Home > Raspberry Tart Terror (Murder in the Mix #30)(25)

Raspberry Tart Terror (Murder in the Mix #30)(25)
Author: Addison Moore

A shrill scream tears through my throat and the rest of the room joins right along with me.

Footfalls speed this way and Noah jumps into the room with his weapon drawn.

“Everybody freeze!” His eyes bug out as he does his best to take in the scene with the shivering jocks in the corner, Evie and Dash mumbling something about hashtags near the dresser, me with my pillow, Everett with his pants half off, and let’s not forget Carlotta and Mayor Nash wrinkled to oblivion and I’m not entirely sure it has all that much to do with the fact they just got out of the bath.

“Son of a biscuit.” Noah closes his eyes a moment too long.

“Don’t lose momentum,” Everett growls at him. “Shoot the little gnats cowering in the corner. I’ll vouch for you when you say you thought they were intruders.”

Noah frowns as he puts his weapon back into his holster, and both Conner and Kyle fly past us faster than a couple of apparitions.

A scratching sound comes from the direction of the bathroom, and I look to find an adorable yet dripping wet koala bear coming this way.

“What’s all the to do going on in here?” Teddy asks as she shakes out her dripping wet fur. “Lottie? Mind if I help myself to your cupboards? I always get a hankering for something to munch on after a good swim,” she says as she floats right through the wall and out of the room before I can answer.

“Sure, why not.” I toss my hands in the air and lose my pillow. And suddenly, I’m wishing I could float through a wall myself. Or the floor, or the ceiling. Now that would have really given those boys something to scream about.

Mayor Nash trots my way. “Let me get that for you.” He bends over with his rear to my face and a tiny yelp emits from me. I can never unsee that. “Don’t mind us. We were just celebrating Carlotta’s big Vermont best-seller status.”

“Thank you,” I say as he hands the pillow my way, and I’m back to using it like a rather useless shield.

Carlotta steps up and hands Mayor Nash a towel. “I knew the three of you had a few wild moves left in ya before the kiddo gets here. Nice maneuver with the weapon, Foxy. Real macho.” She takes a look at Everett. “If that whole judge thing doesn’t work out, the Ladies Lounge is always looking for fresh meat. And you, Evie Stevie”—she turns toward the girls still hovering feverishly over their phones—“nice try, but Harry and I heard every word. Teaches you a lesson for trying to scare off a couple of naked boomers. Maybe you’ll think twice before messing with your elders. And for your information, we prefer to call ourselves the Shockwave Generation.”

“Or the Pig in the Python,” Mayor Nash adds, and Carlotta swats him for the bizarre effort.

“Consider yourselves shocked by the wave of greatness before you,” Carlotta says as she threads her arm through his.

“Okay, boomer,” Evie bleats, her eyes never lifting from her screen as she and Dash walk right by us as if nothing happened at all.

Mayor Nash leans my way. “You’re looking good, kid. That belly is getting really big. I bet you’re ready to pop. When are you due? Next week?”

I frown over at him. “I’ve got another month, but thank you. I think.”

“Night, kids,” Carlotta winks our way. “Try not to let things get out of hand this time. Foxy, lose some stitches before Lot Lot loses interest.” She pokes Everett in the ribs. “You’re built like a rock. Don’t say serving a little time didn’t do you any good. Think of how ripped you’ll be after a decade or three?”

I wait until they clear the threshold before sighing. “And that, folks, is the genetic material I’m passing down to my child.”

The baby gives a sharp kick, and I drop the pillow and grip my belly.

“Lottie.” Noah has me in his arms in a flash.

“Lemon?” Everett helps me to the bed.

“I’m fine,” I say, hiking up on my elbows as I land on the mattress. “The baby just kicked.” And just like that, it happens again and this time my stomach lifts three inches at least.

“Did you see that?” Everett marvels.

“Heck yes.” Noah lands his hand over my belly, mesmerized by the feat.

And the baby doesn’t miss this moment to impress. It kicks up a storm and my flesh contorts every which way, much to the delight of each of us in the room. The baby rolls from one side of my belly to the other, and we watch with wonder as my body conforms as much as it can to the baby’s every move.

“Wow,” I muse. “There really is a living human being tucked in there.”

“A beautiful being.” Everett runs his hand over my belly and the baby meets him with a kick. “A blessing.”

“A perfect miracle,” Noah adds as he lays his hand on the other side of my bourgeoning flesh.

“Mom!” Evie shouts as she heads this way. “Verity just sent me a DM. She thinks you and Dad are hot!” She enters the room and stops cold before letting out a cry of frustration. “Seriously? Eww! It never ends with the perversion around here,” she wails as she heads back to her room.

“Great.” I blow out a breath. “It’s nice to know Verity approves.” I give my belly a pat. “Well, boys, we’re having a baby. And that’s about the only part of this night that makes any sense.”

Everett and Noah don’t say a word; instead, they both nod in agreement.

The baby keeps on kicking and we get right back to watching.

It’s hard to beat this kind of entertainment. That shoot ’em up action flick had nothing on this kid.

It’s a blessing.

A miracle.

And some way, somehow, I’m going to have to squeeze it out of my nether regions.

Something tells me I’ll be needing a miracle myself to pull that feat off.

And a whole lotta drugs to go along with it.

But Verity Prescott won’t ever get the chance to experience this miracle for herself. There’s a killer out there who robbed her of every opportunity she would have had. And tomorrow, I’m going to see if Juliet Jackowski can help narrow the field on who that killer could be.

And maybe, just maybe, I might be speaking to the killer herself.






Hot Judge? I’m calling a meeting, STAT. Bring your cohorts in carnal crime.

Fiona isn’t amused.

Heck, I’m not amused.

Since Lemon, Noah, and I are already at the bakery, Fiona agrees to meet us here.

Lily refills my coffee with a wink. “Here you go, Hot Judge. And by the way, I just opened an Insta Pictures account and so did Keelie, Meg, and Lainey.” She nods to Lemon. “Your mom did, too. Oh, and Keelie and I opened one up for both you and the bakery. Of course, the Honey Pot Diner has one now, too. I’m sorry, Lottie, but we can’t afford to get left behind in the digital dark age. They say businesses should give free stuff to influencers who have large social media followings. It’s the only way to be seen these days.” She bats her lashes my way. “And boy, do I miss seeing you. You really are a hot judge, Essex. But then, I already knew as much.” She lifts her shoulder as she takes off to tend to the customers at the register.

Carlotta gurgles out a laugh. “Everyone knows that about you, Sexy. Rumor has it, you’re already a pinup for half the girls at Honey Hollow High, and don’t get me started on the things those university girls want to do with your picture.” She waves her mug over at Lemon. “I’m sorry, Lot Lot, but they cropped you out. In fact, you’re the most hated woman in America. Other women don’t like someone trying to put the moves on their man.”

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