Home > Storm of Eon (Eon Warriors #7)(9)

Storm of Eon (Eon Warriors #7)(9)
Author: Anna Hackett

“It’s not your sole responsibility. You’re not alone.”

“I’m always alone.” She shook her head again. “Sorry, I won’t kiss you again. I seem to be attracted to big, athletic, muscular men. It’s like my kryptonite.”

Sabin had no idea what kryptonite was, but he made a note to look it up. “Finley.”

“I’ll respect your wishes to not cross any personal lines, Security Commander Solann-Ath.”

The way she said his name was like a whip to his skin. Sabin could almost see the wall she was building between them.

“You’re right that this attraction is a waste of time,” she said. “There are other more important things to focus on.”

Sabin’s body was stiff. A waste of time. He’d heard his parents use the same terms to describe his uncle and his indulgences. “Yes. This attraction wouldn’t last long anyway. And our work should be our only priority.” He schooled his features to show no emotion.

Finley looked like he’d hit her, then swallowed. “Right.”

“Get some sleep, Finley. It’s been a long day. Tomorrow, we’ll turn all our attention to the project. The sooner the StarStorm is operational, the sooner the Kantos will stop targeting you and your planet.”

“Right.” She clasped her hands together.

“And the sooner I’ll leave.”

Something flashed in her eyes. “Got it.” Her voice was a whisper.

“Go to bed, Finley. And don’t worry, I’ll sleep on the couch and ensure you aren’t in any danger.”

She looked like she wanted to say something, but she just nodded. “Good night, Sabin.”

She turned and went to her bedroom. The door closed with a definite click.

Sabin blew out a breath, her scent still teasing him.

His control right now was a shaky thing. He wanted to lunge after her. His helian pulsed, and he fought back his emotions.

He’d protect her, help her with her work, and that was it.

He couldn’t risk anything else.



Chapter Five



Darkness. Crying. Screaming. Fear.

Thick, choking, never-ending fear.

With a sob, Finley shoved at the bindings holding her. She had to help Brent and Melody. She had to find a way to escape.

She sat up, her heart pounding as she searched for her captors, waiting for a blow to come. Waiting to hear Melody’s sobs or Brent’s moans of pain.

Silvery darkness greeted her and she realized her bindings were her twisted, sweat-dampened sheets. Moonlight streamed through the gaps in her blinds.

She pressed a shaky hand to her forehead. Nightmare. She hadn’t had one for over a year. The Kantos attack must have triggered it. She reached for her elastic and snapped it hard, welcoming the sting that kept her grounded.

Her bedroom door slammed open and a big, broad shape loomed.

Finley blinked, taking in Sabin’s near-naked form. He wore a pair of snug, black boxers that left little to the imagination.

And her lust-riddled brain was more than happy to imagine all kinds of things.

Remember the warrior had made it very clear he isn’t interested in you.

Sabin scanned the room, hands raised, then his gaze zeroed in on her. His gaze dropped to where she toyed with the band.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

“Fine.” She jerked the sheet up to cover her tiny tank top and shorts.

“What woke you?”



She huffed out a breath. “There are no Kantos, warrior. You can go.”

He didn’t budge.

Stubborn man. She sighed. “You aren’t going to leave, are you?”


“I had a nightmare.”

Even in the dim moonlight, she saw his scowl deepen. “About the attack?”

“No. I think that just triggered it.” She pushed her tangled hair back, pulling in some calming breaths. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”

Instead, he moved closer.

Finley stiffened.

“What was your nightmare about?”

“I don’t remember,” she clipped out.

He sat on the side of her bed. “Would you like to talk about it?”

“No.” Nope. Definitely not.

He was silent and she plucked at her sheet. She could feel him looking at her.

“There’s nothing you can do,” she said quietly. “Some old scars never go away.”

“Yes, I know.”

The deep edge to his voice made her look up. What scars did he have? He looked so strong, so handsome and perfect.

“But you face them, accept them, and do your best not to let them cripple you.” He said the words matter-of-factly.

“I hate being afraid,” she whispered.

He reached out and grabbed her hand. “You face that too.” He squeezed her fingers. “You aren’t alone.”

Her throat tight, she held his hand and nodded.

“The band…it helps you?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Will you be able to get back to sleep?”

She shrugged. Often after a bad dream, she lay awake the rest of the night, not wanting to risk another terror-drenched nightmare.

“What helps?” he asked.

Funnily enough, not being alone helped. He’d already given her that. “Sometimes, I like to listen to music.”

“Then put some music on.”

She hesitated, then let him go and leaned across to the small comp unit beside her bed. She touched the buttons and her favorite indie band came on.

A woman’s throaty, haunting voice filled the room.

Sabin paused and his head tilted. “I like this.”

She watched him close his eyes, looking like he was losing himself in the music. She’d had a picture of Eon warriors as boring, stoic, military types. But watching the way Sabin moved, ate, and listened to the music, it was like he appreciated every new sensation.

Finley lay back on her pillows. The singer’s voice changed the tense atmosphere to something relaxed and hushed.

“Sleep now, Finley,” Sabin said.

Her eyelids fluttered, tiredness pulling on her. Knowing he was sitting there, sharing the darkness with her, made her feel safe.

It didn’t matter that he didn’t want her like she wanted him. It didn’t matter that he was an alien warrior assigned to protect her. He was here and she liked it way too much.

A second later, sleep pulled her under.



Sabin stood at the welcome lunch for the warriors, arms crossed over his chest.

“How many welcome gatherings are there going to be?” Rade grumbled.

“The Terrans are just trying to do their bit to show their dedication to the alliance,” Sabin said.

“I’d prefer to be working,” Gadon said.

“Me, too.” Sabin’s gaze went to Finley.

Unsurprisingly, she was at the opposite end of the room to him.

This morning in the lab, there’d been an awkward tension combined with the simmering attraction between them.

Sabin couldn’t shake the feeling he’d hurt her.

His hand clenched. He had to get this desire under control.

“Do you think the Kantos will attack your scientist again?” Rade asked.

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