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Janie (The Casanova Club Book 15)(7)
Author: Ali Parker

If I ever had children.

“Max,” my grandmother said. I could hear the smile in her voice. “You called just in time. I was about to go on my morning walk through the gardens with Lucile. Did I tell you that woman’s blasted children brought her a dog?”

I chuckled as I came to a stop at a red light. “A dog? Isn’t she ninety-something?”

“Ninety-two,” my grandmother confirmed. “She can hardly bend over to put its leash on and walk it. So irresponsible of those kids of hers. Part of me thinks they had the dog for themselves, decided they didn’t like him, and pawned him off on her.”

“I doubt that’s true.”

“They’re selfish little turds, Max.”

“I hope you don’t talk about me like that when I’m not there.”

“I only speak about you in that manner when you beat me at chess. Correction, if you beat me at chess.”

“I win more than I lose,” I said.

“I might be old but I don’t have dementia. I’m still sharper at the game than you are, my boy. Speaking of which, when are you going to come out and visit me?”

“Soon,” I told her.

“Soon? You say that all the time. It’s been too long.”

She was right. I needed to make time in the schedule to fly out and see her, or have her fly to me and spend some time at the house with me and Holly. “I’ll make it happen,” I promised.

“I’m going to hold you to it.”

“Don’t boss me around or I’ll get you a dog to keep you busy.”

My grandmother laughed. “Unlike Lucile, I’m spry enough to take care of a dog. But if I were to have a pet, I would want something smaller. Like a bird.”

“A bird?” I asked flatly.

“I like the idea of waking up to songs in the morning.”

I was about to tell her she really was turning into an old woman when another call cut through. It was from yet another anonymous number, and I knew immediately it was my ex. I sighed.

“Something wrong, Max?” my grandmother asked.

“Sorry, I’m getting another call. Can I call you later?”

“Of course. Have a good day. Tell that sister of yours to call me sometime.”

“I will.”

I switched calls and took the one coming in. “Sienna, I swear to God if this is you calling me again, I’m going to—”

“I need to tell you something,” Sienna said. Her pitchy voice made my eye twitch. “Don’t you dare hang up on me, Max Fisher.”

“What do you want?” I growled.

Sienna huffed into the line. “You’re an arrogant prick, you know that? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for weeks and you keep blowing me off like you never even fucking knew me, Max. Well, I have news for you. You’re not shaking me loose that easy, and if you so much as try—”

“What do you want?” I asked venomously.

Sienna’s voice brightened and the words that came out of her next made my head spin. “I’m calling to tell you that I’m pregnant, you jackass.”



Chapter 5






“Excuse me, coming through, on your left,” I chimed as I wove through the crammed bodies in the airport. Sundays were never ideal to fly out of New York City. Then again, no day was good for such a thing.

JFK Airport was packed. I couldn’t go a foot in either direction without bumping into someone or having someone roll their fifty-pound suitcase over my foot.

However, nothing could dampen my mood. This was it. This was the change I needed.

No, I hadn’t expected it to come from Max of all people, but when I heard the voicemail he’d left me last week, it felt like the clouds had parted and a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders. He had no idea what he’d done for me by offering me that job. That very morning, I called him back and accepted his offer.

He’d sounded off and unlike himself when we spoke. He kept things short and professional, and when I thanked him not only for the job but for staying on the line with me while I was drunk, he’d almost sounded like he’d forgotten about the night before.

But that wasn’t possible.

I chalked his odd behavior up to being overworked, like he’d said in the voicemail. He needed an office manager and I could certainly do that job now that I had relevant experience at the Casanova Club. Jackson Lee was shocked when I put in my resignation and even more shocked when I told him where I was moving and who I’d be working for.

Then he gave me a sly smile, tapped the side of his nose, and wished me the best of luck in Silicon Valley.

Jackson knew Max and I had run together for some time after Piper and Wyatt’s wedding. He’d been one of our biggest cheerleaders in fact, and when he found out Max and I put an end to things, he’d been disappointed for us both. His investment in our relationship bought me a few days off work after the breakup to collect myself and I was eternally grateful for that.

Jackson had been an incredible boss. I was sad to say goodbye to him but excited to start my next journey. Things ended on good terms between us and he told me if things ever changed and I wanted to come back he would always have room for me.

Something told me I wouldn’t be coming back.

As I wove through the crammed bodies in the airport to get to the check-in line, I pulled my phone out of my back jean pocket and called Piper to tell her I was at the airport.

“Did the movers come for your stuff yesterday?” Piper asked.

“Yep, I slept at the Fairmont at the airport last night. Thanks again, you glorious man, Max Fisher.”

Piper giggled. “Are you nervous to see him?”

“A little,” I admitted.

“Just a little?”

“Okay, yes, I’m big-time nervous to see him. But I’m trying to go into this with my eyes open. It was a job offer, nothing more. He wants to help me, and for once, I’m going to accept help and focus on myself. I’m not expecting anything else from him.”

“I think that’s a good attitude. But if something were to happen?”

I fought the way my lips tried to curl into a smile as I inched forward in line. “I don’t think anything will happen, Pipes. We tried once. It didn’t work.”

“It didn’t work because you lived on opposite sides of the country.”

“And a lot has changed since then. I don’t expect him to be the same person or want the same things.”

Piper sighed dramatically. “Fine. But a girl can hope, okay?”

Yes, she can.

“I’ll call you when I get to the new apartment,” I said.

“I expect a face call so I can see the new digs.”

“And you’ll get one. This line is moving quicker than I thought. Gotta go, Pipes. Love you.”

“Love you too. Have a good flight.”

My call ended as I closed in on the front of the line. The airline had opened several more stations to check in, so I only had to wait a few more minutes before I was invited forward by one of the employees, who I presented my boarding pass and passport to. She smiled, checked me in, provided tags for my luggage, and had me weigh my suitcase. I didn’t exceed the limit, so she took my bags and wished me a good flight before sending me toward security.

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