Home > Owned(21)

Author: L.V. Lane

A faint click from the direction of the front door sent a flood of adrenaline rushing. I fumbled the device, my hasty attempt to return it to the table failing as it clattered to the floor.

My vision turned to a tunnel. Was it Blaine? His housekeeper?

As I glanced down at myself, I groaned. I was wearing his freaking clothes, in his freaking bedroom!

The tunnel vision narrowed to a pinpoint. The urge to hide, as ridiculous as that would be, became a fever under my skin. I turned on the spot—a complete circle that achieved nothing besides light respite for my heightened need to do something.

I froze as the footsteps passed the door, a fleeting hope blooming that I might be able to sneak to my own room undetected. How this would help eluded me.

I was still caught in this loop when the footsteps returned, and the door swung open.

Neither of us spoke—I was incapable, and he appeared similarly stunned.

“I was bored with the other windows,” I finally said a little vaguely.

His slow perusal went all the way from the tips of my naked toes to my face. His lips tugged up on one side. “Really?”

He thumbed over his shoulder. “I bought you some clothes, but I think I might take them back.”

I rationalized that he was teasing me, but I didn’t know how to handle his playfulness.

His smile dropped, and the need that burned through in its place brought a thud to my pulse.

“You’re a fucking insane level of hot,” he said, voice dipping in a way that brought a clench low in my belly.

He was going to fuck me. Whatever he’d intended to do was forgotten. The long duster was yanked off and tossed over a chair before he stalked toward me.

My mind sank into chaos. I turned around like an escape hatch might manifest out of the floor. My heart was pounding, and deep in my core, sore muscles complained.

I was wet. It was like my body knew what was about to happen and was seeking to prepare.

The touch of roughened fingers drawing my hair back over my shoulder brought a stutter to my chest. He was gentle, but I could feel the heat emanating from his body and knew what was to come. “Are you sore, baby?” Head lowering, he pressed a kiss to the exposed flesh at the crux of my shoulder and throat.


“I’ll go slowly.” Kisses trailed up my throat.

No apology.

No indication that he might let my body recover before he took me again.

His lack of consideration should have appalled me. It didn’t. The urgency with which he needed to connect with me lit an equal sense of urgency within me.

His arm looped around my waist from behind. I stared at his big hand, the fingers spread wide over my abdomen were proprietary. His lips nuzzled the side of my throat, sucking against the skin with increasing roughness. I became restless. My sore pussy clenching with every suck-bite. “I like seeing my marks on you,” he said between kisses. His hand tightened over my stomach, pinning me to him before his fingers clenched over the material of his T-shirt. “And I fucking love seeing you in my clothes… But I think these need to come off.”

His other hand circled me, slipping under the T-shirt and cupping me over his boxers. It set everything fluttering. Could he feel how wet and ready I was?

He stripped me with slow calculation, spread me out on the bed, and kissed the soreness from my pussy with a reverence that broke me a little. I came under his intimate attention, panting, gasping, and barely cognizant of where I was. As I lay there watching him through lidded eyes, he rose, ripping his T-shirt over his head, toeing off boots, and shucking his pants down.

A brief fumble in the nightstand drawer before he fisted his cock and slathered himself with lube. Then he squirted a generous portion over my pussy, and worked that in as well.

I winced and gasped a little. Tender muscles were forced open as he finger fucked me, stretching and scissoring, working his thumb over my swollen clit until I was a mess of need.

It still hurt when he lined his cock up and sank slowly inside. My muscles locked up at the invasion.

“Relax for me, baby,” he said, brushing my hair from my damp face. His hips pumped slowly. My knees lifted to cradle him, allowing him to sink deeper. “That’s my good girl. Fuck, you’re so hot inside. I’ll see if I can get something for the soreness tomorrow.”

He began to thrust, slow, determined, but soon building. The pain eased, my body having no choice but to submit.

My mind wasn’t far behind. This would not be the only time he would take me tonight. I could feel the urgency in him in the way his lips moved against my throat even as he began to pound into me.

The lack of free will was unexpectedly freeing. My body rose with every thrust, the pleasure overwriting the ache until I spasmed around him in a way that was darkly climactic.

He didn’t stop, and my wild moans only drove him to fuck into me harder.







I SPENT THE day alone in Carter’s apartment, coming to terms with my lot. He’d said he was needed at the medical center and that some things for Adam would be arriving.

They did… oh how they did.

A veritable army turned up at the door, boxes and packages with them. I didn’t like to be around men, I fucking hated men, and now I had three huge ones in my home.

My home… this was my home.

My life was so messed up.

It helped that they paid me absolutely no heed as they stomped in and out with the packages, emptied the room Carter had been using as an office and dumped everything in there.

Then I had to sign to say they had done a good job!

Carter called as I was still reeling from this experience and told me not to touch anything until he arrived home.

Carter, who’d been half naked in the bed with me all night.

Carter, whose warm body had been curved around me when I woke.

Carter, who I’d finally admitted somewhere between that fateful meeting at the medical center and now, was the most sinfully attractive man I’d ever met.

Of course, I opened the packages. I couldn’t remember being this excited ever as I uncovered all the things a baby might need… new things, nice things, so many things.

I had energy. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had energy, either. The constant stress of Adam’s illness and the worry for his next injection had been like a thick, cloying blanket over me for so very long. Life in Sanctuary was also far from a smooth ride. Supplies spilled out into the black market from the communities, and it was always a challenge to source enough food and other things our community needed. The price we paid for our freedom was realized in the uncertainty.

It was disconcerting to find myself in a comfortable home with access to all the food and essentials we might need. A strange and previously unknown determination of hope unfurled inside.

Carter found me on the floor in the middle of his former office. Adam was sitting on a play mat in his new cute romper suit, waving the little teether rattle at Carter before shoving it in his mouth. They had left Carter’s computer in the lounge, but everything else had been replaced. The small space was now a perfect child’s room with a crib, set of drawers, changing table, and a chest for toys.

“Hey, buddy,” Carter said.

Adam immediately offered the slobbery toy to Carter.

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