Home > Boy Trouble (All American Boy)(7)

Boy Trouble (All American Boy)(7)
Author: Kaylee Ryan


My immediate opinion is she’s a little nutty. Clearly, she uses her sexuality to get what she wants, and I’m guessing that includes the recommendation in her file. I’ll definitely need to be on my toes with this one.

“Mr. Morrison,” Jeanie coos as she enters the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

“Miss James,” I greet professionally, not stepping around my desk to greet her.

She sashays toward me and takes a seat across from me. The first thing I notice is the amount of cleavage she’s showing. Normally, I’d drink my fill, but not today. Not from her. “I’ve been working on the press release and media kit, introducing you as the new CEO of Morrison Hotels. I was hoping I could get your approval,” she sings, leaning over to pull a portfolio out of her bag on the floor. The motion gives me a full peepshow down her top, and I quickly avert my gaze. Closing my eyes, I dig deep for the ability to remain calm. If I can just get through this meeting, I’ll have a little time to finish up here before I need to meet Cameron.

Jeanie is up and walks around my desk, opening the portfolio folder and setting it in front of me. When she leans over to point at the letter, she practically sets her boobs on my upper arm. “This is your bio, which I wanted to run past you,” she whispers, slightly turning and grazing her tits against my shoulder.

I move away and glance at the paper. “This couldn’t be emailed? I thought you worked with Jane on this?” I ask, unable to mask my annoyance.

She giggles. “Oh, I did. She’s the one who sent me your headshot and background. I just wanted you to see it all put together before I sent it out.” And then she touches me. Her nails glide over my bicep and dig into my flesh. “Oh my gosh, you’re so strong.”

I jump up, my chair crashing into the wall behind me. “Jeanie,” I start but am cut off.

“Yes, Eli?” she whispers, stepping up and pressing her body against mine. Her hands reach up, her fingers threading into my hair.

“You’re fired.”

It takes a second before my words sink in. “What?” she gasps, her jaw dropping.

“Today is your last day.”


“No buts. I haven’t given you any indication that I want you to touch me,” I state, moving away from her.

“I saw it in your eyes,” she argues, but I’m already shaking my head in disagreement.

“No, Jeanie, you didn’t. I’m not sleeping with you.”

She advances once more, the smile that would probably be considered seductive crossing her painted lips. “Well, if I’m not an employee anymore, then what’s the problem?” she asks, pressing her body against mine once more. I’ll admit, the packaging is nice, but it’s just not something I want to get myself involved in.

“Sorry, Jeanie, but I’m not interested.” I carefully grab her hands and remove them from my chest. I press the intercom button and wait for Jane to answer. “Can you please come to my office?” I can hear Jeanie gasp behind me, but I continue to ignore her. The moment Jane steps in, I say, “Please let HR know today is Miss James’s last day. If she goes quietly and signs her termination papers, she’ll receive one month’s severance pay.”

“I’m not signing anything!” Jeanie seethes, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes at me.

“Jeanie, I suggest you think about your options. You walked in here, came around my desk, and touched me multiple times. You suggested we get intimate.”

Her eyes narrow. “I’ll just say you came on to me. It’ll be your word against mine, Eli, and they always believe the woman.” She smirks and places her hands on her hips.

“And I’ll say I witnessed those words spoken, Jeanie. I suggest you grab your things and head back to your office. Security will be there momentarily to escort you from the building.” Jane gives her one of her no-nonsense looks. I remember being on the receiving end of it back when I was younger, but thankfully, haven’t had it directed at me lately.

Jeanie seems to deflate a little as she grabs her bag and heads for the door. “Shame you made such a mistake, Eli. We could have been good together,” she states before walking through the door, her bag thrown over her shoulder.

Jane presses a button on my phone. “Hi, this is Jane. Can you send security to Miss James’s office stat? She is to clean out her office and be escorted from the building.” The moment she’s done, she presses another button. “Carol, this is Jane. Miss James is terminated effective immediately. Please draw up her termination papers. She’s in the process of cleaning out her office. If you could meet her there and have her sign off, we’d appreciate it.” Jane goes on to tell Carol the cause for termination, and all I can do is stand here, wondering what the hell just happened.

“You okay?” she asks, taking a seat in the chair Jeanie sat in earlier.

“Yeah,” I reply, running my hands through my hair. “I’m used to women coming on to me, Jane, but never at work. Even in Chicago, when I knew they talked about how hot I was behind my back, no one ever made a blatant pass at me like that.”

“I’m sorry that happened. I’ve heard rumors she’s hit on others here, but never really looked into it. I let HR do their job. I hope we’ve heard the last of her. Carol is going to go through the résumés she’s received in the last six months and start interviews, if that’s okay with you?”

I nod. “Of course. The sooner we get someone hired, the better. Maybe someone who’s fifty… and a man?” I tease, smiling as I plop down in my desk chair.

Jane barks out a laugh, grabbing the portfolio still on my desk. “I’ll take this and make sure it’s approved for distribution. I’m going to slip downstairs and meet with Carol to make sure everything is in order with the termination. Unless you need me here,” she says, that grandmotherly demeanor I’ve always appreciated and respected on full display.

“I’m good, Jane. Thank you.”

“I’ll be back in a bit,” she replies, getting up and leaving my office, pulling the door closed tightly behind her as she goes.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh. What the fuck just happened?

Even though I have work to do, concentration is pretty much nil at this point. Deciding I need a change of scenery, I grab my cell phone and head for the nearest elevator, pressing the down button. I spend the next hour behind the scenes, visiting with kitchen, laundry, and housekeeping staff. Getting to know them helps recharge my battery, though it doesn’t completely help me forget what happened upstairs. Thank God I’m having dinner and drinks with Cameron tonight.

I’ve definitely earned it.



Chapter 4





Shutting down my laptop, I stand from the kitchen table and stretch. I’ve been sitting in the same position for hours applying for jobs and scouring the internet for anything that’s even close to my field. Closer than a bartender at The Wine Cellar. It’s not a bad gig, but I didn’t spend four years at college to sling drinks. I want more.

Marketing is what I really want to do. I love it. With my degree also being in business management, I hope to one day run my own department or even my own firm. My shoulders sag when I think about the money that the last idea would take. My mom would tell me that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I get that, but I’m also eager to start my life. I feel as though I’m at a standstill working at The Wine Cellar. I’m ready for my big girl job, as crazy as that sounds.

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