Home > Mr Right Across the Street(64)

Mr Right Across the Street(64)
Author: Kathryn Freeman



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5 mins



He spent two of those minutes in the shower, one shoving on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and then legged it out of the flat, just remembering to pick up his phone and keys before he slammed the door behind him.

A minute and a bit later, he knocked on the door of flat 214.

The woman who opened it, the one who made his heart leap whenever he looked at her, threw her arms around his neck. It took him so much by surprise, he stumbled backwards.


‘God, I was such a cow yesterday.’ Not giving him a chance to talk, she dragged him inside and began to plant kisses all over his face. The gesture was more exuberant than sexy but God, it did more to lift his heart, and his libido, than any artful seduction. ‘Sorry,’ she repeated, with another flurry of kisses. ‘Sorry.’

Groaning, he lifted her so she was able to put her legs around his waist. ‘No, it’s me who needs to apologise. I should have let you handle your ex, your way.’

She buried her face in his neck. ‘Maybe, or maybe if I had it wouldn’t have worked and he’d still be here, waiting for me.’ She eased back and the eyes that found his brimmed with apology. ‘Mum phoned this morning to say Pete had just come to see her. He asked her to tell me he’s sorry, he realises he went too far but he’s got the message and won’t try and contact me again.’

Relief settled over him and he hugged her tighter. ‘Good.’

‘Yes.’ She rested her forehead against his. ‘I wanted to handle it myself, but I also appreciate how you stepped in, which I know sounds backwards.’ Her sigh fluttered against his face. ‘Truth is, much as I want to be independent, I also love having someone in my corner, so thank you for being that someone.’

‘Anytime,’ he told her gruffly, his heart full. ‘I’ll always be there for you, in that corner, fighting for you.’ He wanted to add, because that’s what people in love do, but he was terrified it was too soon for either of them to hear it. A man who’d played fast and loose all his adult life wasn’t someone who should rush into saying the words. And a woman who’d only just trusted him with her address wasn’t someone he should rush.

His lips found hers and he took over the kissing, teasing her, enjoying her. It wasn’t long before arousal pulsed through him and as his knees began to weaken he walked them towards the wall, pushing her back against it and shifting so her core was aligned with his. Relishing the heat of her, he deepened the kiss. Just as it threatened to get out of hand, she leant back, her breathing as uneven as his own. ‘Have you got your phone?’

‘My phone?’ He laughed softly. ‘I must be losing my touch if you’re thinking of making a phone call while we’re making out.’

‘Not a phone call.’

Intrigued, he allowed her to slide down his body until her feet hit the floor. Then he snagged his phone from his back pocket, opened it up and gave it to her. ‘Do you want to see my text messages? Is that what this is?’ He tried not to feel too insulted and instead remembered the reason why she’d been wary about him. ‘Because you can, I don’t mind. I’ve got nothing to hide.’

Mia stilled, a look of horror crossing her face. ‘Oh God, you think I’m checking up on you?’ Before he could reply, she was talking again. ‘Of course you do, because why wouldn’t you when the woman you’re sleeping with hasn’t even had the decency to give you her phone number?’

With that, she tapped something into his phone. When she handed it back to him, he saw that she’d added Mia (girl opposite) and her phone number. Feeling choked, he just about managed to squeeze out a thank you before pushing it back in his pocket.

Her expression was solemn. ‘I should have done it sooner and I’m sorry I didn’t. I let my experience with Pete totally cloud my judgement, which wasn’t fair on you. You’re so far removed from him,’ she shook her head, ‘I can’t even tell you how much.’

‘I don’t wear posh designer jackets, that’s for certain.’

She looked at him aghast. ‘God, don’t even think about comparing yourself unfavourably to that bastard. I’m embarrassed I ever went out with him.’ She gave a little shudder. ‘My family have never gushed about a guy I’ve introduced them to like they did about you. Mum thinks you’re handsome and charming; Dad says you’re solid, which – trust me – is real praise; and Elle would have your babies tomorrow if she wasn’t already married.’

He smiled, reaching a hand to touch her cheek. ‘That’s great to hear, but it’s what you think that counts. Because I’m telling you right now, I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for you.’ He’d just told himself he wasn’t ready, they weren’t ready, but he couldn’t contain what he felt inside any longer. It was too big, too important to keep quiet. ‘Mia, I’m no longer falling for you. I’ve fallen. Arse over tit, head over heels, however you want to phrase it. For years I was cut up about Freya but now I realise that was young love. This, what I feel for you, it feels like true love.’



Breathe, Mia, breathe.

But it was hard to when your chest felt so tight. And your eyes burnt with unshed tears.


He looked so concerned, she forced her mouth to smile. ‘Sorry, I’m trying to wrap my head around what you’ve just said.’

‘Is it okay that I’ve said it? Because I’m not expecting you to say anything back. I’m aware this is too soon for you, and I was going to keep quiet for a bit, but you need to know I’m not going to get bored of you. I’m not going to start looking for someone else.’ He clasped the side of her face, his eyes devastating in their intensity. ‘Why would I, when I’ve found you? Best friend, sexy siren, cute nerd, funny Smurf, all rolled into one?’

Half laughing, half crying, she wrapped her arms around his waist. ‘I wasn’t expecting this when I moved up here. I thought I’d have time to get settled, to learn to live by myself, to find friends, before I started dating again.’ She peered up at his gorgeous face. ‘And if I’m honest, you’re not the type of guy I expected to fall for.’

She heard his intake of breath. ‘Fall for?’

‘That’s what I said.’

She felt the tension leave his body. ‘You’ve got no idea how fucking good that sounds.’

She laughed against his chest. ‘Yes I have.’

For a moment they stood in silence, content, arms around each other.

‘This type,’ he said finally as he eased her away, taking hold of her hands. ‘Are you talking the cool-guy/nerd-girl shite again, or me the player?’

‘Both.’ She glanced down at their entwined hands, noticing for the first time how long his fingers were. How masculine and deeply sexy, like everything else about him. ‘I was wary of the player side of you but I know that’s not you now. What is still you, is a vastly good-looking guy with a ready smile that has, in the past, attracted some seriously gorgeous, immaculately put-together women.’ She glanced down at her leggings and oversized shirt. ‘That isn’t me.’

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