Home > Two in the Head(43)

Two in the Head(43)
Author: TG Wolff

  How would she choose to kill Lucas? Did she know his hiding place, this ‘homebase’? And if she knew, why didn’t I know?

  Our connection, like our creeping good and bad sides, kept evolving. Keeping secrets from each other now, huh? Not for long, not if I had anything to say about it.

  I gripped the steering wheel in my hands and slammed my eyes shut. I revved up my brain to ten thousand RPMs and dove into her mind. I experienced yet another strange sensation to add to my list of strange sensations. She tried to keep me out. My connection with her inched forward only to be yanked back like she tied a rope around my waist. Even in the midst of it I wished I could explain the feeling. Nothing can really. Being locked out of your own brain is a unique experience.

  In the grey matter equivalent of hurling myself at a locked door I grit my teeth and tried again. I managed to crack a tiny wedge into her thoughts. She blared music, ran loops of static and grisly memories like shooting Barry in the head to distract me. All I needed was one piece of information.

  The email. The screen on Blake’s phone kept coming up. It peered at me from around warping and static filled corners. It flashed for split seconds, like a bad edit in a worse movie. Again and again it flashed. It had to mean something.

  I pulled my thoughts back to the car, grateful to be out of that screaming nightmare. It took me a minute to regain my equilibrium. Anyone looking at me would think I was drunk.

  I read through the email again. Homebase? What could he mean? How did she decipher the code?

  I saw it. Not in the email, under the email.

  Lucas sent it from his office.





  Lucas hated typing. He sucked at it. The typo king of the DA’s office, they called him. As much as he could he let his secretary type things for him, made me constantly proofread his emails from home and he loved the automatic signature thing on his email. He set it up at work and he set it up at home. Two computers, two different signatures.

  The email to Blake ended with the auto-filled: Lucas Royston—Deputy District Attorney, then his office address, his phone extension, his work email and the website for the DA’s office.

  I felt bad leaving Blake and Marjorie, but there was nothing more I could do at the hospital. And I’d been given one more chance to do something right and keep the man I loved from being killed. By me.

  I had to save Lucas from myself. God damn this whole thing is a mindfuck.


  A nurse was coming out and walking toward me.

  “You’re not planning on leaving, are you? All gun shot wounds need to be reported—”

  I knew the drill, but I had to go. Now.

  “I’m needed elsewhere. DEA business.”

  My mouth let me say it so I couldn’t tell if it was a lie or not.

  “Ma’am, you need to be here to answer some questions about the people you delivered here.”

  “Sorry. I can’t.”

  I felt my foot lower down onto the pedal like it was in a concrete shoe. For a second I didn’t think my body would let me leave the scene, knowing the protocol. But the car started to pick up speed.

  The nurse broke into a light jog. “Ma’am!”

  I smiled as he faded smaller in my rearview.


  I pulled out of the hospital lot and settled in to some headache-inducing speeding with no idea if Sam would still be at Marjorie’s house or not. If she stayed, then I’d have a head start toward Lucas’ office. As clear as our connection came in last time, it gave me a sinking feeling she was close to me, which meant not longer in the suburbs. With one major hospital in the area it would have been pretty easy to guess where we were headed. I bet we took the same shortcuts.

  I got the car up to a steady ten miles over the limit and felt good about myself for the minor violation. After the multiple murders they were going to pin on me I’d be most proud of a hundred dollar traffic ticket.

  I tried to sneak a peek into Sam’s view, but got only more static, screeching feedback noise and flashes of nonsense. Blocking me out. I bet she had a hell of a migraine from using all that brain power.

  Right as I started to feel fancy about my speeding, a car pulled out from a mini-mall parking lot without even looking. I swerved, cutting off a driver behind me, but the woman pulling out didn’t even slow down. We hit, her front corner scraping across my back end. Then she decides to slam on the brakes.

  Cars honked, traffic swerved around us. No one bothered to stop and see if we were okay. People suck sometimes. Most times. I bet if all those jerks who cared more about getting to wherever they had to be could spend a day with only their evil side, they’d be out of those cars and calling 911 in a heartbeat.

  Not that anyone got hurt or anything. Skimming a few miles over the limit fit in the new parameters of my “good”ness, but fleeing the scene of a fender bender did not, apparently. I really wanted to move and get to Lucas. I couldn’t care less if Blake’s car gained a few new dings in the fender. The lady driving the other car sure wanted to talk. She got up and out of her vehicle and made it around my car by the time I opened the door.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Sleeping? Or, let me guess? Texting. Were you texting while driving?”

  Right away I had a few choice words stuck in my throat for her.

  “I was in my lane driving along and you pulled out in front of me,” I said.

  “Were you not paying attention that someone was there?”

  “I was paying attention. It’s the only reason why I didn’t hit you in the door and kill us both.”

  “Because you were going so fast?”

  Okay, I was going a little bit fast and I was trying to see through Sam’s eyes, but still, that bitch pulled out in front of me, and now she wants to cop an attitude? This is exactly when you want an evil side to let a little bit out of the cage, just a taste. Oh, what Sam could do with this lady.

  “You’re gonna pay for this you know?”

  “Maura, come on honey. It’s not so bad.” Her husband, I assume. In the car, riding bitch.

  “No, John, it’s her fault. She’s going to cover this. Did you call the police?”

  “Not yet.” I saw him sigh and get out his cell phone. Cops I did not need.

  “Look,” I said. “Let’s exchange information and the insurance companies will take care of it. I have someplace to be rather urgently.”

  “Oh, so that’s why you were speeding like a maniac?”

  I exhaled deeply, wanting like hell to give this lady a piece of my mind, but unable to do so. Or was I…?

  “We’ll wait for the police and fill out a report,” she said. “I want it on record so an officer marks down the accident as your fault.”

  “But it was your fault,” I said. I tried to get angry. I tried to let down whatever wall kept me from calling her all the names I stored in my mouth.

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