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Fox (Hot Shots, Book 1)(7)
Author: Tory Baker

Melanie has been squirming for a few minutes now, and though I have a lot of shit to do at the surf shop today, there’s no freaking way I’d ever leave her in my bed and alone.

“I don’t think I’m in my bed.” Those are the first words she says. I lean up on my elbow, moving her hair off her face, trying not to laugh my ass off.

“No, sunshine, you most certainly aren’t.” She rolls onto her back. I’m practically hovering over her, wanting more than ever to be between her thighs, feeling her silky skin against my own.

“Please tell me you got some kind of sleep?” Melanie closes her eyes, her face turned up to the ceiling.

“I’m good, sunshine. How are you feeling?” I counter.

“Like I was hit by a Mack truck, with the headache the size of Gibraltar, and a mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert.” She smacks her lips for emphasis.

“Why don’t you go grab a shower. I’ll set some clothes out for you, bring you some aspirin and water. We’ll see how that goes before we take on breakfast.” As soon as I get her in the shower, I’ll call Sloane to tell her I won’t be in. Of course I’ll owe her, big time. She’s being left to deal with Slater. He’s a pain in the ass, but she can deal with him. It’s not like Jax is coming in and I have to threaten to fire her, something I’d never do. But that guy, he does something to her that makes her want to strangle him. I’m sure it’s more than what meets the eye with those two.

“I can go home. I’ve been commandeering all your nights and days lately.” Her eyes open, showing me those baby blues of hers.

“Stay, just for a while. I want to make sure you’re okay, not sick from the hangover at least.”

“Oh, I can do that. Thank you, Fox, for taking care of me, being here for me, and letting me sleep in your bed with you. Hey, maybe we can be sleeping partners?” Her eyes light up, and I’m not sure if she’s serious or joking. I move my hips so she’ll feel exactly what she does to me.

“It won’t always just be sleeping, sunshine. But sure, we can pretend we’re sleeping partners.” Melanie does the exact opposite of what I thought she would do, moving to her side, hiking her leg over my hip.

“I’d like that. A lot.” Last night, before I slipped into bed, I made sure I wasn’t naked in case something like this happened. So, now there are two pieces of fabric hindering us from fully feeling one another. In a way, I’m glad. I want her clearheaded when things go further, because believe me, they will.

“Next time you get in my bed, you do it without liquor, naked, and I promise you’ll more than like it.” I grind cock into her covered pussy, feeling the heat even through the layers.

“Is that a promise?” Melanie must not have much of a hangover by the way she’s moving against me.

“Fuck yes, it is.” I grab the back of her smooth, silky thigh, flipping Melanie over, my body wedging between her thighs, my arms caging her in.

“Are you ever going to kiss me, Fox?” she asks.

“Oh yeah, I am, but not right now. When I do, you won’t have to ask. Now, get your ass in the shower before we start something and neither of us leaves this bed today.” I kiss her forehead, move off her, not caring that she can see the clear outline of my hard cock. Our first kiss, first time having sex, first anything, I want her mind on us, and not anything else.

“Fine, I’ll go now.” Melanie climbs out of bed, those tits of hers bouncing, nipples teasing me as they caress the fabric of her shirt.

“Grab some clothes. Top drawer should have something that fits. I’ll be back with your water and medicine.” If I don’t leave now, I’ll be climbing in that shower with her, and the eyes she’s giving me lets me know she’d like exactly that.









Watching Fox flee his own bedroom because I was basically half dressed is one of the reasons I’m giggling like a schoolgirl when I get out of the shower, smelling uniquely of him after using his body wash, forgoing my hair because he has no conditioner. Men have it so easy, I swear. I slide on a shirt of his I grabbed out of his dresser, forgoing the boxers that I could probably wear by rolling them up, but my ass would most definitely strain in them.

I’m walking down the hall to the kitchen, where I can hear Fox on the phone. “Yeah, Jax, I’ll still be participating in the tournament this weekend. No, you’re not gonna pester Sloane. It’s bad enough she’s dealing with Slater for me today.” I don’t hear the other end of the conversation, but now I feel awful that Sloane is once again at The Wet Spot and Fox is spending time with me.

I make a motion that I’m going to just leave, but Fox does what I least expect. “No, you walk into the shop, and I won’t play this weekend, end of discussion.” He hits the end button, throws his phone on the couch, and swoops me up in his arms.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His arm bands around my middle as my back meets his chest.

“Letting you work. I never wanted you to miss work for me, and you clearly have things you need to do before this weekend.” Fox mentioned he plays beach volleyball for fun.

“Sloane is more than capable. I just wasn’t going to make her deal with two assholes in one day. I’m not that much of a jerk.” His lips find the nape of my neck, my hair up in a bun giving him the access he needs. Fox’s other hand is on my thigh, pulling the shirt that I’m wearing up, his fingertips moving north until he realizes I’m not wearing anything underneath.

“Fox,” I moan, my head tipping back, wanting to finally feel his lips on mine.

“Sunshine, you’re gonna wreck me.” His hand slides around my front, and his lips meet mine, neither of us caring about morning breath, each of us wanting to finally share a kiss that I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for.

“Will you please kiss me?” I murmur when he doesn’t deepen the kiss. That’s when he goes at me. His teeth nip at my bottom lip, making me gasp, and his tongue snakes in, dominating me in every way imaginable. It’s when he drags a finger through the lips of my pussy that my knees almost give out.

“Easy, sunshine. I’m going to make you feel good, right here, just like this.” His lips slam against mine, and two fingers sink inside my center, my own wetness giving way to how hot I’m burning for him.

“Fox,” I moan, already on the brink of orgasm, the palm of his hand giving me the added sensation as he grinds it on my clit while his fingers tunnel in and out of my pussy.

“Christ, next time I make you come, you’ll be in my bed, naked. My mouth sucking on those pretty nipples I felt all night long.” My ass pushes back into him, wanting to give him something but not being able to in this position. He never stops working me over, his words only pushing me further. When his lips leave mine, his teeth nipping at the nape of my neck, that’s when I explode, an array of fireworks blasting behind my closed eyelids.

“God, Fox,” I pant through my orgasm.

“Feel better?” His fingers leave my core, spinning me around to show me that he’s licking my essence from them.

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