Home > For a Goode Time Call (Goode Girls #1)(11)

For a Goode Time Call (Goode Girls #1)(11)
Author: Jasinda Wilder

“More space on the inside than you’d think. I studied a lot of different designs and layouts before I built it.”

She halted, turned to look at me. “You built it?”

I nodded. “Yep. My cousin Lewis did an internship for an architect up in Anchorage. I drew up the design and had my cousin’s boss look it over. I’ve got a shit-ton of cousins, so once I bought the raw materials, it only took a dozen of us a couple of weeks to put it up. Helped that one of my other cousins works for a home builder out of Juneau, so he made sure we didn’t fuck anything up. Only things I paid to have professionally done were the plumbing and electric.”

Liv grinned at me. “And, let me guess, you have cousins who got you discounts?”

I laughed. “I wish. But no. Out of pocket, full price, local union boys.”

She eyed the home again: steeply pitched roof to make room for the loft, dormer, doors on either end, which I call front and back but really are just left and right side of the house, in through the living space and out through the kitchen.

“Well. You did a marvelous job. If you weren’t a tattoo artist already, I’d say you could have a career building these.”

I couldn’t help but feel a little pride. “Thanks. I’ve thought about that, actually. Still may do that, just for some variety from doing tats.” I led her to the front door, meaning the left side. Opened the door for her, let her precede me inside.

Cassie was on my couch, a bowl of soup in her lap, wrapped up in one of my giant flannel blankets. She saw us come in, and seemed to perk up a little.

“Hi, Mom.” Her eyes flitted to mine. “Hi, Ink.”

“Feelin’ better, huh?” I asked, taking a spot against the wall in the kitchen, where my bulk wouldn’t be in the way of mother and daughter.

Cassie nodded, lifted the bowl of soup. “Yes, much better. This soup is amazing. You made it?”

I bit back a grin, anticipating the other half of this conversation. “Yep. Old family recipe.”

She spooned a bite, and when she’d finished she glanced at me. “What kind of meat is it? Not beef, not pork, not chicken, or fish.”

I waited, let her finish the last few bites before answering. “It’s, uh—like I said, old family recipe. An’ when I say old, I mean real old.” I grinned. “It’s moose soup.”

She blinked at me, and then stared down the empty bowl, going a little pale. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Moose. Moose meat. I did a thread piece on Fox last week, and he traded me a nice haunch of fresh moose.”

She let out a sigh, and I could see her working through it. “Well. I knew it wasn’t the usual suspects, so I can’t say I’m shocked. And it was pretty delicious. Not as gamey as I would have assumed it would be.”

“Well, it’s fresh. I froze a good bit of it for later, but I’ve been makin’ soup from it ever since I got it. Gotta use the right cuts for soup, and those parts don’t freeze as well. It’s lean, too. Healthy for you.” I glanced at Liv. “Care for a bowl?”

She smiled, taking a seat next to Cassie on my couch. “Yes, please. I haven’t had dinner yet, so if you have enough, I’d be delighted.” She accepted a bowl from me, inhaling the steam. “This smells amazing.”

“Moose soup was a staple around my house, growing up. At my house, or Juneau’s, or go into any of my cousin’s houses pretty much ten months outta the year and you’ll find moose soup simmering on the stove. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve poured some into a Thermos and taken it out hunting with me.”

Liv tried a few bites, her face brightening. “So, you’re a talented tattoo artist, you built this house, and you’re a great cook?” She glanced at Cassie. “Probably the first time I actually approve of your friends, Cassandra.”

Cassie stuck her tongue out. “You loved Amy and Britt. Can’t pretend you didn’t.”

Liv shrugged. “I love you, and you loved them, so I accepted them. Not the same thing.”

Cassie frowned. “Wait, what?”

“They were not the greatest influences on you, if you want the truth.” Liv met her daughter’s eyes. “Amy’s home life was…troubled, at best, and I was never entirely comfortable with you spending time at her house. Britt was a sweet girl, but a little flighty. Between the two of them, you got into more trouble than I think you would have left to your own devices.”

“Wow. I never knew.”

“They weren’t outright troublemakers, and you never spoke of any real issues at Amy’s house, so I never saw enough reason to keep you from them.”

Cassie frowned. “We rarely left Amy’s room if we were there.” She thought, eyes going up and to the left. “Now that I think about it, Amy was pretty cagey about her family. We tended to just stay in her room. If we wanted something, she’d get it for us.” A glance at her mom. “What do you know about her family?”

A shrug from Liv. “Nothing concrete. But there were lots of rumors about her dad. The other moms would talk in the pickup lines and later on chat boards. The rumors were he drank a lot, and there were a few who suspected he hit her. But nothing ever concrete, like I said. Helen never seemed to me like an abused woman, and Bruce was never drunk when I was around him, so I couldn’t stop you from going over there based on rumor and hearsay.”

Cassie shook her head. “Weird to know what you weren’t aware of, you know?” She glanced at me. “You built this place?”

I nodded. “Yep. Had a lot of help from my endless supply of cousins.”

Liv was looking around. “Very simple and attractive layout. Good use of space. Lots of storage. In order to be more widely and commercially available, you’d probably need to include an eating nook or something.”

I shrugged. “I eat at the coffee table.”

“I know, and a lot of people would do the same. But I know from personal experience that most people want a dedicated eating area.” She gestured at the end of the cabinets on the sink side of the space, where there was a few feet of empty space. “Build in a table there with a bench along the wall, picnic table style, and a bench on the other side. Wouldn’t take up much room and would give you somewhere other than your couch nook to eat.”

Cassie laughed. “Mom is an interior designer, so you’re getting her professional opinion, free of charge, unasked for.”

I nodded, thinking. “That’s a good idea. I rarely have guests, so I didn’t think it was necessary for me, but if I was gonna build one for someone else, I could do that.” I laughed. “My cousin Juneau is the person I’m closest to, and even she rarely comes over here. You two are the first guests I’ve had in a long time.”

“No girlfriend?” Liv asked.

I shrugged, looking away. “Nah.”

“Sweet, multitalented guy like you, I’d think you’d have your pick.”

I snorted. “You’re thinkin’ of Juneau’s boyfriend and his family. Ain’t nobody lined up for this mess,” I said, slapping my belly.

“Mom!” Cassie snapped. “Don’t be rude.”

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