Home > Mr Right Across the Street(16)

Mr Right Across the Street(16)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

For the umpteenth time she stared at her phone, willing it to ring. Until it did, she wouldn’t be able to sleep.

Sighing, she returned her gaze to her computer screen, though it was more in hope than anything else. It turned out worry wasn’t conducive to writing romantic comedy.

That’s when she caught sight of movement in the window opposite. Holding her breath, she watched as Luke stuck up a sign.




Just thinking of you. Her heart bumped, but he wasn’t finished. A moment later there was another one next to it.

Hope UR OK.



Tears pricked at her eyes. This man she barely knew had known something was wrong, and had cared enough to show his concern.

She’d pushed him away because she had no place in her life for a player, yet she had a huge gaping hole in her life for a friend. What if he was offering that?

Before she could overthink it, Mia grabbed a black marker pen, scrawled three letters on a sheet of printer paper and stuck it in the window:




As she sat back on her chair, her phone finally burst into life. Mia snatched at it.

‘He’s out.’ Elle’s voice sounded both euphoric and full of emotion.

‘Oh God.’ Mia bit at her lip to try and stop the tears. ‘Are you okay? Is he okay?’

‘I’m knackered, but fine. He’s … oh Mia, he’s not a turnip, or a cabbage. He’s frigging perfect. Two eyes, a nose, fingers and toes. Everything. Here, Dave wants a word. He’ll tell you.’

There was a sound of rustling, and then her brother-in-law’s voice came on. ‘Hi Mia, your sister is a bloody marvel. A bit of gas and air, a lot of shouting, and then your nephew popped out. He’s got one hell of a set of lungs on him, just like she has, and he’s handsome like his dad. He’s looking forward to meeting you.’

It was all too much. Mia had tears streaming down her cheeks. Waves of longing, of acute loneliness, washed through her. She’d drive down tomorrow and take Monday off, catch up the work in the evenings. Eight weeks was too long not to see her family. And twelve hours too long not to see her brand-new nephew.

Just as she’d dried her face, her mum came on the phone which precipitated another round of over-emotional, happy tears.

As she finally got ready for bed, Mia looked across at Luke’s window again. Taking up the marker pen, she scrawled:

New nephew!



Then crashed out with a smile on her face.

The next morning, the first thing she did was check her phone. No missed calls, no new messages. Everything must be okay.

The second thing she did was look across at Luke’s flat. There she did find a new message.

Congrats Aunt Mia



A grin slid across her face. Maybe it was daft, but his messages made her feel less alone. Like she had someone looking out for her.

He might, if you give him a chance.

The thought stuck with her on the long journey down to Somerset. The moment she knocked on her sister’s house though, all she could think was how amazing it was to hug someone. And how incredibly cute her new nephew was.

‘OMG, he’s like a doll.’

Dave, who’d answered the door, looked at her in horror, his protective genes already kicking in. Caitlin, three but wise beyond her years, giggled. ‘Jakey is a doll.’

‘Jacob is a baby,’ Dave corrected, reaching to stroke his son’s cheek. ‘And until your aunt realises that she doesn’t get to cuddle him, because you have to be very careful with babies.’

‘My doll lost its head,’ Caitlin told Mia proudly. ‘I pulled it.’

Mia winced and mouthed sorry to Dave, who shook his head and muttered something about her always being a trouble-maker. ‘Your parents are on their way and Elle’s in the bedroom, trying to find some clothes to cover her saggy bits. Her words. I’m sure she won’t mind you going up.’

Mia dashed up the stairs and threw her arms around her sister.

‘God, I’ve missed you, missed this,’ Mia said as they sat side by side on Elle’s bed. They talked birth and babies, including how a minor tear was far easier to handle than an episiotomy – not that Mia would ever have to worry about it, the way her love life was progressing.

‘We won’t leave it so long next time.’ Elle bumped shoulders with her. ‘Mum’s going to be here any minute, and you know I need an update on the hot bar owner. Any more messages?’

Her sister’s expression went all soft and gooey when Mia told her about the ones from last night. ‘He was thinking of you? That’s so sweet.’ She took hold of Mia’s hand and squeezed it. ‘You know, just because he isn’t boyfriend material, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t make a good friend.’

‘I know. And I messaged him back so, well, we’ll see.’

‘I’m so going to get a vicarious thrill from this.’ Elle beamed at her. ‘And it would make a great plot for your next book. Just think, ogling across a courtyard, secret messages in windows, friends to lovers.’

‘Whoa, I haven’t written the first one yet. And you just agreed he wasn’t boyfriend material.’

‘Hey, I’m enjoying a moment here, don’t ruin it.’ Her sister clasped her hands against her chest in a totally over-the-top romantic gesture. ‘Who said I’m talking about the bar owner, anyway? Stan’s the man who’s already had a date with you.’

She tried to say it with a straight face, but soon the pair of them dissolved into fits of laughter. It was only as they finally managed to gather themselves that Mia acknowledged how much she’d missed exactly this. Laughing so much it hurt, with someone she felt comfortable enough to really let go with.



Sunday was proving to be a bleh sort of day for Luke. The bar wasn’t as busy as it should be, the rain putting off the crowd who usually gathered on a late summer afternoon to while away a few hours before meandering home for dinner.

In the past quiet days had been easy days. Now Luke spent them worrying.

‘For God’s sake smile.’ Clearly worried he’d forgotten how to do it, Sandy gave him a big cheesy demonstration. ‘Your current look isn’t good for business.’

‘Err, remind me who the boss is?’

She rolled her eyes. ‘The boss is the one who seems to have lost his mojo.’

‘Hey, I’ve not lost anything.’ Except money, though technically that had vanished before he’d taken over.

Sandy studied his face, and whatever she saw made her frown. ‘Something’s up, what is it? Grace okay?’

‘Yes, she’s fine. She’s in Italy now, or she was last time she called.’ Their conversations had been too infrequent, but it wasn’t her fault he needed more, it was his. He missed her. He might spend most of his life surrounded by people, but there were very few he could really talk to.

‘Okay, so if it’s not Grace, what?’

He owed Sandy and Mateo a conversation, he realised. After all, if he failed to turn things round, they would be affected, too.

‘Grab Mateo and meet me in the office.’ Walking over to the door, he flung the sign to Closed. Then waved at the few customers still left. ‘If you fancy another drink, help yourselves. We’re in the office if you need us.’

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