Home > Axel (Reapers MC #17)(6)

Axel (Reapers MC #17)(6)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

I stand up and set my beer down on the picnic table in front of me, fish out my wallet, and grab two twenty-dollar bills. As I head up to the car, I lean across from the passenger side and hand the woman the cash, then open the back door. Surprisingly enough, I see Rosa with her hand over her face.

To me, she doesn’t look drunk. Instead she seems flustered, maybe even a bit worried. But the inside of this car isn’t the brightest thing, so I extend a hand and speak lowly to her, “Rosa, c’mon, you’re home now.” She pulls her hands away from her face and looks to me, takes my hand and I help her exit the vehicle. No sooner than we shut the door the driver’s already speeding off, flying down the driveway.

“I guess I looked drunk to her,” Rosa mutters, walking past me she heads into the clubhouse and proceeds to walk straight up to the bar area. It’s a bit past one in the morning and most of the brothers just hit the hay, while I naturally assume the Vixens are still out drinking.

“You seem aggravated to me,” I speak up, not holding my feelings back. I had no problem following her ass in here, but not before I grabbed my beer from the top of the picnic table.

“Frustrated, sure. Annoyed, yeah. Hell, maybe I’m pissed. I don’t know. I could be a combination of all three,” Rosa grumbles before kneeling down behind the bar, the creaking of the cabinet signals she’s getting the good stuff and she rises with a bottle of tequila. She grabs two shot glasses and pours them out, handing one off to me before she throws it back like it’s nothing.

“Fuck, not even a chaser?” I cock a brow, never being one to see Rosa go for the hardcore drinking.

She chuckles lightly and shakes her head while pouring another shot for herself. “What do you take me for, Axel? A pansy little bitch?” Just as she finishes her question, she throws the second shot back, and then she’s quick to refill and toss back drink after drink until I’ve counted to six. Meanwhile, I haven’t even touched the tequila she’s handed me.

Setting my own shot glass down on the bar, I grab onto her forearm and force her to stop. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

“Why does something have to be going on? Can’t I be a woman who’s cutting back and enjoying herself?”

Giving her a stern look, I call her out on her bullshit. “Sure you could, if you were smilin’ and dancin’ to music or some shit, but you’re here starin’ at the bottle like it’ll wash away all your damn problems. So, lemme ask you this shit again. What’s goin’ on in that head of yours?”

“You don’t want to know what’s going on in my head, Axel. Trust me. You don’t want to have a fucking idea. No one does.” Rosa shakes her head and shuts her eyes. Now I’m not a mind reader or nothin’, but I’d like to think I know when a woman’s goin’ through a tough time and this sure looks like it is.

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have asked. I’m not exactly the peach of the club, now am I?” I’m the asshole. The same way Enzo’s the asshole of the Skulls Renegade MC out in Tennessee. Well, actually, now that I’m thinkin’ about it, I’m bettin’ the asshole’s Chaos. He’s done some fucked up shit and he’s always the one I hear people bitchin’ about.

“I haven’t told you about any of this shit, and I don’t expect to tell anyone now either. So, how about you just leave me the fuck alone about it, or you be my drinking buddy for the night? The choice is yours,” she spits out in a sassy tone. Ripping her forearm away from me she pours herself another drink and picks up my shot glass, hands it over to me and clinks her glass against mine. Taking her lead, I throw it back and set it down, then she’s filling it again, and then she’s doing it again.

I lose count after ten shots, but my head’s getting a bit fuzzy and everythin’ else too. Slowly, it becomes obvious to me Rosa isn’t as pent up as she was when she came back to the club. Glancing up, I look at the clock on the wall and see it’s a bit past two-thirty in the mornin’. I’m not an early bird by any means, so I wanna get my ass to bed soon. At least by five. Zane’s always wakin’ up and havin’ us do shit around ten, especially with that fucker still out in the barn. I know he’s got him here as leverage, considerin’ everything that went down with the Corrupt Kings MC back in January, but fuck, they haven’t been around and we haven’t gotten any word of where they might be after the last update we had. Our friends out West, the Deathstalkers MC, said they saw Boomer, Cheyenne’s brother, who’s also the Prez of the Corrupt Kings, out talkin’ to one of the people who frequent their area. I’m pretty sure they’re keepin’ an eye out for Boomer, but I’ll have to make sure with Zane.

Who knows what the hell we’re gonna do with his VP if he doesn’t come back for him? Boomer still has that bitch of a clubwhore, Blossom. She was tryin’ to tell Boomer some shit about us. God, I want nothin’ more than for that bitch to end up dead. She wasn’t even a good lay and the only thing she’s ever been good at is stirrin’ up trouble. Fuck, look at the position she’s put us in now.

“You look angry, Axel,” Rosa murmurs, the way she’s speaking comes out thick, like she’s straight from Mexico. I look harshly at the woman, staring into her deep brown eyes and before I realize what’s happening, I have a hand around her throat, and watching her eyes expand. Though she’s startled for a moment, she licks her bottom lip and says something in Spanish, somethin’ I’ve never heard in my fuckin’ life, but it sounds nasty as fuck.

I seriously doubt she knows what I’m about to do to her is nasty as fuck.



Chapter Six



Bite marks are love notes written on the flesh

~ Unknown






He’s just grabbed me by the front of the throat and I can barely breathe. His hands wrap tighter around me and just as I think he’s about to snap my neck in two, he turns me around and presses his groin against my ass. His cock is hard as a rock, pressing against me through my jeans and his. He gyrates himself over my ass with one hand on my throat and another going between my thighs, “I want to fuck you so badly right now,” his words are stern, coming out in a growl like he’s a savage man, which only proceeds to make wetness pool at my center.

“Then do it,” I hiss back while turning my neck to look into his eyes. “Fuck me like I’m a nasty slut, Axel.” I know the alcohol’s doing most of the talking right now, but I’d be lying if I said I’ve never thought about being with him. The thought never crossed my mind until very recently, but I’m ready to get some action. The last time I got laid, it was right before the holidays, in a bar bathroom in the middle of Billings. The guy couldn’t fuck me to save his life and I don’t have that sort of impression when it comes to Axel. He’s dominant, arrogant, and gives me the idea he knows his way around a woman’s body.

The hand he’s skimming across my thigh goes up to the button of my jeans, pops it open, and then pulls my zipper down. Then he’s got an iron grip on the back of my jeans and yanks them down. There’s no passion in the way he moves, but then again, I’m not looking for passion. I wasn’t on a search for the man I’m supposed to be with. Instead I just want a good, nice lay. One that’ll leave my legs shaking afterward, one where I won’t have to finish the job when I’m done. I just want to feel good.

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