Home > The Man With A Treasure(57)

The Man With A Treasure(57)
Author: India R. Adams

“Fuck!” That boy who had fought so hard to protect her. “He’s yours, too?”

The President sounded so desperate, speaking fast in case I hung up. “Yes. I’m claiming him, too. He’s ours. Both of them.”

This was more than I had bargained for. I was suddenly seriously regretting my stupidity. “I, uh, will have to call you back—”

“My daughter,” he almost cried out. “She is my daughter. She is our MC Princess.”

My blood set fire. “What is with you fathers not properly guarding your daughters?”

Voices boomed again, defending their President, but he demanded silence, then told me, “It is a grave mistake I will never forgive myself for.”

I thought of Mr. Giordano and how he aged daily for his mistake.

The President assured me, “If I get her back, she will never be in harm’s way again. Name your price. Tell me what you want.”

I was so torn. I wanted that girl rescued but feared it would come back on Scarlett. If her ‘fathers’ had any inclination I was part of ratting them out, they would search high and low. I only had Sal. How could the two of us, with no Suits to help out, stand against only God knew how many? And if Lorenzo got involved, those assholes would have ample amounts of money to hire more hands to locate us. I was quite confident he feared Scarlett recognizing him if she made it home.

A memory of Sal having guns pointed at him by Scarlett’s six other fathers had my eyes slamming shut. I was so overpowered with rage, thinking they could hurt him… Sal.

Oh God. I grabbed my stomach. Scarlett’s possible death, Sal possibly being hurt… It was all wearing me thin. Again, I felt trapped. So, I sneered, “What I want is to stop seeing her fucking eyes pleading for help! But I have a responsibility. I work for—” Of course, I couldn’t reveal that. “Fuck!”

The older man was holding on to his sanity by a thread. I could tell by how his voice warbled. But he was definitely in charge and trying to make the best decisions with what sounded like his only real lead. “You sound like a man under lots of pressure. I understand that.”

I think I was so afraid that I felt I needed to turn to someone for help. I no longer had Mr. Rossi to help me. I went from expert advice and guidance to none.

This President’s in charge mentality actually brought me unexpected comfort. That is the only reason, I think, I confided, “I’m running solo.” If this man was smart enough to understand my meaning, maybe he could give advice. Maybe I could trust him and help him rescue his daughter.

There was a pause. Then… “By the little bit you have said, you work for an organization. Italian. Chances are Mafia.”

I rolled my eyes again. Just because we are Italian doesn’t make us mafia.

“Or a serious money-making family name.”

Oh, maybe you are not so dumb.

“Either way, that makes you like us. We don’t work alone. The only reason you would now be solo is due to being cut off. You mentioned to my VP that you had an Italian Royal on your hands. Therefore, them cutting you off was forced. They would want their family back.”

I slowly stood straight. This man was catching on way faster than I expected.

“I hear emotion in your devoted protectiveness; therefore, I am guessing she’s a girl, the daughter of a man who has pissed you off since you accused me of being as stupid as him. If you were rescuing this royal while seeing my daughter, they were clearly both being held at the same place. If these assholes had the balls to take on an Italian Mafia Princess, chances are they would have the balls to fuck with my club. If they bothered to mess with a certain Italian family, you are big enough for me to want on my side.”

My heart started to pound with hope. Do I dare reach out for advice?

“The part that worries me the most is that, if you fear for your girl’s safety as adamantly as you do, what kind of condition was my family left in?”

Every answer was on point and made me decide to help him. Before I asked for advice or gave him the address to find his daughter, it was only proper to introduce myself. “My name is Angelo.”

Again, the man exhaled. He understood what my response meant. “They call me Legend.”

“I see why.” I felt more remorse than before now knowing how much he wanted his child back. “I am sorry about your daughter.”

“You think she’s still alive?”

I exhaled. “I will not be a fool and advise on that, but I can tell you they spoke of ransom for the boy.”

His exhale was louder than mine. He must have suspected her to be dead.

I opened my mouth to ask what he would do in my situation, but then I heard a faint roar of a motorcycle. Damnit! It wasn’t easy, but I admitted, “We sound very similar, you and I. In fact, I bet you told your men to not spook me, even though you have a far reach, even into Canada. That’s what I would have done, not taken any chances if my daughter’s whereabouts were on the line.”

He exhaled again. This time, pure honesty. “Damn straight. She comes first.”

“The woman I’m protecting? I feel the same. That is why I’m sorry your VP overstepped his bounds, and the men in that room with you disobeyed orders.”

“What? No. If you hear a bike, it’s just a coincidence.”

“Now, Legend, we both know there is no such thing. Because I like you, I will tell you one thing. She is in the States.”

For Scarlett, and my need to feel worthy of her, I had reached out to the Steel Stallions.

For Scarlett, I hung up on the President, dooming his daughter to Hell.

Before that bike got any closer, I got in Sal’s fancy car and rushed away, so I wouldn’t be followed and bring harm to the ones to whom I was racing back.



Since I had risked crossing into another country, I decided not to waste an opportunity. It had been too long. I was at a breaking point. So, an hour away from the last Bell payphone, I found another. Now, I had to decide who to try to reach. I was only going to be given one chance. I had to think like a Suit, not with my heart. So, I didn’t call Isabella. I dialed my first in command: Mr. Rossi.

Instantly, I got a recording telling me this line was no longer in service.

Absolutely spooked, I hung up, then stared at the phone as if it were going to ring. There was no way for a disconnected line to be traced, but I still felt I might have made a mistake. Maybe the mistake was letting myself find out that things at home may be worse than I thought.

Sal. I grabbed my stomach. Scarlett.

After quickly buying a few energy drinks, I got back in the car and went heavy on the gas. As I drove, my mind replayed all my strategic moves. There was virtually no way for any enemy to find us, but my fatigued brain played tricks on me, telling me that I had left my loved ones exposed.

In truth, I had them well hidden away… As I got closer to the house, I saw a glow from the lights inside and finally started to calm. My heart told me they were safe.

I was eager to see Sal and Scarlett, but sad to not be bringing good news. Not that I would share any of what just transpired with Scarlett. But I did wish I was able to waltz in there saying, “I spoke with your mother. Guess what! Your uncle wanting you dead was only a misunderstanding. And Sal didn’t see him naked in a picture with you. Let’s go home.”

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