Home > Words from the Heart (Small Town Romance #1)(4)

Words from the Heart (Small Town Romance #1)(4)
Author: LC Taylor

Delilah slipped behind the wheel and turned over the key. The engine roared to life, sounding as though it was a brand-new machine. Putting it into reverse, she whipped it around and turned in the direction of town. Even though St. Florian was like something out of another time, just a few miles down a county road and she’d be in Florence. She pulled out of the gravel drive, turning right, so she could take the scenic route to town. The need for nostalgia outweighed the urgency to get anywhere. She hadn’t gotten very far when she noticed the truck dragging on the rear driver side. Being on a county road usually meant there was very little shoulder to pull off onto, but she navigated it into the grass, and put it in park. Immediately she knew the issue. Her tire had gone flat and upon further inspection she saw a shiny roofing nail poking out from between the tread.

“Damn it!” she kicked the saggy rubber. Going to the bed of the truck she wasn’t completely surprised to see a flat spare. Momma Belle probably hadn’t checked the tire in ages.

“Shit.” Delilah glanced around her surroundings. She was in the middle of nowhere. She thought about calling 911, but then remembered she had Parkers card in her pocket. Pulling it out she dialed his number, she just hoped he’d answer.

“Masters,” his voice was deep and resonated right down her spine, blinking she remember she hadn’t spoken yet.

“Um, Parker?” she asked hesitantly.


“Yeah – look I’m sorry to call you but I’m kinda stuck.”

“What do you mean stuck,” a loud noise echoed in the background, “shit, hold on a second.” She could hear the muffled sound of him talking to someone, “Sorry, I’m at work. What were you saying?”

“Well, it seems I picked up a roofing nail in Isabelle’s truck… and now I’m stranded on the side of the County road 94.”

“Damn, I thought I got all the nails up – this is my fault. Sit tight, I’ll come pick you up.”

“Wait, aren’t you at work? You can just call me a wrecker or something. I just don’t have any numbers. I guess I could just call 911.”

“They’d just call me. Hang tight, I’m about ten minutes from you.” Parker disconnected the call before she could argue with him.

What the hell did he mean they’d just send him? Delilah was confused, but ten minutes later a sheriff’s deputy pulled up in a marked SUV, and the most gorgeous man stepped out the driver’s seat.

“Delilah?” Parker called out as he approached her and the truck. She thought he looked good shirtless, but her ovaries were singing a hallelujah song as he sauntered towards her in his uniform. Her words were lost, and she was pretty sure she was drooling as he stopped just inches from her body. “You ok?”

Snapping from her lust haze, “Yeah – just shocked to see you like this. You’re a deputy?”

“Yes ma’am. Deputy Masters at your service.” His smile had her clenching her legs together. Jesus Christ, she shouldn’t be lusting after a man like this. The timing was so very wrong.

“Thanks… I think.”

“Now, let’s have a look.” Parker walked over to the truck, mumbling something under his breath when his back was turned to her. “Well damn, she didn’t bother with making sure she had a spare.”

“Yeah – otherwise I’d of changed the tire myself.” Delilah smiled at him, but the sarcasm wasn’t lost on him.

“Well… I will call a tow truck for you, but it could take hours around here before the truck is picked up.”

“Great… I was going to the grocery store – there is nothing to eat at Momma Belle’s house.”

Parker watched as Delilah ran her fingers through her dark brown hair. It fell just to the top of her shoulders and was slightly wavy. Her brilliant green eyes found his staring at her. “What?”

“Let me take you to dinner. Then I can run you home and I’ll make sure your truck gets towed there.”

“No, I can’t ask that of you. Just run me home.”

“Didn’t you just say there was nothing to eat there?”

“Well, yeah. But I don’t expect you to feed me dinner.”

“This is partly my fault – since it was a roofing nail that prevented your grocery run.”

Delilah held her breath. Why did going to dinner with this man scare her so much. “I’m not riding in the back.” She grabbed her purse from the truck and locked the doors. Tossing Parker, a glance, she slipped into the passenger side of his SUV.

Parker took a steadying breath and got in beside her. Stealing a peek at her, he smiled to himself, “How’s Ruby’s dinner?” It was a local hole in the wall that served the best burgers around.

“Sure, that works.”

Parker put the SUV in drive and looped around heading back the way she’d come. She listened as he spoke into the radio, requesting a tow for her truck, and taking himself out of service so they could eat. Part of her longed to feel attractive to a man, the other part of her didn’t care. They rode in silence, both sneaking looks at each other. There was no doubt she was attracted to this man, hell, he was gorgeous. But she wasn’t going to fall for another man again. She wanted to find herself first. So, she hunkered down and banished all thoughts of the man sitting next to her.

They ate quickly as Parker had been given a call on the other side of town. He apologized frequently, saying he felt awful for the tire and rushed meal. As he parked in her gravel drive, he got out and walked her to the front door.

“I work today and tomorrow, so I won’t be back to work on the house until Thursday. Call me if you run into any problems before then, I’ll stop by on duty if I have too.”

“Thanks for dinner. I think I’ll be fine though, you’ve done more than enough for me already.” As she smiled, the tow truck pulled in with her truck. The driver got out and headed towards her.

“Hey, Parker.” The driver called out to him as he headed towards his SUV.

“Hey, Jed. Thanks for getting it so quick.”

“No problem. I put on a new tire already as well.”

“Oh, WOW.” Delilah gasped, “I didn’t expect that. How much do I owe you?”

“Not a thing, darlin’. Your grandma was a dear friend of mine and she’d be rightly pissed if I didn’t help you out.”

Delilah blushed, “Well, perhaps I can fix you a meal sometime. Once I go to the store that is.”

“That’ll be nice. Here,” he pulled a card from his oil stained overall’s, “this is my number. You call me if you have any problems with the car.”

“Thanks, Jed. And Parker,” she called out to him as he climbed into his car, “be careful out there.”

Parker nodded and pulled out, leaving Jed and Delilah to watch his patrol car taillights disappear into the darkened sky.

“That man needs a woman.” Jed said matter of fact.

Delilah coughed, covering a laugh, “I’m surprised he doesn’t have one looking like that…” she caught herself and quickly changed her words, “I mean as nice as he is.”

Jed smirked, shaking his head, “Naw… he’s too picky or something. In fact, you’re the first woman he’s seemed to have noticed in a long while.”

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