Home > Llir : The Tirana Brothers (The Social Rejects Syndicate, #1)(12)

Llir : The Tirana Brothers (The Social Rejects Syndicate, #1)(12)
Author: K.L. Ramsey

She sounded like a sweet girl. She was shy when the three of them began talking about a week ago. At first, it was only phone calls but that quickly turned into video chats, and God, it was good to see Llir. He worried that his guy wasn’t taking care of himself but he looked good. In fact, he looked better than good, but he kept that opinion to himself. Elira was beautiful with her long, dark hair. She looked so young and at first, she seemed to be afraid of him. Llir had told him a little bit about how she was taken and the disgusting things her handler and his men had done to her. Tarek never understood the Tirana Syndicate or the things that they did for the sake of their family. He didn’t understand how any man could treat a woman the way Elira had been treated. It was no wonder that she was frightened by him. She probably had a fear of most men, but Elira eventually warmed up to him during their daily video chats, and now, a week later, he had to admit that he was looking forward to finally seeing both of them in person, and to meeting Elira. Just as soon as he picked up the documentation for the Llir and Elira to be able to leave Albania, he’d be able to head over to Llir’s apartment and then help them come up with a plan—hopefully, one that would include him leaving the country with them. He wouldn’t be safe otherwise. He had to keep looking over his shoulder at every turn and that wasn’t how he wanted to live. No, he’d go to America with Llir and Elira, if they would both allow it.

He parked around the back of the shopping center, just as Llir had instructed. If his guy was correct, he’d be able to find Llir’s contact, with the documents, inside. Tarek got out of his car and quickly looked around the parking lot as if checking for anyone who might have followed him.

“Hello,” Tarek called into the dark, empty building. “Anyone here?”

“Back here,” a man’s voice called.

“Are you Mr.—”

“No names,” the man shouted over him, not letting Tarek finish his sentence.

“Okay,” Tarek agreed. “No names then. I’m here for a friend. You have two passports for me?” he asked.

“Yes,” the nervous little man admitted. “Here,” he said, thrusting them at Tarek. “Take them. I’ll never be able to show my face again. Helping your friend has put a price on my head as well. If I had known, I would have never helped him this time.”

Tarek felt bad for the guy, he really did, but there was nothing he could do for him now. If Alek Tirana wanted to find him or anyone else, he would. It was why the passports that he held in his hands were so important. They meant that he’d be able to help save Llir. It meant that the three of them might have a chance to start over—together.

“Do you have someplace you can lay low?” Tarek asked.

“I’ll figure something out,” the guy grumbled. Tarek handed him an envelope of cash that Llir had wired to his account.

“Thanks for your help,” Tarek said.

“Yeah, yeah,” the guy mumbled on his way out of the abandoned store. Tarek didn’t stand around, following the guy out. He was just as anxious to get out of there as Llir’s contact seemed. He called Llir on his way out to his car, slipping into the driver’s seat of his car.

“Tell me you got them,” Llir ordered when he answered his cell.

“Hi,” Tarek said. “I’m doing well. How are you?” he teased.

“Impatient,” Llir barked into the other end of the call. “I’m impatient and don’t have time for small talk. So, tell me you got the passports, Tarek.”

“I got them,” he said, speeding out of the parking lot. “I’m on my way to you but I won’t get there until tomorrow. I need to be careful, in case your guy was followed.”

“Shit,” Llir grumbled.

“Don’t worry,” Tarek said. “Remember, I’m a Garo. I know a thing or two about laying low. Besides, after spending three years with you, I know how to watch my ass. I won’t be followed, Llir,” he promised.

“Make sure that you’re not,” Llir ordered.

“So bossy,” Tarek teased. “Just the way that I like you, Babe.”

“See you tomorrow,” Llir said and ended the call. Yeah—Tarek was definitely looking forward to seeing his guy. He missed him.



It had taken a few hours for him to drive down to Llir’s apartment. Tarek was careful not to be followed and by the time he got there, he was tired and his stomach felt as though it was doing flip-flops, he was so nervous about seeing Llir again. Meeting Elira had him a little tied in knots too since he knew how Llir felt about her. If he was going to convince them that his plan might work, he needed both of them on board.

When he and Llir were together, he always felt like he was only living half his life. He was bisexual, like Llir, and always dreamed of putting a woman between them. The problem was, would Elira be comfortable with that? Would she want them both? The last week had been nice, catching up with Llir and getting to know Elira via video chat. But would they all get along in person? Tarek knew that he and Llir had a chemistry that was off the charts but he barely knew Elira and only time could change that.

Tarek took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He stood back and looked around, making sure that no one was paying him any undue attention. He was the only person who knew about Llir’s apartment but that wouldn’t stop Alek Tirana from finding him. Llir’s father had the drive, money, and resources to get to his son if that was what he wanted. Llir cracked the door open and smiled out at him and God, it was good to see him. After Tarek found out that Llir was on the run from his own family, he was afraid of the worst. He worried that his guy would slip up along the way and when he did, his father would get back the upper hand. That was very important to Alek Tirana—having the upper hand and being in control.

“Hey,” Llir breathed.

“Hey,” Tarek said. “I wasn’t followed.”

Llir smiled bigger, “I didn’t think you were followed, Tarek. Come in,” he offered. Llir opened the front door wider, to let him into the apartment. Tarek had flashes of their three years together, the way they’d sneak off to Llir’s apartment for alone time together.

Elira stood behind Llir, her dark hair covering her face. She was smaller than he imagined and from the look in her eyes, she was scared to death of him. “Tarek, this is Elira,” Llir said. He stepped forward to offer her his hand and she took a step back from him. Tarek dropped his hand back to his side and pulled Llir in for a hug.

“Hey, man,” he whispered into his ear. “It’s good to see you in one piece.” Llir patted his back and stood back to wrap an arm around Elira.

“Thanks for helping us out,” Llir said. “I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it.” Llir was sending Tarek a message and he was picking it up loud and clear. He was with Elira now and that left no room for him.

“Anytime, Llir,” Tarek breathed. “I’ll do anything to keep you safe—both of you. What will you do next?” he asked. He was hoping that whatever his plans were, that Llir would include him but the distance he was putting between them had Tarek doubting that was a possibility.

“We’re leaving for America,” Llir said. “It’s the only way to keep Elira safe with my father putting a price on our heads.”

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