Home > Bloody Union (Made #1)(22)

Bloody Union (Made #1)(22)
Author: Brooke Summers

“Why is he here?”

Killain shrugs, “I’ve no idea, I asked the boy that myself. Do you know what the little shit said to me?”

Makenna rolls her eyes, “No, but I’m sure you’re going to enlighten us.”

Killian shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. “You always were a little shit. He told me that I wasn’t in the know and to mind my own business. No fucking respect,” he says with a shake of his head. There’s no heat in his words, “How bad is your arm?”

Makenna waves him off, “It’s fine, just a graze, didn’t need stitches.”

His gaze moves from Makenna to Alessio, “And you?”

“Fine,” Alessio replies with a grunt and Makenna pins him with a glare. “I’m alive, thanks to Makenna.”

Killian nods, “She’s good. But we’re going to see how good you Bianchi’s really are.” His eyes sweep through the three of us. “I take it you’re the lucky one that she chose for this,” he says to Romero with a grin.

Romero glances at Makenna with a glare and her response? To smile sweetly at him. “And what exactly did she choose me for?”

Killian grins and opens the door in front of us, “You’re about to see.”

When the door is open fully, I see a boxing ring in the middle of the room. There’s at least thirty men here, all of whom turn to face us when we enter.

“Follow me and for the love of God, do not look down. Keep your head held high,” she says, her gaze on Alessio. She strolls into the room and I keep in step beside her. Her stride is full of purpose; she’s working the room like she owns it. Every man in this room has respect for her.

“Boss?” I hear a man call out.

Makenna’s steps don’t falter. “Talk to me after Michael, make sure your son is in attendance,” she tells the man, not even looking at him.

My gaze lands on the man and I see the smile on his lips, what she said is what he wanted to hear. “Yes, Boss, and congratulations on your nuptials.”

That gets a smile from her. “Appreciated,” she murmurs as she reaches for my hand and we stand in front of the boxing ring. “For those that don’t know, I got married yesterday.” There are some nods, a few murmurs, but mostly keen gazes. “I’d like for you to meet my husband Dante Bianchi.”

I give them a nod, not saying anything, this is her show… For now.

“If you have a problem, you come to one of us. He and I are as one. Now, do you have any questions?”

“Yeah, Boss, I do.” A man steps forward, he must be in his late thirties, early forties. He’s got jet black hair and is wearing a suit, one of the very few here to be in one. Makenna motions for him to carry on. “You’re marriage to the Bianchi, does that mean that the Italian’s and the Irish will be joining forces?”

Makenna glances at me and smiles, “Want to take this one, love?”

I roll my eyes at the endearment, it doesn’t suit her. “Sure, baby,” I murmur and her lips twitch. “As soon as my father is no longer Capo, I will be and in turn, Makenna will be. That means that my men and Makenna’s men will be our men. Anyone who has a problem with that let us know now.”

Makenna’s smile widens, “Exactly what my husband said. We are building something here, gentleman, and it’s something that we’ve worked hard for. We’ve known for five years that this day would come and we knew what it would mean.”

The men nod again. “Boss, what about your father?” the same man says and the glances of the other men get nervous.

“That’s a conversation between us, but he’ll be brought up to speed with what’s happening.”

“He’ll also have to be informed that from now on he answers to you.” I turn my attention from the crowd to the voice and see the newcomer standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest and smiling as he looks at Makenna. The fucker’s tall, over six-feet. Tattoos cover his arms, as well as one on his neck.

“Fucking hell, Danny boy, I told you to tell her that shit in private.” Killian groans and climbs into the ring.

“Any more questions?” Makenna says ignoring the man. “That doesn't involve my father?”

“What about the other men?”

Makenna nods, “Next week we’ll hold a meeting. Every made man is to be in attendance. If they're not, there will be hell to pay. Do I make myself clear?”

A chorus of ‘Yes, Boss’ goes around the room.

“Good, now those who are staying for the show, do. Those that aren’t, leave,” she instructs and a dozen or so men leave, bidding her a farewell and giving me a chin lift in respect. This went a hell of a lot better than I had expected.

She glares at me. “This may have seemed easy, Dante, but it won’t be. Those were my Underbosses and they aren’t disrespectful. Well not in front of you. If they have concerns I’m going to hear about it. The made men are a different problem altogether. Some of them resent the fact that I’m a woman, others because I’m a hell of a lot younger than them, and some are a mixture of the two. It doesn’t matter how many times I prove myself, they’re not going to like it and now having an Italian husband is going to add more fuel to the fire.”

I pull her into my arms and her glare turns feral. “Fuck, Kenna, don’t look at me like that, you make me want to fuck you against the nearest wall.” Her eyes dilate at my words, “Now, what are you going to do if someone disrespects you?”

“I’ll kill them. Just as you would.” There’s absolutely no hesitation in her words. It’s great that she has the talk, but can she actually go ahead with it?

She pulls out of my arms and smiles, “Now, if you don’t mind, I have shit to do.”

She turns back to her men and smiles. “Who’s up first?”

A man steps forward, he’s about Alessio’s age, he pulls his top off and climbs into the ring.

“Romero, you’re up,” she tells him and I watch as Romero gives her his shark's grin. “Romero, these men are looking to tear you apart. You are a Bianchi, but you are also my brother in law. Do not fucking let me down.”

His grin gets bigger. “Don’t worry, sis. I’ve got this.” She raises her brow at him. “Trust me.”

“I do, that’s why I chose you.”

He pulls off his top and he too climbs into the ring. Killian wraps Romero’s hands as Danny wraps up the Irish man’s.

“Good luck, Bianchi.” The man spits at Romero and Makenna’s eyes narrow. “Sorry, Boss, I forgot you were one now.”

“Jared,” she warns and he nods.

Killian rings the bell and the two circle one another. Jared throws the first jab, one that Romero easily dodges. It’s quickly followed by a combination shot. Again Romero dodges them, and finally throws his own, catching Jared on the jaw as he does. Jared stumbles and Romero ever the hunter, pounces, throwing more jabs. It doesn’t take long for Jared to crumble to the floor.

“Jared, out, Harrison, you’re in,” Makenna calls, not once taking her eyes off the ring. Jared gets to his feet and climbs out of the ring looking pissed.

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