Home > Enjoy the View (Moose Springs, Alaska #3)(75)

Enjoy the View (Moose Springs, Alaska #3)(75)
Author: Sarah Morgenthaler

   Easton was not in the mood for Graham’s sense of humor right then.

   When it was decided that all Easton really needed was rest, they’d discharged him and sent him home to rest in his own bed. He hadn’t liked leaving River at the hospital, but she’d been sleeping too, and they’d convinced him to go home. Graham had offered to drive with him back to the hospital the following morning, only to find a swarm of camera crews and equipment vans clustered outside the tiny hospital’s front entrance.

   If Easton had known what he’d be leaving her to face alone, he never would have left.

   “How long have they been here?” he asked with a snarl as Jonah strode over, his deputy at his heels. Easton was standing on the far side of the parking lot, fuming, because so far, Graham hadn’t let him closer. It wasn’t only River everyone was shouting about to the poor doctors and nurses coming in and out on their shift change. Easton’s name was being shouted too.

   “I think they all took the same plane,” Jonah informed them. “They showed up about an hour ago. A few of them got on her floor before security pushed them back out, but no one was ready for this level of attention.”

   “Security” consisted of two very hassled young men who up until that point were used to spending their time playing cards in a small room off the main entrance.

   “I’ve called for another squad car for backup,” Jonah continued. “The only one nearby is Fish and Game, but Garcia’s partner said they would help.”

   Someone turned their head, and that was all it took. Like an ocean wave crashing around him, suddenly he was surrounded by the paparazzi, lights and microphones in his face. Unfamiliar voices yelled questions at him, each louder than the last.

   “Easton Lockett. Can you tell us how River is doing?”

   “Easton, are you and River Lane in a romantic relationship?”

   “What about Sweeny, Easton? Is he concerned about how much time you and River spent together?”

   Easton didn’t even know who that was.

   “Is it true you saved her life on the mountain, Easton?”

   “She saved mine,” Easton said. He never should have said anything, because the roar of questions that followed his words was overwhelming. Lights flashed, blinding him no matter which way he turned. Graham kept his body shoved in front of Easton, protective and loyal to the end, but neither of them were wired for this kind of thing.

   Everyone get back.” Jonah and his deputy’s efforts were utterly ineffective, except for being extra bodies between him and the cameras. “Come on now. Give the man some room.”

   “Get that out of my face,” Graham said when a boom swung dangerously close to his forehead.

   “Graham? Jessie said we need to get Easton inside.”

   Zoey was the last person they needed in the middle of this mess. Someone was going to trample her and not even realize it. Easton reached for her and only got more reporters in his face.

   “Hey!” Ash suddenly appeared in the midst of the craziness. “Hey, morons! If you want to hear anything, shut up and listen.”

   God bless his sister and her naturally inherent ability to intimidate everyone with an inborn sense of self-survival. He hadn’t even known she was there. He’d been too focused on the camera crews.

   “River’s going to be fine. When she’s ready to tell you more, she’ll tell you more. Easton doesn’t have to say anything unless he wants to.” Ash turned to him, her turquoise-colored hair nearly white in the flashing lights. “East. Do you want to tell them what it was like up there?”

   “Not really—” he started to say when they erupted in questions all over again.

   Ash had missed her calling as a drill sergeant, because her bellow for silence shut them all up, wide eyed and startled.

   “I’m his sister, and I’ll tell you what it’s like. It’s cold, it sucks, and they’re lucky they’re not dead. You’re in Alaska, children, so keep a solid swinging distance between you and us. I have no problem destroying every camera here. Now let my brother through.”

   The group hesitated enough for her to narrow her eyes.


   Never had a press of paparazzi parted so fast.

   Easton wasn’t oblivious to the fact that his friends and family had formed a wall around him, using their bodies to shield him from the camera. Zoey at most came up to his sternum, but she’d grabbed hold of his arm in a protective way, glaring a death glare at everyone they passed. They reached the door and pushed through the remaining reporters and their microphones, the group tumbling into the hospital entranceway.

   “Well, that was interesting,” Graham declared, looking back through the sliding glass doors to the still flashing cameras. “Is that what she goes through every day?”

   “Nope.” Jessie’s face was a familiar relief. “This is what it’s like when something interesting happens. On a normal day, they try to catch her with her hair and makeup all a mess or looking pregnant. For some reason, everyone keeps trying to make her pregnant.”

   Waving them away from the still-curious eyes outside, Jessie snorted. “It’s like a pack of starving dogs out there, isn’t it? But hey, what can you do? Work is work.”

   “East,” Graham murmured. “You’re growling.”

   Maybe. But not at Jessie per se, just in his former client’s general direction. Jessie shot him an amused look. “Man, you really have it bad, don’t you? Well, get used to it. This is her life. People want to know what she’s up to.”

   Easton found River in her room, sitting up with the controller in her hand. The television was on mute, but it was obvious what she was watching. Already film of Easton pushing his way into the hospital played on repeat.

   “Welcome to the insanity,” she quipped, sounding embarrassed. “Feel free to run screaming.”

   Since the railing was dropped, Easton sat on the edge of her bed. “Jessie says that people want to know what’s happening to you.”

   “They also want to have a commentary about it too. Look on the bright side. The more of a fuss they cause, the more buzz they’re building about the town. Maybe the tourism board will pay us after all.”

   Easton took her face in his hand, stealing the controller away from her fingers. “You need to rest. The last thing you need is to be worrying about all this.”

   “I’m not.” She hesitated.

   Tilting his head to catch her eye, Easton stroked his thumb down her cheek. “You sure?”

   “I’m not worried. I just feel bad about them coming here. The town’s going to be upset.”

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