Home > Bullseye (The Monsters Within Duet #1)(67)

Bullseye (The Monsters Within Duet #1)(67)
Author: Monica James

This is a new low. He could have helped her financially as well as emotionally, but instead, he continued to punish her for something she did when she was a teenager. He has always been lurking in the shadows, but he’s now emerged because he wants something from us both.

Tiger said she felt as if someone had been watching her. I now know who.

“I want it all,” he states without pause. “And when I get it all…I want his head on a fucking platter.”

“I work for no one, especially not you,” I spit, charging forward, not caring when he draws his gun. “I’m no snitch, so better you kill me now.”

“Who said anything about being a snitch? It’s simple. Just earn their trust and infiltrate their operation. That’s all.”

I grip the barrel and press the muzzle over my heart. But I’m calling his bluff. He needs me. He wants to get rid of the competition, and seeing as Kong wasn’t man enough to do it, he’s now recruiting.

“I would, but at the moment, you’re of more value to me alive than dead. Besides, you don’t leave empty-handed.”

“You have nothing, nothing I want!” I scream, blinded by my rage.

“I actually do,” he contradicts, slowly removing the gun from my chest.

Is this supposed to be a sign of…trust?

Hell. To. The. Fuck. No.

This ends now.

I strike out and punch him square in the jaw. The sickening crack fuels my inner fury, and I elbow him in the nose. He stumbles backward, which is all I need. I dive on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Over and over, my fists connect with his face, but no matter how much I hit him, it’s still not enough.

If I end him now, what will that do to Tiger? I already ruined her life by killing the man she loved. My need for revenge is the reason she’s stripping, the reason her life didn’t turn out the way she wanted, the way she deserved.

And Jaws knows it.

His gargled snickers ridicule me. “What’s so funny, motherfucker?” I yank him up by the collar of his bloody dress shirt, pressing us nose to nose.

“You think you’re big game, but you’re still the scared little kid I knew.”

I raise my fist, ready to end this once and for all, but stop when Jaws puts something I want more than revenge on the line.


“You work for me. Otherwise, I think it’s time I got to know my nephew.”

My fist trembles midair.

“He’s already halfway to becoming a delinquent, so all he needs is a little guidance by his beloved uncle. It won’t take much. He believed me when I told him his mom was a hooker. There is no loyalty there. He resents her.”

The mystery of who told Jordy Tiger was a hooker has been revealed. Jaws has been a lot closer than we knew.

“I told him not to tell his mom I was back, and he didn’t. It wouldn’t take much for me to take him away from her for good.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” I challenge, but it’s apparent he would and has.

“Do you really think I want a snot nose kid who is the spitting image of his two-timing father around me? No. But he’s a means to an end.”

Unable to stand the sight of him, I throw him to the floor and stand abruptly. He snickers, wiping his bloody lip with the back of his hand.

“What did she ever do to you?” I question, unbelieving this tangled web I’m caught in. “She fucked your best friend? Get over it.”

And there it is, I see it. A tic beneath his right eye. It appears Tiger is both our weaknesses.

“I won’t allow you to blackmail me with her. I’ll tell her everything. I’m sure she’ll be interested to know you’ve lied to her this entire time. How long have you been watching her?”

He’s not bothered by my threat. “At first, I couldn’t give a fuck what she did. She made her choices. It was time she lived with them. But when she started stripping, she interfered with my business. And I can’t allow that to happen.

“She was hot shit, but when I saw her…let’s just say, nostalgia struck. I missed my little sister. But she wasn’t so”—he licks his lips—“little anymore.”

I clench my fists.

“So tell her what you want, but we both know she won’t believe you. You did kill her son’s father and, in turn, destroyed her life,” he states flippantly.

“When she asks why I didn’t tell her the truth, I’ll tell her what she wants to hear. I was just playing the role of big brother, trying to protect her from the pain of knowing the love of her life was dead.”

“She isn’t stupid. She’ll see through your bullshit.” My claim lacks conviction because I can’t be too sure.

“Maybe she will, which is why I have a backup plan. Her son.” Sitting up, he clutches his side, wincing. “You can either do what I want, or I will make him pay for your lack of cooperation. The cops wouldn’t think twice if a punk ass kid went missing. Imagine what that would do to my sister? She’d need the shoulder of her big brother to cry on, no doubt.”

This asshole has thought of everything. I either do what he says, or I destroy Tiger’s life—again. He has collateral in the way of her and Jordy.

“If I do what you want, what do I get?”

His eyes light up a devious green. “My word that no harm comes to my sister and her bastard.”

“That’s not enough.” I shake my head firmly. I know this makes me a selfish motherfucker, but I need reassurance these cunts will pay. “I want you and Scrooge to pay your dues. Only then will I…” God forgive me, “agree.”

Jaws licks the blood from his lips. “Fine.”

“What are the terms?” I ask, needing to get my head into the game. The rules have changed.

“You get close to Stevie, ensuring he hires you to be his muscle now that Kong is gone.” His voice is dripping with delight at the fact. “I want to know all about the fighting syndicate. That’s easy money for me. I can’t lose betting on the right horse.” He means me. “Find out what you can about his other dealings. Where he gets his shipments from. How much. I want to know everything there is.

“Encourage him to buy The Pink Oyster. I was going to approach Lotus myself, but the bitch won’t be so accommodating with me. Stevie can get the club for a steal. Money better in my pocket than hers.”

“How do you know all this?” I ask, wondering just how many people he has working for him.

“I make it my business to know the comings and goings of people who are of use to me. I found out about your little fling with my sister, now didn’t I? I couldn’t believe my luck when I did my research and found out just who you were—two birds, one stone. It was like destiny brought us together once again.”

It takes all my willpower not to headbutt him out cold.

“I was happy to remain in the shadows and allow Carlos to take care of it, but when you walked into her world and she couldn’t stay away, well, it wasn’t a coincidence. It was fate. I see the way she looks at you. She likes you. And you like her. Shame on you. Emotions make you weak.” There’s a bite to his tone. Could he be speaking from experience? “You should know that. It really is poetic justice for you both.”

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