Home > Rescue Me(61)

Rescue Me(61)
Author: Sarra Manning

When Will returned with another mug of tea, he took the stool next to hers again, closer this time and facing her, so Margot’s leg was trapped between his knees.

She didn’t know if it was deliberate. At this moment, she felt like she knew nothing. All her senses were locked on this man sitting next to her. How he smelt of the outside; of fresh air and wet grass. That he was speaking though Margot couldn’t even hear what he was saying, but the timbre of his voice vibrated through her.

All she could do was stare at Will as he sipped his tea, scratched his temple, then drummed his fingers across the countertop.

Eventually he became aware of the weight of her gaze, how Margot’s attention was all on him, and he put down his tea. So he could take her hand, thread his fingers through hers.

It was the first time that he’d deliberately, purposely, touched her since the kisses that they never talked about, that they weren’t going to do again.

‘Margot,’ Will said. He made those two syllables sound like a caress; she could feel their gossamer touch on her skin.

‘Will,’ she said, and he was so close that all she had to do was lean forward slightly and then her mouth was on his.

Oh! He pulled back ever so slightly, not enough for Margot to stop, because then his arms closed around her and he was kissing her urgently.

It was a messy kiss with no finesse, all clashing teeth and mouthing at each other. It was exactly what Margot needed. She clutched at Will’s hair so she could pull his head down, get the purchase she needed so she could dip her tongue into his mouth. But still, it wasn’t enough.

Then his hands were on her hips, smoothing down her arse to lift her up. Margot flung her arms around Will’s neck at the same time that she wound her legs around his hips so she was on his lap, pressed as close to him as she could get. And still, it wasn’t enough.

Because his kisses were already making her fall apart. His tongue in her mouth now, darting lazily, in a promise of what was to come.

‘Take it off,’ she muttered, working one hand free to tug at her now hated hoodie. She leaned back, safe in the knowledge that Will wouldn’t let her fall.

‘You want me to take this off?’ he clarified, one hand leaving her hips so he could take the zip pull between finger and thumb. ‘All the way off?’

‘All the way.’

Never had Margot known anything as erotic, as charged, as the way Will slowly, ever so slowly, pulled down the zip on her M&S hoodie, his blue eyes blazing and never once looking away from her heated face.

He got to the bottom, pulled the two ends apart, and for one gasping moment, pressed the flat of his hand at the tender spot just below her bikini line.

‘Off,’ he drawled in her ear, teeth biting down on the plumpness of her earlobe, his hands back on her hips so Margot could tear off the hoodie and while she was at it, she pulled her vest over her head.

She didn’t care that she was left in her prosaic grey and royal blue sports bra, which resembled rigging more than it resembled underwear. She didn’t even care that her belly was spilling over the waistband of her yoga pants because Will couldn’t take his eyes off her and he kept running his tongue over his bottom lip again and again.

‘You’re so hot,’ he said, and he didn’t mean temperature hot this time, though Margot did feel as if she was about to come to the boil. ‘So overdressed.’

‘Hardly,’ Margot whispered, clutching a handful of his plaid shirt. ‘You’re wearing more clothes than I am.’

‘Ah, but you’re much sexier out of your clothes than I am,’ Will said, biting down on her earlobe again and smiling when Margot shuddered. ‘Did you like that?’

‘Yes, God, yes.’ Margot was busy with the buttons on his shirt. She’d never imagined that Will, with all his offishness, his unease, would be this commanding, this sure of himself. It was unbearably sexy.

‘I’m only getting started,’ he said, coaxing Margot off his lap, so for a second she was uncertain and standing on her own two wobbly feet, then he patted the worktop and raised his eyebrows.

Margot wasn’t sure why, but Will seemed to know what he was doing, so she hoisted herself up on to the island. And that was much better, because Will took hold of her knees and, eyes fixed on her face again, slowly and deliberately pulled her legs apart.

One step put him there, where she was already aching, and when they kissed, Will’s mouth on hers, his hard cock pressed into her, Margot was bumping and grinding as if she was about to drop it like it was hot.

Will pulled his head back, took his mouth away, so that the only place they were touching was where his groin was digging into hers. Then he slipped a finger under the strap of her bra.

‘Would you take this off?’ he asked gently. Margot shook her head. She didn’t want to kill the mood, stop where she hoped this was heading, but she’d sweated at various times during the course of the morning. She’d have to struggle out of her damp bra and sitting down did her breasts no favours, and there were always deep red marks on her skin when she took it off. ‘Do you want to stop?’

‘I absolutely don’t want to stop,’ she said, wrapping one leg around his hip and shimmying. ‘If you’re really good, maybe you can see them later.’

‘I’m going to be very good,’ Will promised with a little half smile, a dark glint in his eyes, which she’d never seen before today. ‘I hope you won’t have any complaints.’

Margot didn’t have any complaints. She could hardly speak, her mouth buried in Will’s shoulder as the heel of his hand rubbed against her clit, his fingers thrusting inside her as her own hand worked the length of him, revelled in the feeling of him hot and hard.

The angles were awkward, her yoga pants and knickers in the way, Will’s jeans unbuttoned but still on, but they made it work. She lifted herself off the counter to grind against his hand as she came, his fingers keeping her at the summit of an exquisite peak, until Margot couldn’t take it any more and had to twist away.

Then it only took a second to take Will’s hand, sticky with her own come, and guide it to his cock, put her hand over his so they could work him off together. ‘Just like that,’ she whispered in his ear as he bucked against her. ‘I want to see you come.’

Will came on Margot’s stomach as she sat on his kitchen worktop, his eyes fixed on her face, neither of them able to look away. She hadn’t even taken her bra off and yet it was still some of the best sex she’d ever had.

‘Today is just one surprise after another,’ Margot said, and this should have been one of the most excruciatingly embarrassing moments of her life. Sitting there with her leggings and knickers half yanked down, her skin damp and sweat stains on her bra, but Will was still looking at her like she was some kind of goddess.

‘It’s not even noon,’ he said, as he buttoned his jeans back up. ‘Who knows what else the day will bring?’





Will could tell Margot was a little embarrassed. Not by what had happened, because when she slid down from the countertop, she put her arms around him for one too-brief moment and brushed her lips against his cheek.

But then she grabbed her hoodie to hold it in front of her. ‘I look an absolute state.’

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