Home > Descent(33)

Author: Natasha Knight

“Mrs. Benedetti,” the guard says, gesturing to the door.

She glances at me again and I get a feeling she can handle herself just fine. She turns back to her husband and brushes something off his shoulder before touching his cheek.

She leans in to whisper something I don’t hear. Whatever it is has him smiling. A moment later, she’s gone with the soldier and Benedetti turns to me, then looks at Ares, then back at me.

“Hayden Montgomery,” he says, extending his hand. “Ares didn’t tell me you were identical twins. Good to meet you.”

I shake his hand. “Good to meet you. Let’s sit down.”

I take my place at the head of the oval table. Ares and Dominic sit on either side. Two soldiers remain in the room and we wait to begin until the server has poured coffee and left.

I notice Dominic looking at the scratches on my face, but he doesn’t comment.

“I hear you’ve taken control of Abbot Enterprises.”

I nod. “News travels fast.”

“I don’t want to waste time, especially after Abbot’s accident. Are you aware of the contract between Abbot and myself?”

“You were helping to fund the newest hotel Abbot was building in the city.”

“Not helping to fund. All financing was and is provided by me. Abbot didn’t have the resources to build at the time we came to the agreement.”

“He needed money and you needed permits.”

He smiles but it’s a wholly different smile than the one he showed his wife. “The end result will profit both Abbot Enterprises and me.”

“Persephone Abbot took over control of the company after her father’s accident. Why didn’t you proceed with her as you would had the accident not occurred?”

“Two reasons. First, because we hit several permit issues that without Quincy’s pull, I’ve been unable to resolve and second because I made a promise to Quincy. He didn’t want his family involved in our dealings.”

“More than one dealing?”

Again, he just smiles. “I liked Quincy. Seemed like a decent man.”

“So everyone keeps telling me.”

He doesn’t reply and I wonder if he hears the disdain in my voice.

Ares clears his throat and we both turn to him. “You mentioned the accident.”

Dominic nods. “We all know the hit-and-run wasn’t an accident. And that’s the more important reason I’m here. It’s the reason I have extra protection for my family. We have a common enemy.”

I feel my eyes narrow.

“Jeremiah Montgomery,” Dominic says.

“Dear ole dad,” Ares says.

“If this has to do with Hughes, he’s no longer in my father’s pocket,” I say.

“No, he’s in yours,” Dominic replies.

“And now that I have a stake in Abbot Enterprises, I’ll make sure we have whatever permits we need to proceed.”

“There’s no love lost between you and your father, is there?” he says it like he already knows. “In fact, you’re doing everything in your power to destroy him. Why?”

I force a grin. “Family business. I’m sure you understand.”

He cocks his head to the side and narrows his eyes. “The sting is a little different when family betrays us, isn’t it?”

“As you know,” I reply, because I know a little something about Benedetti family history too. About how he got to where he is with two older brothers who were ahead of him in the ascent to the throne.

“You will honor the contract Abbot and I agreed upon, including the transfer of the hotel to me one year after its completion,” he says it like it’s not a question, but I answer anyway because I’m not afraid of him.

“I’m not in the same position as Abbot. I have the capital and wouldn’t need to sell.”

“But you need an ally. More than you realize.”

“I can handle my father.”

“I’m sure you can but do you really think he’s the only player in this? This hotel goes up and I own the city. My enemies will have to find new holes to call home.”

“Are you telling me my father is backed by another mafia family?”

He nods. “One who will do anything he needs to do to destroy me. Destroy my wife.”

“I’m not up on my mob trivia. Who are we talking about?”

“Angus Scava.”

Ares whistles and I see him lean back in his chair. I scratch my forehead, go through the details I know about Scava, which aren’t many. He isn’t as powerful as Benedetti, that’s the most important, but I’ve heard his name more and more of late.

“What does he have with you? Or your wife?”

“Family business. I’m sure you understand.”

I nod. They are, after all, my own words.

“How did our father get involved with Scava?” Ares asks.

“He needed Quincy Abbot to keep quiet about something. That detail I don’t know, but he used Abbot’s arrangement with me to blackmail him into keeping his mouth shut about what it is he knows. Or knew. Once people get wind a senator is working with a mob boss, well, they assume corruption.”

“But isn’t it corrupt?”

He grins. “Much like you, I’m in business to make money. You’ll do what you need to do to get what you want, won’t you? Don’t you? Does that make you corrupt?”

I think of Persephone upstairs in my room. Handcuffed to my bed. Corrupt doesn’t begin to cover what I’m doing to her.

“If you know who is responsible for the hit-and-run, you’d better tell me.”

“I have my ideas.”

“You think Scava ordered it?” Ares asks.

“I didn’t say that. And I have a feeling if it was Scava the man would be dead, not in a coma no matter the little chance he has to wake.”

“Why would Scava work with my father? I understand my father going to a man like him if he needed something like the hit-and-run, because you are suggesting it was my father, but I don’t see what Scava would get out of it.”

“Your father had Hughes in his pocket. It’s as hard for Angus Scava to get the permits he needs as it is for me.”

“And now that I’m the man with Hughes in my pocket, my father has lost his value.”

Dominic nods. “Don’t underestimate the fact that you and anything precious to you also becomes a target. I can offer my protection, since we’re partners.”

“We’re not partners, and I can take care of what’s mine.”

“As you wish.” He checks his watch then looks at me again, his gaze level and cool and I’m reminded of his reputation. His ruthlessness.

“I want to get home to my wife and family,” he says, standing. “I can count on you to continue our business?”

I stand too. “The contract is airtight.” I already had my lawyer look into it, and I can’t get out of it even if I want to.

He smiles, extends his hand. “That secret your father is hiding, I’m very curious.”

I study him, try to read him. But he gives nothing away. “As am I.”

We drop our hands and Dominic turns to my brother. “Ares. I’ll see you next week.”

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