Home > Playing Their Parts(58)

Playing Their Parts(58)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“Where would you like to sit?” Stone asked, looking around at the bewildering array for a couple of free seats.

“Anywhere but near the giant spiders,” Cassie said. “Preferably near the back so we can sneak out early.”

“Agreed.” Stone nodded. “Look, I see some free chairs near those chibble-nooks.”

“Chibble-nooks?” Cassie asked. She looked to where he was pointing and saw three creatures about the size of golden retrievers. Actually, they kind of looked like golden retrievers too, except they had human-looking eyes, green fur, and they were all wearing large, festive hats. As she watched, a fourth one joined them and they all got up to sniff each other’s butts—which was apparently their way of greeting.

“Uh, maybe not by the chibble-nooks,” she said, frowning. She could just imagine what would happen if the dog-like creatures decided to introduce themselves. She had no intention of letting them sniff her butt—or of returning the favor.

“Well, we could sit—” Stone began

“Well, hello there, Mistress,” a familiar voice said in Cassie’s other ear.

“Huh?” She turned to see The Beast standing just behind her. A split second later, Stone saw him too. A low growl rose in his throat and he came at once to stand between Cassie and the other male.

“Hey, take it easy.” The Beast held up his hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture. “I just came to tell you that Gozeriam has requested your Mistress and you to take a seat of honor in the front row.”

“The front row?” Cassie squinted as she looked down the long rows of assembled porn actors and saw a row of mostly empty seats at the front of the stage. On the stage itself, Xempi Gozeriam was laid out on his large, rectangular platform and surrounded by his all-female cadre of guards. Behind him, was a long, red curtain like something you might see at a theater.

“Yes, the front row!” the Beast exclaimed. “Apparently he was really happy with your performance today, Mistress. You might even be up for an award—and for your first porn-vid! Outstanding!”

“Oh, um, thank you.” Cassie winced inwardly Not only were she and Stone going to have to sit in the very first row where there was no way of escaping, but they would probably also have to watch their own performance and possibly even get an award for it! How totally humiliating.

But what else could they do? They needed to stay on Gozeriam’s good side, so they could hardly refuse his invitation.

“Okay,” she said to The Beast. “Lead the way.”

“Of course.” Grinning at her and making sure he avoided Stone, The Beast led them down the rows of seated actors to the very front.

Gozeriam took notice of them at once.

“Ahhh, there you are. We were wondering where you and your body-slave had gotten to, Mistress,” he burbled at Cassie. “We were most pleased with your performance and that of your body-slave. You truly did justice to our excellent script.”

“Why thank you, your Slimefullness.” Cassie nodded graciously at the huge Slimerian. “Stone and I are most honored by your praise.”

“Have a seat,” Gozeriam told her. “The public viewing is about to begin.”

They got seated in the front row and Cassie found herself in the uncomfortable position of having Stone on one side of her and The Beast on the other. Her partner, of course, didn’t like this a bit. He glared at The Beast and put an arm around Cassie’s shoulders possessively. The message couldn’t have been more clear—Back off—she’s mine!

Cassie was glad to have her protective partner so close. It didn’t stop The Beast from talking to her but it did remind him to keep his hands strictly to himself.

“So is this something they do every night here?” she asked him after they were all settled. “This public viewing?”

“No, more like once a week—sometimes more or less. Depends on how many outstanding performances his Slimefullness has to show off. Tonight, I believe he has several.” He winked at her. “Including yours, Mistress.”

“Um, thanks.” Cassie nodded, hoping he was wrong. When she’d done the incredibly erotic scene with her partner, she’d never dreamed that she would have to ever watch it—let alone watch it in a crowded theater-setting with hundreds of other people!

“Oh look—it’s beginning!” The Beast murmured. “See—the curtain’s rising to show the holo-stage.”

As he spoke, the rich red curtain behind Gozeriam began to rise, revealing a massive silver disk hovering above his slimy head. The disk must be the stage The Beast was talking about, Cassie thought. She wondered if the floating camera drones projected their images directly onto it.

“Creatures and humanoids,” Gozeriam burbled, raising his voice to be heard above the chatter. “Please direct your attention here.”

At once, everyone fell silent and all the eyes in the room were fixed on the Slimerian.

“We are pleased to welcome you all to this public viewing,” Gozeriam went on. “As you know, we view each day’s vids as they are finished and judge them according to their merits. When enough outstanding performances accrue, we hold a viewing so that everyone may learn by studying the successful techniques of the most talented actors. Tonight we have three very fine performances for you to view. Please pay attention!”

Cassie doubted anyone would dare to disobey. Indeed, everyone in the room was looking fixedly at the vast silver disk above Gozeriam’s head. As she watched the disk, a small silver camera drone flew up and began to project an enormous holographic image onto it.

She had been worried it would be herself and Stone but instead, the camera drone projected a holo of three female humanoids with puffy halos of bright pink hair around their heads. They also had bright pink, perfectly round spots on their cheeks and bright pink lips. Their nipples and outer pussy lips were the same vivid color but the rest of their naked bodies and faces were chalk-white.

They look like clowns, Cassie decided, watching the display. Like three weird clowns!

As she watched, the three “clowns” began to do erotic contortions, twisting themselves into pretzels and knots. At the same time, all three of them were pleasuring each other with long, pink feathers.

They must be double jointed, Cassie thought, watching in amazement as one of the clown-girls bent her legs all the way over her head so that a second clown-girl could tickle her vulva with a feather. At the same time, she was tickling the third girl with her own feather, held between her toes. Or maybe triple jointed. Wow—how do they do that?

The act went on for some time until Gozeriam announced, “Enough!”

At once, the holo winked out and the camera drone that had been projecting it flew quietly back down to the stage.

“As you could plainly see,” the Slimerian boss remarked. “The three kudza females are adept at pleasuring each other while never forgetting to give their best effort to their contortions. They exhibited excellent teamwork in this segment, for which I commend them.”

Cassie heard a trio of shrill giggles to her left. Looking past Stone, she saw the three kudza girls sitting in a row. They all had their hands over their mouths and they were nodding at Gozeriam while giggling with embarrassed delight.

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