Home > And Now You're Back(52)

And Now You're Back(52)
Author: Jill Mansell

Except it wasn’t, was it?

Upstairs in her apartment, Didi showered, blow-dried her hair and applied more make-up than usual. Then she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror – hello, Miss Try-Hard – and removed the make-up, because what was she trying to do, compete with a BAFTA-winning actress who could sing and dance and was so beloved by everyone she was practically a national treasure?

An hour later, the blue Audi pulled into the hotel car park. Her stomach constricting with envy, Didi watched from her bedroom window as Caz and Shay made their way through the side entrance and across the terrace. Everyone else out there was watching them too, in that discreet British way, until one of the guests said something to Caz and held up her phone, evidently asking for a selfie. Caz stopped and dutifully posed for the camera, then said something that made the guests laugh. The next moment she and Shay disappeared inside, but not before Didi had seen the look they exchanged, along with the brief shared smile.

They were so well matched, so in tune with each other. Like an actual perfect couple.

Making her mind up, Didi crossed to the bedside table and took out the engagement ring she’d put away after unpacking her case. She slid it back onto her ring finger. Just for now, life was going to be an awful lot easier if she carried on wearing it.

‘Oh, you’re an angel,’ Caz whooped the next morning. ‘You’re literally a lifesaver. Thank you so much!’

She’d called down to reception in a panic and Didi had come to the rescue. ‘Well, it’s a phone charger, not a kidney,’ she said with a smile. ‘But I know what you mean.’

‘Can’t live without our phones, though, can we? My agent goes mad when he can’t get hold of me.’ Caz was perched on the bed wearing shorts and a strappy top, painstakingly painting her toenails bright orange and seemingly unaware that she was holding the bottle of polish at a precarious angle. The brush slipped and she said, ‘Oh bum.’

‘If you like, we can arrange for a nail technician to come to the hotel,’ Didi offered.

‘Nah, too impatient. They take ages and my feet are dead ticklish. Easier to do it myself. Whoops!’ A drop of nail polish landed on her ankle. ‘Don’t worry about the sheets – if I wreck anything, I’ll pay for it. My mum calls me Mr Bean!’

‘I’m not worried,’ Didi lied, ‘but why don’t you let me hold the bottle? Would that help?’

‘See, didn’t I say you were an angel? Come and sit down.’ Caz patted the space next to her on the bed and passed over the bottle. ‘Have a good laugh at what a pig’s ear I’m making of painting my toes. You’re Didi?’

‘That’s right.’ Didi wondered how much Shay had told her. ‘I hope you’re enjoying your stay with us so far.’

‘Are you kidding? I’m enjoying every single thing about this place. I break into a cold sweat every time I remember that I almost booked a week in Barcelona instead. You have a gorgeous hotel.’

‘Thank you.’

‘And gorgeous guests.’ Caz giggled. ‘Well, one guest in particular. I’m sure you know which one I mean.’

Didi nodded, firmly in hotel manager mode. ‘I did hear a mention of this.’

‘Oh God, though, isn’t he amazing? Total babe.’ She clutched her free hand to her chest. ‘I’m like, what have I done to deserve this? Since Friday night we’ve been together practically non-stop . . . I just can’t believe my luck. He had to go to work this morning and I’m already missing him like crazy. Can you imagine if I’d gone to Barcelona instead? We’d never have met!’

‘There might have been someone even better in Barcelona.’ Didi attempted levity.

‘Not possible. Shay’s the real deal. I’m telling you, it’s been like a complete whirlwind. I get giddy just thinking about him.’ Caz’s face was glowing, the excitement clear to see. ‘After all these years of shit boyfriends who mess me around and sell stories about me behind my back, I’ve finally found a good one. About bloody time too. My luck’s changed at last!’

Didi’s cheek muscles ached from smiling. It was agony having to hear the sheer pinch-me happiness in Caz’s voice. Caz clearly had no idea that they had once been a couple; he hadn’t thought to mention it. Then again, why would he? It was evidently irrelevant.

‘And the sex is out of this world,’ Caz went on cheerfully.

Thanks for that.

‘Sorry, am I over-sharing? I can’t help it, I’m just so happy. Isn’t it just the best feeling in the world, though? Well you know, you’ve got one of your own.’ She pointed with the dripping nail polish brush at the ring on Didi’s left hand. ‘What’s he like, your guy?’

‘He’s great! In every way.’ Didi marvelled at her own acting ability. ‘We make a good couple. I’m very lucky.’

‘There, all done. Now I’ve got to wait for them to dry.’ Caz admired her glowing orange toenails. ‘Then I’m going to head over to the house Shay’s doing up for his old man. I know it’s crazy, but I just want to be with him all the time. I’m like his groupie! If I tell you a secret, will you promise not to laugh?’

‘I promise.’ Oh please God, not more sex talk.

‘I know it’s only been three days, but it’s never felt this right before. After he left this morning, I called my mum and told her I’ve found my happy-ever-after.’ Sliding off the bed and walking like a duck with her toes splayed, Caz crossed the room and began brushing her ash-blonde hair. ‘I’ve been waiting to find someone like Shay my whole life.’



Chapter 30

‘What’s all this then?’ Will climbed out of the taxi on Monday evening and eyed the sack of gift-wrapped presents on the pavement outside Layla’s flat. ‘Working on the side as an out-of-season Santa?’

‘Be gentle, some of them are fragile.’

He lifted the bulky sack and placed it in the boot. ‘Someone’s birthday? Lucky them.’

Since he knew where he was taking her, it had to be pretty obvious whose birthday it was. Layla still got the feeling Will didn’t approve, but this evening she was too excited to care. ‘It’s Harry’s birthday . . . well, it’s actually tomorrow, but he’s heading up to Sheffield to see his parents tomorrow morning so we’re celebrating tonight. I love buying presents for people.’

‘Well you’ve certainly got plenty here.’ Will closed the boot and opened the passenger door for her.

‘I have.’ Layla beamed at him. ‘He’s worth it.’

Will said, ‘I used to love buying presents for my mum. And she always complained about them.’


‘She said I went over the top and spent too much.’ He smiled at the memory. ‘All she wanted was a card and maybe a small bunch of flowers, but nothing fancy. Anything else was a waste, that was what she told me, every time. And all I wanted to do was spoil her, give her lovely things to make her happy, even if she wasn’t well enough to go out and wear nice clothes in public. It’s hard trying to show someone you love them by buying them silk dressing gowns and bottles of their favourite perfume.’ With a rueful smile, he added, ‘Which they then refuse to wear.’

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