Home > Shadowcroft Academy For Dungeons : Year One(11)

Shadowcroft Academy For Dungeons : Year One(11)
Author: James Hunter

However, owning his own landscaping business had led Logan into the wacky world of mushrooms a time or two, since some fungi could harm lawns and destroy gardens.

Back on Earth, fungal spores were everywhere, floating around in the air humans breathed. Most were harmless, simply waiting for a dark, wet place to grow—like under a log or between your toes—but some fungi were so nasty it took powerful poisons to remove them.

Logan felt a shiver. Yes, the fungaloid was pathetic at first. But what kind of terrifying mushrooms could it grow down the road?

Logan saw that the list of fungaloid abilities was stupidly short. Almost laughably so.

“Hey, Shadowcroft,” Logan said. “Why isn’t there more information about the fungaloid?”

Shadowcroft cleared his wooden throat. “Well, now, Mr. Murray, that is an unlikely choice. I don’t recommend it. Granted, at higher levels, the fungaloid can be extremely powerful, but very few have ever progressed that far. I’ve had six students who chose that guardian form. One died immediately in the Threshing—his core pulverized into powder. Three were expelled and later slain by various raiders. One did graduate, started his fungal dungeon, and was exterminated by five Iron Trunk dungeoneers. The last student? I lost track of him, though last I heard, he was able to survive and even thrive, protecting his Celestial Node.”

“Six people chose this form,” Logan said. “How long have you been running this school?”

“It has been ten thousand of your Uroth years since I first founded the school.”

That made Logan pause. He read the description again:


Fungaloid: The fungaloid guardian form is a small humanoid creature composed of a white, spongy material capable of emitting a variety of spore types. Although fungaloids are mobile, in the early stages of life they are weak, slow, and susceptible to many natural dangers, including fire, heat, and sunlight. Additionally, they have few offensive abilities early on and are often harvested by overeager dungeoneers due to their ability to produce highly profitable narcotic, hallucinogenic, and alchemic potion ingredients.

Fungaloids can evolve to hardier and deadlier versions as they cultivate Apothos and refine their cores. These higher-level forms are rarely, if ever, seen, however. This is due, in large part, to a unique facet of the race: Because of the pathway mechanics involved in fungaloid biology, only Deep Root cultivators (E-Class) or lower can pick fungaloid as a starting race.

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“E-Class or lower,” Logan mused out loud.

“That is correct,” Shadowcroft agreed. “Some students have drunk potions to limit their cores to become a Putrid Ratling, but that is not possible for the fungaloid class. Hence, it is very rare. Please, Mr. Murray, I would suggest the Anemic Strig or, yes, the Putrid Ratling. Even the Stink Slime would be better.”

Logan didn’t comment. Instead, he selected Yes. He absolutely wanted to know more.

More information populated, replacing the initial fungaloid description. Quickly, he read about the fungaloid’s Initial Active Ability in his Fungal Form:


Fungal Form 1: Harden. Trigger Harden to temporarily calcify your exterior by 25%, reducing damage, though at a 20% reduction to speed. Harden is a stackable ability and can stack up to four times. At higher levels, this turns into Chitin Armor, creating hardened plates of chitin similar to an insect’s exoskeleton. Light but resilient, the chitin reinforces the body without being cumbersome.

Available at: E-Class, Rank 10+


Logan had to laugh. That was so much like the dumb Caterpie Pokémon. Basically, you could turn yourself into a semi-soft brick. People could still beat on you because you were too slow to scurry away. He rolled his eyes.

Reading on, he saw other initial abilities:


Spore Halo, General Ability: Although fungaloids can become physically powerful at higher evolutionary stages, their most potent weapon lies in their ability to release a variety of spore types. Unlike many caster creatures who use single-target spells, fungaloids release spore clouds that are always Area of Effect. Any creature or dungeoneer in the area will be affected—unless the creature has a symbiotic relationship with the caster, causing them to be immune.


Hey, now. This was promising, or so Logan thought. At least until he read about the first spore he’d be able to emit.


Pollen: Release a toxin into the air that causes slight physical discomfort for all creatures in the Area of Effect. At lower levels this causes irritation of the skin and eyes, difficulty breathing, sneezing, and can even lead to swollen joints.

Available at: E-Class, Rank 9+


Logan was about to give up on the mushroom guy when he two words jumped out at him: symbiotic relationship.

He flicked through screens, tracking down the reference. Bingo. He’d found it. He could emit something called Symbiosis spores:


Symbiosis: This is a unique and powerful ability. The fungaloid can create a symbiotic relationship with a host—or even more than one host, at higher levels—giving the host a wide range of unique fungaloid-based abilities and advantages in exchange for the fungaloid leeching off a portion of the host’s absorbed Apothos energy. Typically, Symbiosis is used to find a Dungeoneer Champion who willingly serves the dungeon. In this case, the fungaloid becomes an Eldritch Patron/Fungus Warlock. Though rare, it is also possible to use the Symbiosis ability in tandem with other dungeon cores, creating a unique relationship where a single dungeon could host multiple cores.

Available at: E-Class, Rank 9+


Logan again felt a shiver. Okay, now they were cooking.

Magic and support users were always weak up front, but they paid off in the long run—if you could survive long enough to power up. If he could find a partner, he just might have an edge. He would need help, and a lot of it. At the first level, he could transform into a brick and he could make dungeoneers sneeze—not exactly a promising ability set—but with a partner in crime, he could maybe survive long enough to truly make something of himself.

Many hands make light work. Uncle Bud always said that life’s burdens were easier to bear when you found other people to help share the load. Logan was going to bet his life on it.

“Fungaloid,” he said, feeling sure about his decision.

Shadowcroft winced, those magical blue eyes losing a bit of their sparkle. “Are you certain? You might think teaming up with another dungeon core would be easy, but I can assure you, no one will want to link their fate to yours. What the description doesn’t say is that in cases of symbiotic dungeon cores, only the fungaloid can terminate the relationship—the host would be at your mercy, and no other dungeon would ever be foolish enough to do such a thing.”

“That’s what you think,” Logan said, “but I’m likeable. And if you don’t like me, as a fungus, I’ll grow on you.”

“Yes, the puns,” Shadowcroft said with some distaste. “I remember the puns were an issue for these dungeons.” The headmaster’s mood shifted, and he laughed. “All in all, it’s an interesting choice. Unconventional. Odd. You will certainly be one to watch. Now, prepare yourself. The academy awaits!”

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