Home > What Lies in Paradise(23)

What Lies in Paradise(23)
Author: Leah Cupps

“Sydney, I think you might be on to something,” Alex said as he stood up. “I’ll make a few calls. In the meantime, you do whatever it is you do to get ready,” he said, looking her up and down with a slight smile. “And then we can go have a chat with Alice the secretary.”

Although slightly offended by his tone, Sydney was elated that he had accepted her theory. She might very well be wrong about Alice, but at the very least, it took the heat off Marissa and Ethan.

“Sounds like a plan, Agent Birch,” she said sarcastically. Then, without much thought, she grabbed the pair of freshly cleaned pants off the bed and hurled them at Alex’s head.

“And by the way, your pants are clean.”









An hour later, Sydney and Alex stepped into the main lobby of the hotel. The large domed ceiling hung overhead, with a patchwork of weathered wood beams that seemed to wrap their arms languidly around the guests below. The sounds of rolling suitcases, high-heeled shoes, and giant brass carts bounced off the walls and filled the room with a hum that rivaled the Jamaican band playing outside on the beach. Many of the guests were couples, huddled together or holding hands as they walked. Sydney found herself feeling suddenly lonely, even though Alex never kept but a few inches from her elbow.

She had been careful to dress herself modestly, wearing a plain beige linen dress. She had tied her long hair into a side braid and donned a panama-style hat and sunglasses to conceal her face. The last thing she needed was for someone to spot her and try to speak to her about Lizzy. Alex had quickly pulled on a navy T-shirt and khaki shorts, which actually suited him.

She spotted the concierge sign above a massive mahogany desk, just to the left of the main hotel entrance. Alex kept close to her as they made their way in that direction. Sydney nearly tripped over a bellman who was scurrying past with a cart full of Louis Vuitton luggage as she approached the stand.

“Hello…Alvita,” said Sydney, taking off her glasses for a moment so she could read the name badge hanging from the woman’s chest. She looked as if she was in her fifties, a beautiful black Jamaican with thick salt-and-pepper braids woven in a halo around her head. She was dressed head to toe in an all-white uniform, matching the rest of the hotel staff who bustled around the room. “I was hoping you could help me. I am looking for a close friend of mine who is arriving for the wedding today. Her name is Alice Mitchell.”

“Yes, ma’am. I would be happy to help you,” she said with a wide grin. “What is your name and room number?”

“Sydney Evans.” She cleared her throat and nearly whispered, “Honeymoon suite number five.”

The woman seemed to perk up at this news.

“Aw, yes, Mrs. Evans! We hope you are enjoying your beautiful room and everything it has to offer.” As she said this, she raised her eyebrows at Alex, who was standing close to Sydney. Alex pursed his lips, trying not to laugh. Alvita looked down at her computer and quickly began typing. “I trust Maxwell is taking good care of you?”

“Yes, he’s been great. Now could we—”

“Oh,” said the woman, raising her eyebrows, “I see he has booked you a couple’s massage on the beach.” She peered up at Sydney. “I have heard we may have a bit of rain this afternoon. How about I move you to our special couple’s massage room in the Serendipity Spa?”

“No, really that’s okay, we—”

“Oh, don’t be shy, Mrs. Evans. It’s important to take advantage of this time you have together as a couple.” She smiled. “It’s very romantic.”

“We can’t—”

“Please, you will enjoy it so much,” she said, her eyes full of earnest joy. Sydney could hardly say no to this very persuasive and enthusiastic Jamaican woman.

“Okay, fine.” She gave Alex a sideways look, daring him to speak. He had a slight smirk on his face but simply shrugged in response. “We will be there.”

She looked back at Alvita. “Now, can you tell me if Alice Mitchell has arrived for the wedding?”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Evans, it is strictly against our policy to share the names of our guests and room numbers,” she said. Sydney’s face dropped, but Alvita continued undeterred. “I’m sure that Miss Mitchell will be at the rehearsal dinner party this evening, perhaps you can catch up with her then?”

“But, you see, Alvita, it’s urgent that I speak with her, today.”

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “We have a very strict policy.”


“Now, you have just enough time for a quick stroll on the beach or perhaps a casual lunch at our delicious buffet before your massage. Would you like me to give you directions?”

Sydney’s shoulders slumped. “No, we’re fine.”

“Wonderful. Enjoy your massage.”

Sydney stormed away from the desk, pushing her sunglasses back onto her face. She couldn’t be upset with Alvita, but it was all she could do to remain polite. Apparently finding Alice was going to be a bit harder than she had anticipated. Just as she was about to tell Alex they needed to head back to the room to regroup, she heard a woman’s voice boom across the room.

“Sydney!” cried Marissa coming toward her. Sydney felt a rush of relief and panic as her friend hurried in her direction. Before she could muster a response, Marissa had wrapped her arms around her in a cloud of Guerlain perfume.

“Marissa, I’m so happy to see you,” she said, nearly gasping for breath. As Marissa held on to her, she made eye contact with Alex. He silently mouthed the words introduce me. Sydney rolled her eyes at him. As she pulled back, Sydney held Marissa’s hands in her own. “How are you holding up?”

“Oh, you know, it’s been hard,” said Marissa, swallowing deeply. “But I know Lizzy would have wanted us to go through with the wedding. She was so…happy for us.” Marissa’s eyes began to look glassy as she spoke. Sydney grasped her hands a little harder.

“You’re doing the right thing, Marissa,” she said.

Marissa threw her arms around her again. “Oh Sydney, I’m so glad you are here.” She pulled away from her and said, “Listen, I’ve got to run to another meeting. Can we catch up tonight after the rehearsal? I’ve really missed you.”

“Of course,” said Sydney smiling at her.

“Great, I’ll see you then,” she said. Marissa turned and walked briskly toward the north end of the hotel. Alex stepped closer to Sydney’s side.

“Did she just completely ignore me?” he said, looking indignant.

Sydney nearly laughed. “Marissa has a way of sweeping in and sweeping out. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to introduce you tonight.” If Sydney was being honest, she was relieved that Alex hadn’t had a chance to speak with Marissa yet; she was sure he would cause trouble.

“So how are we going to find Alice now?” Alex didn’t seem to be paying attention to her. He appeared to be looking over her shoulder. She followed his gaze across the room.

“Maxwell,” he said, walking toward the front desk. The tall butler turned around and gave him a puzzled look but then quickly walked to meet him. Sydney tagged along behind.

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