, always. If I have my way.” He kisses me, deeply this time, abandoning his tirade over my health, that is until the doctor clears his throat.

“It seems you have a clean bill of health. The nurse will be around with your discharge papers. If things start to feel worse, or if you develop new symptoms, please come back right away.” He checks me over again while Fox narrows his eyes on him.

I smack his thigh, mouthing for him to ‘Stop’. He takes my hand, entwining his fingers with mine, his thumb gliding over my wrist, causing my heart to skip a beat.

“Yep, as I suspected. I’ll have the nurse come in soon. Wouldn’t want you out in the middle of the night.” He smirks at Fox, clearly listening in on our conversation, and Fox raises his eyebrows at him, untangles from me, and stands, giving the doctor his full height.

“Thanks, we’re good here.” I shoo him out so Fox doesn’t get upset over his eavesdropping, which, hey, I’m not sure if that’s allowed or not, but I do not want Fox surrounded by four-by-four concrete walls with bars reinforcing said concrete and only seeing him through plexiglass. And judging by the vibes emanating off him, I have a feeling I know what will come next if this doctor doesn’t leave, quickly.

“Fox,” I try to get his attention. I grab his hand, squeezing it to garner his attention.

“Yeah, sunshine.” He still isn’t looking at me. His gaze is locked on the doctor. Finally, he gets the hint and says, “Hopefully, you won’t be back here anytime soon.” Then he leaves as fast as he can.

“Jesus, Fox. I don’t need you to leave me, okay? No pretty bracelets for you either,” I joke.

“Nah, you don’t have to worry about that, Mel. I know too many people, and I wasn’t going to go after him, the nosey little prick. I’m going to go find that nurse. You change into the clothes Sloane dropped off while you were getting your scan, then we’ll blow this popsicle stand.” He kisses my forehead, not allowing me to respond. Fox is already out the door, and he’s on a mission.









We haven’t been home a full day, and I swear to Christ this place has had a revolving door. First Sloane to bring Melanie her favorite coffee and breakfast sandwich for breakfast. She’s a damn rock star and even brought me food but jetted out saying someone had to open up The Wet Spot. I laughed, and Melanie told me again she deserved a raise. I have something else up my sleeve for her though, one I need to talk over with Mel and how it may change some things financially.

Cruz just left. His words were short and sweet. He looked at Mel, then at me, shook his head, and just said, “You got yourself a good one. Don’t fuck it up.” He’s not wrong, and I don’t plan on it. In fact, I plan on doing quite the opposite and making her mine permanently.

“I’ll get it. You’ve been busy being a busy-body. It won’t hurt me to answer the door this time.” Melanie goes to stand up, but I hold her back.

“Sit down. You promised me you would rest.” I hold her back, getting to my feet.

“I’m not an invalid, you know,” she huffs. What she doesn’t know, and what I’m not going to tell her, is that her mom somehow managed to post bail. I was on the phone to Gene as he was boarding the plane to get down here, so I’m sure this is him.

“I know, sunshine, I know.” I open the door. The man of the hour is here, trying to hold his laughter back as we shake hands.

“She’s still at it, I take it?” he questions.

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