Home > Boy Trouble (All American Boy)(15)

Boy Trouble (All American Boy)(15)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Fuck,” I groan, running my hands angrily through my hair.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Pun intended.



By the end of the week, I’m pretty damn proud of myself. I’ve managed to coexist with my new marketing director and not think about ripping her clothes off.

Okay, that’s a lie.

I’ve definitely thought about it.

I just haven’t acted on it.

We’ve met two more times throughout the week, and I was able to remain professional. Marley too. If she felt any sort of attraction or pull toward me, she didn’t let it show. During both encounters, she was cool, calm, and collected, and I’d like to think I was the same. Hell, I think I deserve an award for keeping myself in control, especially when she wore a white lace top on Wednesday. It wasn’t meant to be seductive in any way, but tell that to my traitorous cock. He took notice of the creamy white flesh noticeable through that lace, which resulted in not one, but two spank sessions later that night.

Now, we’ve made it to Friday. Everyone left about an hour ago, and I’m ready to celebrate. I just signed the contract for the linen buy I’ve been negotiating, which resulted in a damn good deal for Morrison Hotels. It feels like my first big victory since taking the helm of the company just two short weeks ago.

I want to celebrate.

Reaching for my phone, I shoot Cameron a text message. It’s Friday night, so there’s no telling what he’s got planned. Hopefully he’s available for dinner and celebratory drinks. If not, I guess I could head down to a bar and see if I can find another friend to celebrate with. The problem with that idea is the only friend that pops into my mind is Marley, and I shouldn’t want to be getting friendly with her.

Yet I do.

And the prospect of anyone else filling my bed doesn’t sit well either.

In fact, I only want one person.



Cameron: Sorry, having dinner with someone.


Me: Someone?


Cameron: Yes, someone I met earlier this week.


Me: Nice.


Cameron: I’m excited.


Me: All right, I guess I’ll have to celebrate my big contract deal solo tonight. Remember to suit up!


Cameron: Dammit, I’m sorry. Tomorrow night?


Me: Sounds good. You can buy me steak.


Cameron: Figures. Text ya tomorrow.


Me: OK. Have fun.


Cameron: Oh, I plan on it.


I set my phone down and sigh. I’m definitely happy for my friend, and if his date results in him getting laid at the end of the night, more power to him. I, on the other hand, don’t see the same results in my future. Sure, I could go out and probably easily have my pick of any number of women eager to come home with me. I’m a good-looking guy. That’s not cocky. That’s a fact. I’m physically fit, tall, and possess one of those smiles that make panties drop.

But I’m just not feeling it tonight.

I shut down my computer and stand up, stretching my lower back. A quick glance at my watch confirms it’s well after six, and I’m no doubt the only one left on the floor. I turn off the lights and make sure my door is secure before doing the same for the outer door by Jane’s desk. I head for the elevator to go to my suite when I notice a light on at the end of the hall. It’s only when I’m standing in front of the open door that I realize whose office this belongs to.


I’m not sure if I make a noise or if she just senses my presence, but she glances up and gasps. “Sorry, I thought everyone was gone for the day,” she insists, her hands over her heart as she tries to calm her racing heart.

“I could say the same thing. I thought I was the only one who worked past quitting time on a Friday night,” I state, shoving my hands in my trousers and leaning into her doorframe.

“I’m almost done. I found these amazing plaques that would work for our wall of fame in the lobby. Look,” she says, waving me over so I can see the screen.

I walk behind her desk and glance at the screen. As I crouch lower to see, I catch a big whiff of lavender. The scent goes straight to my groin and causes me to jump back as if I just touched an electric fence.

“Those look great,” I tell her, standing far enough back to see the screen but without being close enough to smell her.

“I think so too,” she replies, turning and giving me a smile. It’s the most breathtaking smile I’ve ever seen and makes my heart skip a beat or two in my chest. “If you’re okay with them, I’ll submit the purchase order Monday.”

“Perfect.” I take another step back and glance around her small office. The walls are still bare, and her desk is neat and tidy. The only personal belonging visible is a small framed photograph of her and her brother. Before I realize what I’m doing, I reach for the picture. It was taken recently, at her college graduation. She’s wearing a cap and gown and holding her diploma, her brother’s arm thrown proudly and protectively over her shoulder.

“I was so excited to see him and my parents that day. They hadn’t been for a visit in a while, and with my major in business and minor in marketing, I didn’t have as much time to come home as I would have liked.”

“He’s proud of you.”

“I hope so,” she whispers, pulling my attention from the photograph to the woman sitting before me.

Her brown hair is down with soft curls cascading down her back, and her green eyes shine like emeralds under the sunlight. She has a few freckles on her nose that she tries to cover with makeup, but I don’t understand it. They’re sexy as hell and make me wonder if she has any freckles anywhere else.

“I don’t think I’ve ever said it before, but thank you, Eli, for this job.”

“You earned it yourself, Mar. You impressed Carol and Jane all on your own. I didn’t even know you were their first choice until after you accepted the position.”

She gives me a tentative smile and seems to relax a little in her chair. “Oh. That’s good.”

“Did you think I had something to do with you getting the job?” I ask, setting the frame back down on the desk and taking a step closer.

“Umm, well, more my brother than me. I thought maybe your friendship with him had something to do with it.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Mar. You got this job on your own skill and merit. The fact I’m friends with your brother has nothing to do with why you’re in that chair. You did that on your own.”

Her smile is simply stunning. “Thank you,” she whispers, before turning and powering down her laptop and grabbing her purse from the bottom drawer.

I head for the door and can feel her behind me. Marley flips off her light before pulling the door closed. We walk together toward the elevator. This one will only go down to the lobby, not take me up to my suite. I’m not sure why I’m standing beside her, pressing the call button, when I should be moving to the other end of the floor.

But I don’t move.

Instead, when the car arrives, I say, “Have dinner with me.”

She’s about to step onto the elevator but stops. Her eyes meet mine, wide and full of shock. “What?”

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