Home > Wrong Side of Wright(12)

Wrong Side of Wright(12)
Author: Sade Rena

Authorities would like your help to locate a missing woman. Constance Reed, a late twenty-something, African-American female is believed to have been taken from her home in Duluth, Minnesota, roughly twenty-four hours ago. There appears to be evidence of a struggle, and some of her personal belongings have not been found. Duluth PD believes that whomever responsible for the possible disappearance of Ms. Reed may have taken her vehicle as well. Ms. Reed drives a navy-blue Hyundai Sonata, with the license plate: PS3 125J. If you have any information regarding her whereabouts, please contact the Duluth Police Department.

“Five-fifteen is your change.”

I snatch the money from her grasp, fumble with the bag, and rush out the door. On the way out, the clerk mutters “Sheesh!”, but I don't care about that. I didn’t mean to be rude, but we need to get out of here. When I approach the car, Liam is reclined in the passenger seat. I slam myself behind the wheel, throwing the snacks and change in his lap. Jerking the car into gear, I peel out back into the direction of the highway.

“Slow down,” Liam says at the sound of tires screeching against the cemented driveway. “What’s going on?” He sits up.

I grip the steering wheel to ease my trembling hands and swallow so hard it echoes in my ear. My words lodge themselves in my throat, preventing me from sharing the news with Liam. Thoughts fly around in my skull a mile a minute, and I struggle on where to start. My foot grows heavy, and the car picks up speed.

“Constance…Lotus.” Liam shakes me, pulling my focus back to him. “Slow down. You don’t see that car in front of us?”

I slam on the brakes and dart into the next lane to avoid smashing into the back of the person in front of us. Lucky for me, there aren’t any vehicles close behind me or that would have been bad.

“What’s gotten into you? Why are you driving like a crazy person?”

“Um… There’s a… I’m on the news.” My voice tremors.

“What?” He sits up.

“In the store. I saw a picture of myself. I’ve been reported missing, and they’re looking for my car.” My skin is flushed with sweat, and suddenly there isn’t enough oxygen flowing through the car. I roll down the window and suck in a deep breath. “It must have been Eric. I told him not to come, but he must have gone anyway and saw…”

“Hey. Calm down.” He reaches over with his right hand and squeezes my thigh. “This isn’t your fault. Did they say anything about the bodies?”

I replay the images from the screen, searching my memory for anything that will answer his question. “No. All that was mentioned was a sign of a struggle and that me and some of my personal belongings were missing.” I moan involuntarily.

“Okay. This wasn’t your… Eric. They would have reported the two men I killed. This was Maxium. They knew I had visited you, and I’m sure when he didn’t get word I was dead, he sent someone in to take care of it.”

“I don’t understand. Why is he doing all of this? It just doesn’t make sense. I know the man has money, but this? Murder, coverups…the fucking FBI. Police don’t file reports unless it’s been what, forty-eight-hours? If he has the reach to have a report blasted through the state of Nebraska from Minnesota, then what’s stopping the people from Colorado from seeing it? And my car—” The words blurt out of me at a rapid pace.

“Stop it. We’re okay. Justin gave us fake tags, so even if someone spotted your car, they’d be looking for different numbers. As long as we drive like we have some sense, we won’t get pulled over. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Liam’s words are calm and reassuring.

“Can’t you call your department and fix this?” I dart my gaze between him and the highway.

“I have to figure out who we can trust. Maxium was able to buy Johnson’s loyalty. I don’t know who else he has in his pocket, and I can’t risk you.”

“Then what are you going to do, Liam?” I shock myself at how easy his name came out this time. I don’t know if it’s the effects of running for my life or what, but I don’t feel as conflicted with the new name as I once was.

“I don’t know,” he admits.

“I can’t live like this. We don’t have much money. It’s—”

“Baby, I know. Let’s just get to Escape and figure it all out then. We can trust Justin. He gave us a place to crash and will loan me some cash until I can figure this all out.”

I don’t know why, but I believe him, or I at least want to. Justin has proven to be someone we can count on. He’s helped us this far, and I’m grateful, but I think about the tension that riddled his body when Liam told him about Maxium. There’s about five hours left in our drive, and daylight is beginning to disappear. I have more questions about Maxium, Liam, and Justin’s reaction, but considering that Liam’s barely had any sleep and I can’t drive straight if I’m frantic, I opt to let it lie. For now, my biggest concern is making it safely through these dark roads and around such high mountains.

Liam reclines facing the door and shifts until he’s found a comfortable position. It isn’t long before his breathing settles and he’s fast asleep. I turn the radio on a low setting and sing along to the music. I glance at him, taking in the full view of him for the first time since we arrived at the safe house. It appears as if he’s been in a fight with life, and the bitch packed a mean punch. Then I imagine what I must look like, or worse, smell like. We’ve been on such high alert, the bathing or oral hygiene hasn’t been thought of once. I twist the rearview mirror, staring at myself briefly. My appearance is no better than his. My once rich-chestnut skin is now dry and ashy. The corners of my eyes house dried tears, and my thick, natural hair is a mess. I smooth the flyaways as best as possible then push the mirror back in place, promising myself a long hot shower as soon as we reach our destination.



As I round the mountain, my ears pop from the altitude change. I swallow hard, hoping to release some of the pressure. Up ahead, my headlights shine on a large sign: Welcome to Escape Colorado. When Justin said it was a small town, he wasn’t lying. I wonder how long it’s been since the sign was updated, because under seven hundred and fifty residents is almost unbelievable. It doesn’t help my curiosity none, with the way my paranoia is set up. I’m a big fan of the paranormal and supernatural genre, and I swear this shit seems like something right out of a book. The isolated, close-knit town, where all seems pleasant but there’s a deep, dark secret.

I roll down the window, letting the crisp air into my lungs. It’s the dead of winter, and snow coats the mountainside, but after being cooped up in this car for hours, I welcome the cold breeze. Liam stirs in his sleep, belting out a loud grunt, and I can’t keep from laughing. Tapping him on the knee, I try to pull him from his slumber.

“Hey…wake up, we’re here.”

He stretches his long legs and twists to work out the kinks in his back. “What time is it?” He finally opens his eyes and darts them around the scenery.

We’ve been on the road for twelve hours since leaving the safe house in Kearney, Nebraska. Not once did I check the time, because that would have only made me tired. Liam looks at the clock on the radio and whistles. Twelve forty-seven at night.

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