Home > 119 Kitty Lane : A Cherry Falls Romance Book 3(18)

119 Kitty Lane : A Cherry Falls Romance Book 3(18)
Author: MINK









Scuffing my shoes on the mat, I push into the studio I built on the side of the pasture.

“Turn a little more to the left.” Amethyst’s voice wafts from the back, and I can see the flash of a light as she clicks away.

I look down and check Pearl, her curly red hair poking out from the sling I wear around my chest. She’s three months old and absolutely perfect. Just like her mother.

More clicks. More flashes.

“Okay, can you put your hand higher, sort of like you’re blocking the sun, and you’re looking into the distance?”

“Like this?” The male model’s voice is low, husky.

I take a deep breath. Amethyst and I have been over this. Over and over it. She works with male models. It’s part of her job. A part that I hate. But one that I have to accept.

“Too much smolder.” Another woman’s laughter carries through the door.

That’s my only requirement—that Amethyst never be alone with another man. Men are untrustworthy at best, and as far as my beautiful wife is concerned, they’re all predators out to take her away from me.

“Okay, you can break. Let me check over these. I’m certain the magazine is going to be pleased, but let me look first.”

“I can stay as long as you need.” That low voice raises the hackles on the back of my neck. When I look down at Pearl, she’s staring up at me with her mother’s big blue eyes.

“You okay, sweetness?” I pat her diapered butt through the sling.

She lets out a soft little coo, melting my heart like she always does. How did I luck up and get two perfect women in my life?

The door opens a crack, and Lint strolls out, his green eyes taking in Pearl and me. He rubs against my leg. He’s become a lot warmer to me ever since Amethyst showed up. And now that Pearl is here? He’s like her nanny, always posting up by her door while she naps and cuddling with her in her cozy chair and swing.

“That guy being weird?” I ask him.

He rubs against my leg again, then saunters back into the studio proper.

“Guess so.” I follow right behind him.

“My abs look so ripped in these, right?” The model, Chad, is shirtless and leaning over Amethyst’s shoulder. Too fucking close to my girl.

“Mm-hmm,” she responds airily as she flips through the photos.

Rhonda is behind the screen at the back of the room, likely changing outfits.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about setting up some nudes with you. Something a little spicier.”

“I only do female nudes.” She shrugs and keeps flipping through the shots.

“I know, but I thought we had enough chemistry that you’d make an excep—” He squeaks when my hand comes down on his shoulder.

“You’re done.”

He whirls, his eyes widening. “What?”

“I said you’re done here. Get your clothes on, and get the fuck out.” I glare down at him.

“Big.” Amethyst sighs.

Pearl coos, catching her mother’s attention. The tension leaves Amethyst as she rises and sidesteps a flustered Chad to get to us.

“How’s my baby girl?”

“Drank eight ounces.”

“Eight?” Amethyst grins and takes the sling from me. “What a big girl.” She kisses her softly.

“I said leave.” I finally look back at Chad. “Now. I won’t ask again.”

He turns and scurries back to the changing area.

“Big, you can’t keep running off my male models,” Amethyst scolds.

“I don’t.” I lean down and kiss her forehead.

“This is the fifth one!”

I think Chad is actually the seventh, but who’s counting? “Male models are a dime a dozen.”

Chad huffs as he re-emerges, now with a shirt on, and grabs his bag. “I’m out.”

“Don’t come back,” I bite out as he rushes by.

“I’ll send the photos to the maga—”

He slams the door as he leaves, and Lint hisses. I consider following him and stomping him into the fucking dirt, but Pearl coos again, reminding me that I’m right where I want to be.

“Look, even Pearl knows he’s a douche.” I wrap my arm around Amethyst’s waist.

“I’m out, too. Thanks, Amethyst.” Rhonda struts by. She’s a nice girl, some up-and-coming supermodel, but she’s got nothing on my Amethyst.

“Sure thing. Tell the agency I’m happy to keep doing tests.”

“Will do.” She smiles at Pearl. “Bye, pretty girl.”

Once she’s gone, I lean closer to Amethyst and give her a long kiss.

She starts to smile when Pearl coos loudly between us. “I think she wants kisses, too.”

“I’ve already given her plenty. Lint did too. She gets more kisses than anyone at the ranch.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Amethyst gets on her tiptoes and kisses me again.

“Come on. It’s late. Let’s have dinner, put Pearl down for bed, and then I’ll have dessert.”

Her eyes glint in the lights stationed all around the studio. “No dessert for me?”

“I’m sure I can arrange something, but only after I get my fill.” I lick my lips just thinking about the sweetness between her thighs, all of it just for me.

“In that case, let’s go.” She reaches behind her and closes her laptop. “I’m starving. I’ll finish this in the morning.”

I scoop both her and Pearl into my arms and carry them out of the studio and into the pasture. Lint trots along beside us. The sun is fading behind the trees, the frogs down by the stream already singing. Perfect.

Amethyst sighs and cuddles Pearl closer, my two girls safe in my arms.

Right where they belong.



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If you enjoyed this Cherry Falls story, check out the wide world of the Cherry Falls Romance Series. Each story is a standalone set in a shared world. There are new stories each month for you to enjoy.

Cherry Falls Romance Series



Also by MINK



Stealing His Bride



I can take care of myself. I always have. For that matter, I’ve also taken care of my best friends Aurora and Clover. Keeping them safe has landed me with a concussion after our car accident thanks to a wayward lynx.

On top of that, I seem to have landed in a handsome man’s bed. Not just any man, Barrow attends to all my needs and never wants to leave my side. He’s big, brawny, and possessive, and I find myself falling for him more by the minute. The lodge is a safe haven that I’m quickly wanting to call home. But my self doubt creeps in ,and I start to think maybe I’m imagining Barrow’s attraction to me. After all, Aurora’s the star of our group, not me.

But the more he dotes on me, compliments me, and gives me those heated looks I feel down to my toes, the more I realize he’s genuine and that we could have a real future together.

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