Home > Mr Right Across the Street(58)

Mr Right Across the Street(58)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

The way Phil winced, the fact he didn’t respond with a smart-arse wise-crack, said it all.

Luke was back at the bar by two, where Bill and Sandy were taking care of the Saturday lunch session. Sandy caught his eye and walked over.

‘Hey boss, you didn’t tell me Mia’s family were up this weekend.’ He blinked and knew his poker face had failed him yet again when her expression turned from mildly irritated, to sympathetic. ‘Ah, you didn’t know, huh?’

‘Just because Mia and I are friends it doesn’t mean we have to tell each other everything that’s going on in our lives,’ he retorted far too defensively.

‘Is that the same way friends don’t need to tell each other things like the fact they have a sixteen-year-old daughter, and an ex living next door to them?’

‘She knows that. Now,’ he added, uncomfortably aware that when it came to discussing family with Mia, he wasn’t totally blameless.

‘Good. Has she met Grace yet?’

‘No. But she will.’

Sandy narrowed her eyes. ‘And now I can see why you’re looking so upset. Mia’s becoming really important to you, isn’t she? Which is why it hurts that she’s not suggested you meet her family when you’re ready for her to meet yours.’

He could lie, but what was the point? Sandy knew him too well. ‘I’m a bit pissed, yes. I think I get why she’s not ready, that she’s still wary of me, of us, but yeah, it stings.’

He started to walk into the bar but Sandy put a hand on his arm. ‘Hold up, where are you going?’

‘To work?’

‘Even though I happen to know Mia is with her family in Naomi’s right now?’ When he grimaced, Sandy shook her head. ‘Mia’s sister has two kids, dumb-wit. A baby and a really cute three-year-old. The bar isn’t exactly a suitable place for them to have lunch, is it?’

‘Fine, thanks for letting me know.’ He was still smarting from it all. If Mia had told him her family were coming up, he could have met them for lunch, damn it.

Sandy moved to stand in front of him, blocking his path. ‘Are you really turning into that guy? The one who gives up?’

‘I’m not giving up. I’m respecting Mia’s wishes. If she’d wanted me to meet them, she’d have said.’ And ouch, there came another punch to his gut. He was the guy women had fun with. Not the one they introduced to their parents and settled down with.

‘Maybe it wasn’t a question of whether she wanted you to meet them, but whether she thought it was too soon.’ Sandy stared at him, a glint of challenge in her expression. ‘Why don’t you go and prove her wrong? Prove that you can meet up with your friend’s family without it having to be all weird.’

He wanted to sulk a bit more, to ignore Sandy and her unwanted advice, but it was damn hard to when she was looking at him all cocky and know-it-all. ‘You know I could never resist a dare,’ he muttered, dragging a hand through his hair. Shit, could he really do this? Walk casually into Naomi’s and meet Mia’s family, as if it wasn’t a big deal, when meeting the important people in her life was huge?

Sandy grinned triumphantly. ‘Okay then. I officially dare you to walk into Naomi’s and meet Mia’s family.’

Luke swore. Then turned round and headed towards the café.



Yet again, Mia watched her sister’s eyes drift towards the door of the café.

‘Stop it,’ she hissed under her breath, not wanting to attract the attention of her parents, who were happily playing a game of hide the teaspoon with Caitlin while Dave paced up and down outside, trying to get a grumpy Jacob to sleep.

Elle frowned at her. ‘Stop what?’

‘Looking at the door, waiting for Luke to come in. I told you, he won’t.’

‘But Sandy, that was her name, yes, the woman who came in to borrow some napkins from Naomi for the bar?’

Mia sighed. ‘Yes, that was Sandy.’ Mia had wanted to hide under the table when Sandy had strolled in. She hadn’t, because her cowardice apparently only ran as far as not telling Luke her family were visiting. Now he’d know, because no way was Sandy not going to blab. And now he’d be hurt/upset/offended/confused/annoyed that she’d not told him herself.

God, she felt terrible. And pathetic. And don’t forget downright mean.

‘Sandy said Luke was due at work,’ Elle glanced down at her watch, ‘five minutes ago.’


‘So, he’ll now know you’re here. Why wouldn’t he pop in and say hello?’

‘Because I didn’t tell him you were coming, okay?’

‘Oh.’ Elle paused, which Mia was grateful for, because it meant whatever came next wouldn’t be the unfiltered why the bloody hell not? she’d have received if they were by themselves. ‘I’m sure you had your reasons.’

‘I did.’

Elle raised an eyebrow. ‘Just out of interest, how are you feeling about these reasons now?’

‘Pretty shitty, if you must know.’

Elle smirked. ‘Thought so.’ Again she paused, only this time she nodded towards the door, and the huge window next to it. ‘And if you take a look outside now?’


Both her parents turned to face her.

‘Mia Jessica Abbott,’ her mum scolded. ‘Young ears are listening.’

Ignoring her mum’s disapproving look, and Elle’s attempt to muffle her laughter, Mia stared out of the window at Luke, who was chatting to Dave. And, oh my God, now he was holding Jacob in those big muscular arms, easing him so he was face down across his forearm, his hand supporting Jacob’s belly. Swaying him gently.

‘That is seriously hot.’ Elle pretended to fan herself. ‘I mean, I love Dave with all my heart, but he does not look as sexy holding Jacob as that guy outside does.’ She gave Mia a sideways glance. ‘I presume that’s Luke?’

Mia cleared her throat so she could speak. ‘Yes.’

The conversation caught her mum’s attention. ‘Is that the friend you made, Mia? The one you told us about who’s been showing you the city?’

‘He’s been showing her more than that,’ Elle murmured.

Mia glared at her but it was too late. She now had the full focus of both her parents.

‘He’s your boyfriend?’ Her mum looked hurt. ‘Why didn’t you tell me? You kept saying he was just a friend.’

‘He was just a friend.’ Mia couldn’t take her eyes off Luke. The way he was holding baby Jacob so naturally. Of course he is, he’s been in Dave’s shoes. On one level she knew that, yet seeing it with her own eyes was huge. No longer was she looking at a sexy charmer, a player. She was looking at a dad. A guy who’d been there for his daughter through sleepless nights, changing her nappy, calming her like he was doing to Jacob. No doubt he’d had to handle toddler tantrums, the nerves of starting school.

Just then he turned to look into the café, and their gazes collided. Mia couldn’t describe the jolt she felt, how much it turned her inside out.


Her mum’s voice broke through her trance. Shaking herself, Mia turned to her parents. ‘Sorry.’ She swallowed. ‘Would you like to meet Luke?’

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