Home > The Complete If I Break Series(258)

The Complete If I Break Series(258)
Author: Portia Moore

“And so are you. I couldn’t have picked a better woman for my son to love,” she tells me squeezing my hands. “I’ve never seen my son look at anyone like how he looks at you.” I can’t help but smile. “Even when he’s Cal. The day I came here, I had assumed that what he had with you wasn’t real… but when I saw him with you, that delusion I convinced myself of had crumbled.” I smile at her, but the looming sadness that comes over me when I think of Cal has taken hold of me.

I miss him, and I hate that I feel guilty about it. It’s so stupid, but I do.

“Do you miss him?” It’s like she is reading my mind but her question shocks me. She smiles sympathetically at me when the look on my face must have given me away.

“Would it be terrible if I said yes?”

“No, of course not. I know how much you love my son. That’s all that matters to me, and don’t you ever feel guilty about that,” she tells me adamantly.

I give her another hug and thank God that she’s my mother-in-law. The doorbell rings interrupting our moment. I can’t think of who it would be because even if Chris couldn’t find his key the doorman would have let him up. I push myself off the floor and go to the intercom.

“Yes,” I say into it.

“It’s your best friend in the whole wide world.” A smile breaks out on my face hearing that voice. “Come on up, Hill.” I haven’t seen her in weeks and am so excited to see her.

“I’ll go and put Caylen down for her nap,” Mrs. Scott scoops up Caylen and her toys in her arms. I give Caylen a kiss and she settles into Mrs. Scott’s arms. I gather the few remaining toys on the floor and cart them off to what I’ve dubbed Caylen’s corner in the house, and unlock the door for Hillary to come in.

“Hey Hun Bun!” she squeals as she comes through the door and pulls me into a hug.

“I actually missed you!”

She looks at me feigning hurt. “So you’re implying that you don’t usually miss me?” She touches her chest and gives me puppy dog eyes. “Guess who I brought with me,” she says with a wink and wide grin. I’m shocked as ever when Aidan pops up behind her.

“Aidan!” I laugh as he gives me a charming smile before picking me up in a bear hug.

“What are you doing here?” I ask happily as he sits me down. I glance at Hillary, and I can only imagine what one of those reasons is.

“Well, the old man Chris sent me a text to call him, and since I’m not busy and this one has been on my back to come see her…” he teasingly elbows Hillary.

“Oh please, I think you’re just having withdrawals,” she says suggestively putting her chest against his. I swallow hard and cover my laugh. They are the strangest sight. I mean they both are young, attractive, and single, so they absolutely make sense. But I hope Aidan knows what he’s getting himself into. Hillary feigns all fun and games but deep down she wants what most girls want, someone to love her.

“So you guys are loaded, huh?” Aidan asks as he walks further into the apartment and looks around. I roll my eyes at him.

“You are so late to the party. Cal had money out the ass since he met Lauren,” Hillary tells him. I watch Aidan frown. I’m sure he’s probably as happy to hear Cal’s name as Chris is.

“We’re not loaded,” I laugh feeling my cheeks heat up.

“So I can’t borrow ten grand is what you’re saying?” he says with a serious face, but then he flashes me his signature charming smile.

“No, you cannot,” I swat him.

“Where’s the hubby?” Hillary walks over to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water.

“He’s at work. He should be home soon though.”

“I can give Aidan a tour of the house.” Hillary gives me an innocent look while grabbing his hand.

“Uhm sure but let’s keep it PG-13 Hil,” I warn her and she gives me another innocent look.

“Actually G-rated, Hillary!” I call after them as they disappear up the stairs.

I straighten up the living room while everyone is upstairs. Hopefully Hillary and Aidan won’t be too long. We’re best friends but her having sex with my husband’s best friend on any piece of my furniture is not a level of friendship I’m looking forward to reaching anytime soon. Mrs. Scott comes downstairs wearing a strained smile.

“I think something is going on in your uhm guest room,” she says, her face flushed red.

“Dammit Hillary,” I mutter under my breath. “That would be Aidan and Hillary,” I tell her and her eyes widen in shock.

“Oh.” She laughs covering her mouth, then a worried expression clouds her face. “Has he spoken to Christopher?”

“I’m not sure. We didn’t really get a chance to talk before Hillary dragged him upstairs,” I say feeling my own worry starting to rise. We both look grimly at each other.

“Aidan wouldn’t tell Chris anything that would upset him,” I say hopefully. There are a list of things I’d rather Chris not know right now. That his parents are raising his dad’s love child is one of those things I’d rather him find out just a little bit later. He’s been so happy, but I know it’s a battle that he’s always on the edge of losing. I know it’s selfish of me to not want him to know right now, but not knowing who is going to show up at what time and with what agenda has gotten a little overwhelming.

“No, I wouldn’t think so but… Aidan is Aidan,” she says her lips pressed together tightly. She’s right. Aidan is Aidan and though I know he’d never intentionally tell Chris something to hurt him, I don’t know if he understands what would affect Chris and what wouldn’t. But Aidan isn’t stupid. He saw what happened after Chris found out about his dad and Lisa. I just wonder if he gets that after it all happened, Collin took over and Chris has been out of it for months—that this is all still very fresh for him. I want to march up to the guest room and ask him, but the thought of hearing him and Hillary in the midst of whatever they’re doing stops me.

“I’m sure it will be fine. I’ll go ahead and get started with dinner.” Mrs. Scott is trying to put on a brave face, but I can tell she doesn’t think it’s fine. I pull out my phone to call his number but then hear the front door beginning to open. I hang up the phone and my pulse slows down when Chris walks through the door with a big, playful grin on his face.

“Hey.” Thank God he’s happy.

“Hi.” I walk over to him and stand on my tippy-toes to give him a light kiss. “How was your session?”

“It was good,” he says holding my waist.

“Well, you have some company.” I rub the back of his neck, and the prickly hairs on his head massage my hand.

“Who?” he asks, a hint of anxiety under his voice.

“Aidan.” His face breaks into an enthusiastic smile.

“Where is he?” He looks around the apartment, and I clear my throat.

“Hillary is showing him our upstairs guest room,” I say and he arches an eyebrow at me. “They’ve been hanging out a lot it seems.”

“Great…” he chuckles and we both make our way to the kitchen. “Hey Mom” he says and gives Mrs. Scott a kiss on the cheek.

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