Home > Crashing East (Save Me #4)(45)

Crashing East (Save Me #4)(45)
Author: Aly Stiles

My phone buzzes, stirring me from my haze.

Viv: You’re drooling.

I shoot a glare at her, and she snickers beside me.

Me: Whatever. I’m interested in what they’re doing. It’s fascinating.

Viv: Right. And the fact that your guy is running things like a pro has nothing to do with your “fascination?” Talent is hot, my friend, and that guy is loaded with it.

Me: I’m telling Oliver.

Viv: Go ahead. He’ll agree with me.

I glower at the screen and emphatically tuck my phone away in a clear message. Too bad Julian pulls his out and makes mine buzz a second later. I feel Viv’s glee as I’m forced to yank it back out to check his message.

Julian: Having fun?

I glance up but he’s facing away from me, watching Travis through the window.

Me: Absolutely. I have a great view.

I snap a quick photo of his butt and send that too. The second it posts, my eyes widen in horror. What did I just do? When did I become that girl?

I clench my phone in a panic, wondering if there’s a way to retract a text, but Julian is already staring at his screen. His gaze flickers to me before he shakes his head with a smirk. Still smiling, he shoves his phone back in his pocket. Wait, did he like it?

He leans forward to rest his hands against the back of the chair in front of him, and I almost choke when I realize he’s teasing me with a better view. Heat rushes to my face, but I can’t stop the grin that settles on my lips.

You’re so vain, I type back.

He doesn’t pull out his phone this time, probably because of whatever important thing he and Joel are discussing in their weird language again.

But Viv does.

Viv: I saw that. You are so into him it’s kinda sad really. Lucky for you he’s just as pathetically into you.

Me: Thanks for the support. You’re a great friend.

Viv: Well you better brace yourself. He’s up next with lead guitar I think. Can you handle this? Should I get a bucket of ice water?

Me: I hate you.

Viv grins making it clear she’s totally cool with that.

The humor fades when Julian stiffens suddenly and pulls his phone from his pocket. His face falls when he sees the screen. After mumbling something to Joel about being right back, he stalks from the control room. In a flash, he’s gone, leaving us staring after him with concern.

“Weird. Wonder what that was about,” Viv says, squinting at the door.

My stomach clenches in knots as I chew on a nail. Should I follow him? There’s only one thing that would elicit that kind of reaction. I push up from the couch. “I’m just gonna…” I tap my foot, hesitating.

“Go,” Viv says, meeting my gaze.

I nod and follow his path out the door.

Outside in the main corridor, Julian is nowhere in sight. I check the lounge closest to our studio, but Beck and Max are alone, playing video games. They haven’t seen him when I ask. I move toward the main entrance but don’t see him outside through the wall of glass either. Wait… the Studio Eight lounge!

I turn and start back in the direction I came, this time passing our room and moving further down the hall. I hear a voice, and my pulse picks up when I realize it’s Julian.

“I’m on my way. Yeah… just… okay, I understand. Please just wait until I get there. She’s… no, I know but… please just wait. I’m coming right now.”

I duck around the entrance of the lounge just as he’s rushing out. His gaze collides with mine, broken and laced with fear.

“What’s going on?” I ask, grabbing his arm.

“I have to go. Can you cover for me? I… I’ll explain later. Please, Hadley.” He’s already pulling away, his eyes pleading with me to understand. I let him go and watch as he runs toward his latest crisis.

My stomach drops as I slump against the wall.








It had to be today. Why the hell does everything have to go wrong all the time? I was already scheduled to meet with the lawyer tonight. A few more hours and we would have been more prepared for this, but here we are, making it up as we go yet again. I call the lawyer on my drive to Naomi’s school, and after explaining the situation, she agrees to meet me there. Pulling into a parking space, I force in a deep breath. Naomi needs me to stay calm.

After locking my car, I make my way to the building as casually as possible and push the intercom button outside the door. I tell them who I am and that I’m here at the request of Principal Leonard. They buzz me in, and thankfully, the administrative offices are right by the main door because I’ve never been inside Naomi’s school before. Who knows how long I would have wandered around before finding them? After signing in with the receptionist, I wait on one of the uncomfortable red chairs along with a few other middle schoolers who don’t look thrilled to be here either.

“Mr. Campbell?” I glance up to see a professional-looking woman enter through the same door I just did. She smiles at the receptionist and signs in before crossing over to me, hand out-stretched. “Darla Ramirez, nice to meet you in person.” My lawyer. Thank god.

I will myself not to hug her. “Thank you for coming. I don’t know more than what I told you on the phone. I just got here as well.”

She nods and tilts her head with a soft expression. She must see how terrified I am. “We’ll sort this out, okay?”

“They can’t… I mean…” I can’t even get the words out. Closing my eyes, I draw in a long inhale to steady my frayed nerves. “They can’t take her away, can they?” My voice sounds haunted and raw.

My heart constricts in my chest when she hesitates. “They can if they have reason to believe she’s in danger of abuse or neglect, but we’re going to show them that she’s in a stable, loving environment.” She steps toward me, her face melting into compassion again. “It was obvious to me from our first conversation how much you care about your niece. It will be obvious to the school officials as well. Please try to relax.”

I swallow and clench my fist, wanting to accept her reassurance but things rarely roll our way. Why should this?

We look over at the sound of another door opening, and this time a stern older woman emerges and scans the room. Her eyes rest on me, and I straighten.

“Julian Campbell?” she asks.

I nod and move forward, forcing myself to display a calm façade. “Hi, yes. You must be Principal Leonard. Great to meet you.” We shake hands, and I motion to Darla. “This is our family practice lawyer, Darla Ramirez.”

“Hello, Principal Leonard,” Darla says with a warm smile.

The principal returns a startled look and glances between us. “You brought a lawyer?”

“I’m just here to help,” Darla explains in an even voice. “I think you’ll understand when we review the details of this situation.” Her smile never slips, and Principal Leonard seems to relax slightly.

“Okay then. This way please.”

We follow her into her office where I’m instantly tackled by a small body.

“Uncle J!” Naomi cries, throwing her arms around my waist and burrowing into my chest.

“Hey, kiddo,” I say. A huge weight lifts now that she’s in my arms again. I kiss the top of her head and drape my arm over her shoulders as I straighten to face the principal. Another man hovers beside her desk.

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