Home > Clay (Lighthouse Security Investigations #7)(51)

Clay (Lighthouse Security Investigations #7)(51)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Finally, as he knelt and rubbed her calf for the third time while her fingers rested on his shoulders, she began to laugh. Looking up, the mirth on her face finally sent warmth through him.

“If you keep rubbing like that, I’ll be lucky to have any skin left!” She bent so that her face was close to his, and her small hands cupped his jaws. “Clay, I’m okay.”

Sucking in a deep breath, he felt as though he could breathe for the first time in hours. Smiling, he stood, then pulled her body flush against his and bent to take her lips in a soft kiss.

Babs had tossed his clothes into the small room as well as some for her. Soon, Christina was dressed in similar clothes to Amelia with the exception of a sweatshirt with the word ARMY emblazoned across her chest.

He opened the bathroom door and she rushed out, heading directly to Amelia, and threw her arms around the young woman. They hugged and laughed, both appearing unharmed after their ordeal. He looked at Blay, who said, “Amelia is good. Temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, lungs. I checked for frostbite, but they weren’t in the cold water that long. Her skin is a good color and her extremities are dexterous.”

Christina looked up at Clay, and he explained, “Blay is our medic, babe. He’s going to check you out.”

He couldn’t help but hover until Babs finally pulled him to the side. “Give them room, Clay. Let him do his job.”

As soon as Blay was finished with Christina, giving her the same excellent bill of health as Amelia, Clay moved in and pulled her into his arms. Drew popped his head down to check on everyone as Babs was radioing their status.

“Amelia, we’re going back to your parents’ estate. They’ve been apprised of the situation and are anxious to see you. Plus, the FBI is there, and we’ll be turning over the evidence.”

Jolting, Christina blurted, “I didn’t even ask! What happened to the man who kidnapped us? I don’t even know his name! I don’t even know what he was carrying in that submarine—”

“It’s called a submersible, Ms. Monroe,” Amelia said. “That’s what Ms. Babs told me.”

Babs laughed and said, “That’s right. And as to what he was carrying…” Her voice faded as she looked toward Drew.

“The other boat is towing the submersible and carrying the prisoner. It was used to transport bricks of heroin.”

Christina and Amelia gasped at the same time, both staring at Drew before turning their gazes toward each other. In unison, they exclaimed, “Mr. Kincaid!”






Clay kept his arms around Christina for the next half-hour as they traveled back to the Bennett estate. He continually pulled her in tighter until she finally twisted her head around and looked up at him, claiming, “Honey, I can’t breathe!”

Mumbling, “Sorry,” he loosened his arms slightly.

Her fingers held onto his arms and flexed. “How did you find us?”

“We had cameras on the inside of the boathouse. There was evidence that it might be used for a stopover in the transport of drugs.”

“My parents’ boathouse?” Amelia squeaked.

“They’re not suspects—only Kincaid,” he quickly said.

“But he’s… he’s my father’s friend. They’ve known each other since they were kids.” Amelia turned toward Christina, who reached out and placed her hand on the girl’s arm.

“I know, sweetie. Sometimes people can change… or maybe get into situations where they make really bad choices.”

Amelia sucked in her lips and nodded slowly. Finally, she said, “My dad is going to be really pissed!”

Babs and Bray chuckled at her proclamation. “You’re right, Amelia,” Clay agreed. He knew he was pissed about Kincaid’s involvement with Christina and could only imagine how Congressman Bennett was going to feel.

Twisting around again so she could face him, Christina asked, “You still didn’t answer the question. How did you find us way out here?”

He hesitated, uncertain of her reaction to the truth. “We could track you with sonar,” he said, lifting his hand and sweeping it over her cheek before dragging a finger down to the necklace resting on her chest. “This is special… there’s a small tracer embedded in your Celtic cross. I know you might feel it was an invasion of your privacy, but—”

“But you wanted me safe, knowing Kincaid was a snake.”

He nodded and she smiled, squeezing his hand before linking fingers with him. Grateful she understood, he leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, glad they were no longer cold.

“Told you,” Babs said, and he glanced to where she sat near Amelia. Cocking his head to the side in a silent question, she continued, “Perfect for a Keeper.”

Grinning, he kissed the top of her head again. “Couldn’t agree more.”

Clay was used to missions ending where LSI turned evidence over to the FBI and then slipped away, but the arrival at the Bennett estate was overwhelming. The congressman and his wife were waiting anxiously inside the main house, chosen to make sure any coverage by the press could be contained. Plus, the boathouse and guesthouse were now considered a crime scene and were being combed by the FBI. The boat Rank was steering with the prisoner and towing the submersible filled with over a million dollars street value of heroin was met by the FBI.

Mrs. Bennett flung herself toward Amelia as soon as the teen’s feet made it through the front door. The congressman wrapped his arms around both of his women.

Clay escorted Christina inside, where she was literally pulled from his arms by the Bennetts, all exclaiming their concern for her. When they turned toward him, expressing gratitude, he gently moved her back into his embrace.

The FBI stepped in, but the congressman insisted the interviews take place in the family room where he could be assured of Amelia and Christina’s comfort. As she was led forward, she smiled and tossed a wave toward him. “Wait for me?”

He winked, his smile wide. “Wouldn’t be anywhere else, babe.”



A week later



Christina opened the door to her apartment, welcoming Jamie and Mike inside. They greeted her with heartfelt hugs and then made their way inside to where Clay leaned his hip against the kitchen counter. She glanced over her shoulder, glad to see him shake hands with them. They had discussed this meeting and as much as she knew he wanted to insist on being present, he’d left the decision up to her. She wanted him there—not because she couldn’t handle herself but because she knew how much it meant to him.

Hearing more footsteps, she turned to see Dunk approaching hesitantly. Opening her arms, his face filled with relief as she welcomed him with a hug as well. Closing the door behind him, she wasn’t surprised to see Clay not so welcoming to the final arrival.

Ushering the band members to the living area, she said, “I know you haven’t had the whole story… just what was in the news about Steven being arrested. I wanted to meet today so you can have the whole picture and to discuss what we want to do.” Jamie and Mike sat on her sofa while Dunk perched on the edge, his hands clasped tightly together. She sat in a chair on the other side of the coffee table.

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