Home > Raspberry Tart Terror (Murder in the Mix #30)(15)

Raspberry Tart Terror (Murder in the Mix #30)(15)
Author: Addison Moore

“Well, no, but—”

Carlotta howls twice as loud, “That’s what we authors call getting our letters.” A prideful smile blooms on her face. “Next up is USA TODAY, and then after that the New York Times, and then after that—is whatever comes after that.”

“A movie deal.” Keelie nods.

Mom is quick to wave off the idea. “Let’s not get carried away.” Her voice wavers as if she might cry, and I decide to change the subject before the waterworks start.

“Let’s not get too celebratory just yet either,” I say. “I’m pretty sure both of these women knew that poor girl who passed away last night. I’m sorry for your loss.” I cringe a little as I look to the two of them.

Sugar sniffs back tears. “Growing up, Verity and I were the best of friends. It’s a horrible loss for everyone. She had a legion of fans. She was loved the world over.”

Juliet nods. “I worked with her back when she was still just Verity.”

“Oh?” Mom tips her head. “What did the two of you do?”

“We worked for the Craft Emporium.”

“Ooh!” Keelie’s eyes light up. “Lottie and I are addicted to the Craft Emporium. We used to pop in once a week just to see what’s new. I’m addicted to the scrapbooking stuff, and Lottie used to buy up all the seasonal decorations.”

“Still do,” I say. “As soon as they put out all the fall and Christmas stock on display in the summer, I’m right there scooping it all up. I bought all of my Valentine’s decorations there, too,” I say, waving my hand around at my haul. “Come to think of it, I should really make another trip. There’s more heart-shaped fun to be had.”

Juliet laughs. “Actually, Verity and I worked as online support for big vendor buyers like schools, churches, hospitals, stuff like that. So I never really had the chance to work on the store floor. But I’ve spent more than my fair share of time inside of the store, too—as a consumer. I’m a knitting addict.”

“You must be thrilled to take over the knit shop,” I say. “I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with The Knit Wit.”

“First thing’s first, I’m changing the name. The new name is The Social Knitwork. The new signage is coming tomorrow.”

“The Social Knitwork!” Keelie and I coo in unison.

“That’s adorable,” I tell her. “Welcome to the neighborhood, to the both of you. Are either of you holding a grand opening?”

Juliet and Sugar glance at one another and shake their heads.

“We should do something,” I tell them. “Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. How about if we host a block party and invite the whole town? We could call it something cute like Love is in the Air on Main Street, and each of the businesses could have an open house. I’m sure everyone will be running a special on that day anyhow.”

“No, no.” Mom wags a finger my way. “The B&B—I mean, the Rendezvous Luxury Resort is hosting a Valentine’s Day party to end all Valentine’s Day parties. The entire town is invited.” She turns to Sugar and Juliet. “In fact, once the new owners discovered that Verity had close to twenty million followers on her social media sites, they decided to hold the event in her honor—sort of a memorial.” She frowns a moment. “It’s their way of bringing more patrons to their new establishment.”

“Riding on the coattails of Verity’s murder? That’s low,” I say.

“Slimy.” Keelie shudders.

“Innovative,” Carlotta retorts.

“It’s perfect.” Sugar nods. “Verity only ever wanted one thing in life, and that’s to be in the spotlight.”

A spray of pink stars appears around her shoulder, and right before my eyes a koala bear appears with its arms wrapped around Sugar’s neck as if it was holding on for dear life. Both Carlotta and I gasp in unison—as we should since we’re the only two who can see it. I hope.

“Aw,” Carlotta coos. “I love me some koala bears! Especially a fuzzy little cutie patootie like this one.” She leans toward the supernatural sweetie. “What’s your name, handsome?”

Both Sugar and Juliet look momentarily confused. Odd how both Keelie and my mother aren’t the least bit fazed by Carlotta’s lunacy. I suppose they’re used to it by now.

“I actually had a koala bear once.” Sugar sighs with a shrug. “She was a precious little thing, a gray fuzzy cutie that my dad named Sugar Bear. Sugar after me.” She averts her eyes as if it were silly. “I just called her Teddy. Oh, how I wish I still had her. Our time together was way too short.”

“I’m right here, Sugar,” the furry gray cutie shrills in a high-pitched voice before dotting a kiss to the side of Sugar’s face—although she might be trying to gnaw on it. I can’t be sure.

So she’s a girl.

I shoot Carlotta a look for being wrong about the gender. But in her defense, I’m not sure I’d be able to tell either.

“I’m sorry.” Keelie grimaces. “Did you have to give her up to a zoo or something?”

“Oh no.” She gives a mournful laugh. “My dad was the zoo. He ran an animal preserve, and along with that the local zoo used our land to nurse some of the sicker animals back to health, too. Teddy was born in our care. But she didn’t die young. Verity decided she wanted Teddy for herself, and, well, I couldn’t refuse her a thing.” That pleasant look drips right off her face and she glowers a moment at the thought.

Huh. I’ll have to bring this up to Noah. After all, it was Sugar’s bracelet we found in the snow just outside the conservatory where Verity ventured to have a breath of fresh air—and apparently eat a poisoned raspberry tart. Although toxicology is still looking into that as we speak.

Evie shrieks again and we collectively look in her direction.

“One million five hundred thousand!” She hops up and down and sends her hair springing like coils.

“Followers,” I say as I look to Juliet and Sugar. “That’s my daughter. She seems to be a viral sensation at the moment, and I’m not sure why.” I’m not sure I want to know why either. But as her mother, I’ll make sure I know every dicey detail before the sun goes down.

Sugar taps her fingers to her lips. “Evie is your daughter?”

My brows arch. “You know Evie?”

The blonde gives a nervous giggle. “Well, I’m afraid almost everyone knows Evie, or at least they will. The very last picture Verity posted to her Insta Pictures account last night was of herself and your daughter. She introduced your daughter to the world and mentioned that she would be passing the baton to her one day.”

That’s right. I give a few quick blinks as I recall the exact moment it happened.

Juliet’s shoulders jerk. “Wow, I guess she’s passed the baton a little sooner than she thought.”

A worried look crosses Sugar’s face. “If you don’t mind, I’d love to have a word with your daughter. I feel as if she should know what’s happening.”

“Go right ahead,” I say as Sugar takes off in Evie’s direction.

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