Home > Lorenzo Beretta(45)

Lorenzo Beretta(45)
Author: Abigail Davies

“Yeah.” Lorenzo raised a brow at me and leaned against the doorframe of his office. “It was me who gave him the job. I was a captain at the time. What’s the big deal?”

“Did you finish high school?” I asked. He nodded, so I turned to Christian. “What about you?”


I pursed my lips and paced in front of them. “So, someone made sure you finished school, but instead of helping Mateo and making sure that he did, you gave him a job?” I threw my hands up in the air. “You pulled him into the Mafia, not caring why he was doing it?”

“Baby,” Lorenzo said, his voice smoother. “It’s not like—”

“And here I was, bragging about the fact that I got three scholarships so I could attend college. All the while, he didn’t even get to finish high school!”

“Aida,” Lorenzo barked. I turned to face him, frowning up at him. “I offered to loan him the money so he could finish school, but he wouldn’t take it.” He pushed off the doorframe. “I told him to go and get his GED, but he said it’d distract him from work and making sure his ma and siblings were taken care of.” He took two steps toward me, placing his hands on the side of my face. “He’ll get his GED when he’s ready.”

“But why would his ma—”

“She’s a drunk,” Christian supplied. “His ma is a drunk and doesn’t give a fuck.” I faced him, listening intently. “He does all of this to give his brother and sister a better life. He’s been doing it for five years now.”

“It’s sad,” I whispered, leaning into Lorenzo, feeling all of my anger slip away. “I feel like I should help.”

“No.” He shook his head, raising one brow in warning. “If Mateo needs help, he’ll ask for it. Don’t go interfering in someone else’s life.” He didn’t look away, pushing his point home. “The fact that he told you means he trusts you.”

“He does?” I asked.

“Yeah, baby.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “He’ll come to you if he needs anything.”

“Okay.” I sighed, my body itching to do more. Maybe I could have met his siblings, or helped him study, or…

I closed my eyes. Lorenzo was right. I shouldn’t interfere in his life, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t slowly prod away at Mateo for more information. I wouldn’t stand by while someone was struggling, especially now that I had the means to help.




I leaned back in the seat, watching the doors as each member of The Enterprise entered, their personal bodyguards and underbosses with them. They took up their usual places behind the bosses of each family, just like mine had. Christian stood behind me to the left and Mateo to the right. He’d become a permanent fixture since I’d taken over as boss—someone who I knew I could trust. I didn’t doubt his ability to keep the people around him safe, and I knew his prospects in the family were high. I was already forming the way I wanted to shape the family in my head. It would take time and patience, but I knew we’d be stronger than we’d ever been.

Slowly, the table filled with heads of families, but I didn’t say anything. I waited, watching them all, taking in their body language. I was preparing for a meeting, unlike any other. Everything was about to change. I was about to make my mark in a way that no other boss ever had. I was about to show The Enterprise what happened when you crossed me.

“You gonna sit there watching us all day?” Alessandro asked, leaning forward in his seat and planting his hands on the table in front of him. He was frustrated, I could see that, but I didn’t care.

“I’m waiting,” I said, my tone sounding easy, but I was anything but that. My rage was a living thing, building inside me and threatening to explode. I tracked each of the men at the table. First, Alessandro, then Neri and Stefano, finally landing on Piero. “Waiting for Piero.”

All heads turned his way, frowns and confusion on their faces. The two men Piero had brought with him stepped forward as if they knew in their gut what was about to happen. They were his closest advisors, the ones who went everywhere with him.

Neri’s stare met mine, trying to read what I wasn’t saying, then he turned to Piero. “What did you do?”

“Nothing,” Piero stuttered out, shuffling in his seat, the first sign of his nervousness. “I didn’t do anything.”

I tilted my head to the side, a smirk pulling at my lips. “That’s not quite true though, is it, Piero.” I met his gaze, daring him to look away from me. “You knew.” I clasped my hands in front of me, my body at ease with the weight of my gun on my lap. Christian and Mateo stood deathly still, not making a move until I did. “You knew about the raid on my house.”

“I didn’t,” Piero rushed out, putting his hands out in front of him as if that would help his case. His eyes widened, begging me to believe him. “I didn’t know a thing, not until afterward. The judge—”

“Signed the warrant that you demanded he sign.” I slowly leaned back in my seat, the chair wood creaking at the move. “You were the one who okayed the raid.” The cool metal of my gun slipped across my fingertips, and I gripped the handle, placing my finger on the trigger. “You’ve approved them every step of the way.” I paused, finally lifting my mask off my face and showing him all of my rage. “You knew they had someone undercover.” I pushed my chair back, my signal for Christian and Mateo, and they stepped forward. “It was your idea.” I extended my arm, showing everyone at the table what I held in my hand. Not one of them said a word, knowing what Piero had done was the ultimate death wish. We had rules we lived by, both inside our own organizations and The Enterprise, and Piero had disregarded all of that.

“You’re not the only one with friends in high places.” I squeezed the trigger, one shot blasting out as the bullet ripped through Piero’s head. Two more shots fired off behind me, taking out Piero’s men in one fell swoop.

Their bodies slumped, bright red blood staining the table and the people closest to them. I glanced down, seeing several droplets of blood that had made their way to my shirt. I cursed. Aida would be pissed if I turned up to dinner with blood on me.

“Take that as a warning,” I told the rest of the table. “The Enterprise was made to keep the peace, to share information, so we’re all safe against the law.” I stowed my gun away in its holster. “The new boss of the Pozzi family will be his nephew, Gio. He’ll be at the next meeting.” I grinned as the shock registered on their faces. I’d been working behind the scenes for days, putting things in place as I waited for final confirmation of what I already knew.

“We haven’t taken a vote!” Alessandro shouted, swiping at the blood on his face.

I huffed out a breath. I’d had my fun, and now I wanted to leave. “All those in favor of Gio Pozzi becoming head of the Pozzi family, raise your hands.” Stefano and Neri raised their hands just as I did. “Votes counted and verified.” I stepped away from the table. “Until next month.” I nodded, pleased as fuck with myself. I’d made it known that I wasn’t to be messed with. I just hoped they actually listened because I was done with second chances. They worked when I was captain, but now that I was the boss, I couldn’t take the risk.

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