Home > And Now You're Back(28)

And Now You're Back(28)
Author: Jill Mansell

‘It is. Except I’ll be busy working in my office.’

Several seconds passed before Will continued, ‘Looks like it’s all going well, then. With the new guy.’

Here it came. Layla braced herself. ‘Very well, thanks.’

They paused at a junction. ‘Has your mum met him yet?’

‘No, because I’m not living in an episode of Downton Abbey.’

‘Don’t you think Rosa would like him?’

She gave a pfff of exasperation. ‘Of course she’d like him.’

‘Sorry, I’m sure she would.’ Will accelerated out onto the main road. ‘I was just wondering why it’s always you going over to his place rather than him coming to yours.’

‘Because I prefer it this way.’ Layla’s tone was crisp. Not that it’s anything to do with you.’

‘Fair enough.’ He grinned, unperturbed. ‘Well, more business for me.’

Back in Elliscombe, she stepped out of the taxi and heard a piercing wolf whistle from across the street. Oh no, not more comments. She ignored it, but as she was letting herself into her flat, a hand landed on her shoulder. ‘And where have you been, you dirty stop-out?’

She turned. ‘I think you can probably guess. Was that you whistling just now?’

‘Yes, it was me. I saw the cab pull up and there you were. You stayed over again last night, then? I’ve got five minutes,’ said Didi, ‘for you to make a quick coffee and catch me up with all the gossip.’

Upstairs, in the flat above her office, Layla switched on her shiny black coffee machine and made two proper coffees with real fresh milk . . . oh bliss.

‘So? How’s it going?’ Didi’s eyes were bright.

‘Great. Really great.’

‘And how many times last night?’

‘Twice last night, no time this morning because he had to go to work.’

‘Right, but it’s still good?’

‘It was fantastic. Everything’s fantastic,’ said Layla, ‘apart from the soya milk he puts in coffee.’

‘Oh, gross. Tell him to get some proper milk in.’

‘Already have.’ She changed the subject. ‘Are you and Aaron around this evening?’

‘Aaron can’t make it this weekend.’ Didi was already checking her watch, sipping too-hot coffee in her haste to get back to the hotel. ‘He has a work thing on. How’s your mum getting on, having Red as a lodger?’

‘Loving it so far. She’s enjoying the company. Slightly worried he’s going to teach her how to steal a Lamborghini, but . . .’

‘He’s a reformed character,’ said Didi. ‘And your mum’s an angel who’d never do anything naughty.’

‘Of course she wouldn’t. And speaking of Red, everything going OK with you and Shay?’

‘We’re fine. He’s a guest at the hotel and I’m the manager. We see each other in passing, chat for a bit, that’s all.’

‘Really?’ Layla raised an eyebrow as Didi finished her coffee. ‘You don’t look at him and get butterflies, then start remembering the old days when you two were crazy about each other?’

‘No.’ Didi tried not to smile.

‘Well I don’t know why you wouldn’t, because it’s not as if he’s got ugly and turned into a complete troll—’

‘I need to get back to work.’ Laughing, Didi rose to her feet and headed for the door. ‘I have a fiancé, remember? Shay has his work cut out fixing up his dad’s house. And you have your new boyfriend to keep you busy. So no more troublemaking, OK?’

The door closed behind her and Didi clattered down the staircase. Alone once more in her pride and joy, the little flat she’d decorated with such love and care, Layla gazed around at the beautiful curtains, soft rugs, comfortable furnishings and perfect lightshades. The kitchen might be small, but it was fitted out with all mod cons, and in the bathroom – which was spotless – she never ran out of posh loo roll. She’d described her flat to Harry, had even shown him photos of it on her phone. He’d seen for himself how warm and welcoming it was.

So why, each time she suggested he might like to come over to Elliscombe, did he end up persuading her that it would be easier if they met up at his place instead?



Chapter 15

‘Come upstairs.’ Shay was holding his hand out, beckoning for her to follow him. ‘I’ve got something to show you.’

Which if anyone else were saying it would have prompted a smart reply. But right now Didi’s mouth was too dry to utter a single word, because the look in Shay’s silver-blue eyes, framed by those dark lashes, was having far too much of an effect on her. He meant business, serious business, she could tell. When they reached his old bedroom, he was going to kiss her, just like old times, and her body was already quivering with joyful anticipation, because she wanted it to happen, it had been so long . . .

Oh but why did there have to be so many things in the way, cluttering up the staircase? Struggling not to lose her balance and stumble over the bags of rubble, Didi clung on to Shay’s hand. ‘It’s OK,’ he said like a man in absolute control. ‘You’re safe. I’ve got you.’

But when they finally reached his old bedroom, it was full of drifting snow and penguins—

‘Whoops, sorry,’ said Sylvia as Didi’s eyes snapped open. ‘I didn’t know you were asleep. Slight problem downstairs.’

Didi blinked, realising that she was in her apartment, having dozed off on the sofa in front of the TV. On the coffee table was a plate containing a slice of cheese on toast with just one bite out of it, alongside her untouched mug of tea. She swung herself upright and felt the last vestiges of Shay’s warm grip on her hand drift off into the ether as the dream full of promise was replaced by tedious reality.

‘Give me a second.’ She slurped a mouthful of tea and grimaced because it was stone cold. Then she shook her head to clear the fuzziness, and looked up. ‘OK, ready. What’s happened?’

‘Brace yourself,’ said Sylvia. ‘It’s a tricky one.’

Tricky was an understatement, and the lingering memory of that dream wasn’t making the situation any easier. Parking up on the overgrown verge outside Hillcrest, Didi took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. Having edged past the almost-full skip on the driveway, she entered the house through the open front door and found Shay levering up rotten floorboards in the living room.

At least he wasn’t upstairs in the bedroom, surrounded by drifts of snow and dancing penguins.

‘Hi.’ He sat back on his heels. ‘When I heard the car pull up outside, I wasn’t expecting it to be you. Everything OK?’

That voice, those hypnotic eyes and thick lashes . . . and now he was wiping his hands along the faded denim that was stretched across his thighs, with absolutely no idea of the effect it was having on her fevered imagination, purely because less than twenty minutes ago his hand had been holding hers as he led her upstairs to see whatever it was he needed to show her.

‘No, everything isn’t OK.’ Didi gave herself a mental shake; she really must stop thinking about that dream. ‘And I need to ask you a massive favour.’

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