Home > Dysfunctional Hearts (Heart Series #2)(16)

Dysfunctional Hearts (Heart Series #2)(16)
Author: L.S. Pullen



Tonight, I find myself at a loss. Evie and Ana have plans and won’t be back until later. I roam the vast expanse of the house after tidying up and head to what used to be Flick’s room. I walk to the dresser. Staring back at me, slipped under the edge of a wooden frame, is the photo of Charlie and me. I reach for them and tear one off, sliding it behind the other photos I have in my purse.

I slide the other one back on the edge of the mirror before settling on the window seat, pulling my legs up underneath me. I grab my book and flip it open to the bookmarked page.

“I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?”




I wipe down the bar and smile to myself. Soph and I have slipped into a domestic set up. Between our shifts and spending time with Ana and Evie, we’ve fallen into a pattern. I’ve not touched her since the day after the wedding, which was only in concern for her face. You can barely see where he hurt her eye, but I know it was there. I remember.

All I know is going back home after this is going to be an adjustment. I’ve lived away from home since I was eighteen, and I had shared accommodation when I was still at Uni, but I’ve been on my own ever since. I used to crave the solitude, going back to an empty house. But these past few weeks have been good for me.

Air whips past me before I am struck on the arm with the slash of a tablecloth. I give Olly my attention as he nods his head towards the door with a smile on his face.

Sophie walks towards us.

“Hello, beautiful,” Olly says before I can even open my mouth.

She smiles. “Hi, Olly.”

“I’ve got this,” I snap.

He eyes me with a slight smirk and nods at Sophie, heading off to another patron.

“Hey, that was rude,” she says.

“Sorry. Rough shift.” It’s a lie. I’ve not been able to get her off my mind. I step up to lean over the bar, kissing her on the cheek, then I look over to Olly.


What the fuck is with me? I’m not jealous by nature, and honestly, she could do a lot worse than someone like him.

“So, you finally took Ana and Evie’s advice for a night out?”

“Yeah, they are kind of relentless, aren’t they? Besides, my book wasn’t doing it for me.” Her smile is warm, but her voice is seductive without even trying. My dick twitches. I wonder what does it for her. What the fuck?

I laugh in response and make her a drink then slide it over to her.

“Did you drive?” I ask.

She nods, jiggling her keys, then drops them inside her bag, pulling out her purse to pay. I wave her off, and she cuts her eyes at me before putting it away.

“Hang here, have a few drinks, and let your hair down. I can drive us back home.”

“What about my car?” she asks.

“We can come back and grab it in the morning.” The more I say words like us and we, the more I struggle to keep my mouth shut about the fact I like her. Like, really like her.

Her eyes twinkle at my suggestion. “Well, I guess I can be persuaded. Don’t suppose you can take a small break and join me for a bit?” she asks.

“I don’t know. I’ve heard the owner is a right dipshit.”

She laughs as I grab myself a coke and pop the cap on the bottle opener. To punters, you would think it was off the edge of the bar, but it’s a built-in bottle opener and the caps drop into the tray underneath.

I point to a spare booth. Thankfully tonight’s been quiet. It usually is when the footie is on. I don’t have sports channels; we have music.

She slides in, and I sit opposite.

“I can’t believe how quickly the last couple of weeks have gone,” she says.

“I know. I was thinking the same thing right before you walked in.”

We talk for a bit, but then I get a sudden rush of punters. She spots someone she knows, so I don’t feel too bad when I leave her to get back to work.



After changing a barrel, I come back to find Olly and Sophie talking. He says something to her, and she smacks his shoulder playfully. I don’t know why, but my gut twists. Ever since that fucking douchebag from the wedding, I have this yearning to protect her, but this is Olly, and he’s a good guy. I turn back and head to my office to collect myself.

When I leave, I walk straight into Soph.

Her hand raises to her chest. “Damn it, Charlie, you scared me,” she says with a giggle.

“What are you doing back here?” I ask.

“Olly said it was okay to use the staff toilet.”

I nod and reach up to tuck the loose hair behind her ear. Her breath catches, and I drop my hand almost immediately. I have to stop touching her.

“I’ll let you…” I say without finishing the sentence. Her cheeks turn red as she walks past me, and I force myself back to the bar.

“You all right, boss?” Olly asks.

“I’d be better if you stopped flirting with my best mates’ friend.”

He studies me for a beat, a smirk on his face, but not the least bit phased. Cool as a fucking cucumber.

“Are you shitting me?” he asks with a chuckle.

“I shit you not,” I reply, staring him straight in the eye.

“Listen, in case it slipped your notice, she’s an attractive woman, and the last time I checked, a free agent. So, unless she says otherwise, it’s not your call.” I usually like his no-bullshit approach, but when it comes to her, I don’t have an ounce of patience. I’m about to tell him as much when someone needs serving. I don’t know why I’m getting so worked up. Olly is a good guy, and sure, he can do what he wants in his own time, but not here and sure as hell, not with her.



It takes everything in me to not grab Olly by the throat. If his hand goes towards her face one more time, I swear to all that is holy.

He slings a tea towel over his shoulder and catches my eye.

Did he wink at me?

I clench my fists, and my body moves towards them. Sophie pauses and then her head turns in my direction, her eyes meeting mine. She smiles, but it falls short when she scans my face. Olly taps her hand, and she turns back to him, giving him her full attention. He leans over the bar and says something in her ear. It irks me to the core. That smug little fucker. I know he’s my friend, but he’s seriously pushing my buttons.

An almighty crash of shattering glass echoes through the bar, followed by a round of applause and hollers. Olly rolls his eyes and pulls away from Soph to grab the dustpan and brush, moving off to the source of all the commotion.

Soph slips off the stool and walks towards me. I don’t know when I stopped moving. Maybe it’s while I was watching as Olly openly flirted with her to bait me.

“Are you okay?” she asks, resting her palm on my arm.

I stare at her hand for a beat, and then my eyes move back up to her face. She drops it and wraps it around her stomach.

“Is something going on with you and Oliver? Do you…like him?”

I cringe, why did I ask that?

She physically puts distance between us, taking a step back. Her face drops, and immediately I feel like a fucking prick. I step into her space, the tips of my shoes touch hers. I place my finger under her chin, so she has to focus on me.

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