Home > Mr Right Across the Street(43)

Mr Right Across the Street(43)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

His hand left her breast and smoothed down her side. When he raised his eyes to look at her they were no longer green but flecked with orange, burning like flames. ‘Kissing you is like a roaring fire on a cold winter’s day. A pint of lager on a sunny day.’ He bent his head again, planting a trail of kisses along her jaw, then across her cheeks and up to her forehead. He smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. ‘United winning the Champions League.’

Laughter bubbled in her chest, even as her body ached and throbbed with the feel of him. ‘Now, I’m flattered.’

‘You should be.’ He nibbled lightly at her lips, causing pleasure to zing through her. ‘It’s the most romantic phrase a Mancunian can utter.’

‘I’m always looking for romantic phrases.’

‘Ah yes, for your book.’ He was half sprawled across her, his arousal very evident, yet he really did seem content to talk, to kiss. To just be with her. ‘Stick with me and you’ll have plenty of inspiration.’

She didn’t reply, couldn’t because once again he was kissing her. Lighter than before, more playful than hungry, yet equally as potent. Time passed, and Mia began to feel more and more boneless. If she closed her eyes, she could sleep here, Luke’s body nestled against her, his lips dancing across her skin…

She jerked upright as she felt something jump onto her stomach. And stared straight into a pair of inquisitive brown eyes.

‘Pickles, how many times do I have to tell you not to jump on guests? It’s rude.’ Luke sighed and eased himself upright, cradling the rabbit against his chest. ‘It’s only me who likes you.’ He lifted one of her floppy ears and whispered into it. ‘And big hint, I won’t like you much longer if you scare Mia away.’

As if she understood him, Pickles turned to look at her. ‘Does her nose always twitch like that, or is she plotting ways to get rid of me so she can have you all to herself?’

Luke chuckled. ‘Her nose always twitches, and the fact that she jumped on you means she likes you. When the guys come round, she scarpers.’ After dropping Pickles gently back onto the floor, his gaze skimmed Mia’s face. ‘Shall we continue where we left off, or has rabbit interruptus effectively killed the mood?’

Snuggling back down with him sounded exactly what she wanted, but Mia was acutely aware that if they did, she might end up forgetting why sleeping with him was a bad idea. ‘I’d better get back.’ She glanced at her watch, and winced. ‘It’s three in the morning.’

‘Umm.’ Reaching for her hand, he entwined their fingers. ‘You don’t need to go back, you know. I have a perfectly good couch you can sleep on. Or a bed you’re welcome to, and I can sleep on the couch.’ He paused, and the air around them seemed to electrify. ‘Or we could share my bed.’

The saliva from her mouth disappeared, and what seemed like a swarm of butterflies began to flap in her stomach. Her flat was in the same complex, it really wasn’t far, yet the thought of just crashing here, with him … the butterflies flapped harder.

It was a big step though. Was it really sensible to make it so late at night, with alcohol potentially muddying the waters? She wasn’t drunk, but she had knocked back a few beers, a Blue Mia and a whisky. ‘I thought the sheets weren’t clean.’

He smiled, releasing her hand to trace a finger down her cheek, his gaze soft. ‘I can swap them. Or I can walk you back. Or we can do anything in between.’

Mia swallowed. ‘If we share a bed…’ she trailed off, her usual ability to say what she thought, deserting her.

‘I’m not suggesting we have sex.’ He flashed her his heart-stopping smile. ‘Of course I’m not not suggesting it either, just to be clear, but I can see you’re not ready for that step.’ He ran his hands up and down her arms, his expression so tender she felt her heart fill. ‘It’s late, we’re tired. Crash here, Mia. I can build a wall of cushions between us if it helps.’

Her brain was so tangled with emotion, she wasn’t sure what words would come out if she opened her mouth. In the past, she’d moved from kissing to sex easily, the distinction never feeling as important as it did now, the decision never weighing so heavily. Because this time, you have something to lose.

Just because she was scared to lose him though, didn’t mean she was ready to dismiss the possibility of more with him. So she rose from the sofa and reached for his hand. ‘Let’s go to bed.’

After shooting through the bathroom, taking time to inhale his aftershave in between peeing and rubbing toothpaste over her teeth with her finger, Mia eased off her leggings and snuck under the duvet. A few minutes later Luke joined her, slipping in behind and wrapping his arms around her. She felt cocooned in him, the warmth of his bare chest against her back, the citrus tang of his aftershave invading her senses.

‘Excuse Moby,’ he mumbled against her neck as she felt a tell-tale hardness pressing against her buttocks. ‘I’ve told him there won’t be any action, but he doesn’t always listen.’

She bit into her lip, trying not to laugh. ‘Moby? Oh, I get it, Moby because he was also a Dick.’

‘Yeah. And because he was also frigging huge.’

Laughter spluttered out of her, and along with it a feeling of utter contentment. He felt so good behind her. And yes, huge, he wasn’t wrong. Also hot, hard and the most incredible turn-on. Yet it also felt natural to be lying like this with him. No awkwardness, as there had been with other dates that had ended up in bed. Just warmth, pleasure – God, so much pleasure – and a real feeling of rightness.

With a deep, happy sigh, she drifted off to sleep.



Luke woke feeling almost unbearably aroused, his morning erection pressed firmly into the most delectable buttocks he’d ever been lucky enough to find himself lying next to.

But doing anything about it was strictly off the cards. He should move away, get up and get dressed. It was without doubt the sensible option, yet also the most ridiculous because who knew when or if he’d ever get the chance to cuddle Mia like this again? So instead he stayed where he was, relishing the ache until she started to stir.

‘Moby’s still not listening,’ he whispered. ‘But to be fair, he’s not used to waking up against such a gorgeous cushion.’

She turned, ruining his fun, though it was probably for the best. There was only so long he could torture himself before he exploded like an adolescent schoolboy.

‘Is that another of those romantic lines I should take a note of?’

Sleepy blue eyes blinked up at him and he felt something shift in his chest. Mia first thing in the morning was headed straight to the top of his list of favourite sights. ‘It is,’ he confirmed. ‘And if you want to hang around for breakfast, I can give you a few more.’

She glanced at his bedside clock and groaned. ‘It’s nine already. I should get going.’ Throwing off the duvet, she slipped out of the bed.

‘Hey, not so fast. At least let me make you a coffee.’ He scrambled out of bed and immediately felt the heat of Mia’s gaze on him.


She stared at his chest, and he wasn’t going to lie, he flexed his muscles, just a little, under her admiring look. ‘You’ve seen it all before.’

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