Home > Condemned to Love(2)

Condemned to Love(2)
Author: Siobhan Davis

But today is a day for expressing myself through painting. The wide windows at the back of my studio face the rear gardens, and I love the view. I started out painting the beautiful manicured lawn and neat flower beds, but now it’s evolved into a crazy burst of colors and strokes and dots on the canvas as I let my creative streak take control.

A firm rap on the door pulls me out of my head, and a massive smile spreads over my mouth when the door opens and Ben sticks his head in. “Am I interrupting the genius at work?” he quips, flashing me a blinding smile that has my insides swooning.

“Yes, but I don’t mind your interruptions,” I say, setting my paintbrush down on the side of my easel. Grabbing a wet wipe from the pack, I clean paint off my fingers as I walk toward him.

Ben eases into the room, closing the door slightly but not fully shutting it. “Good, because I brought you something.” His smile expands as he walks toward me, extending the small box.

A squeal escapes my lips, and I clap my hands. “They’ve reopened?” My favorite bakery had shut down without explanation a few weeks ago, and I’d given up hope of ever tasting their delicious cupcakes again.

He nods, handing me the box. “I noticed lights on in the bakery as I was driving here, and I had to pull over and grab a cupcake for my favorite firefly.” He ruffles my hair, and warmth spreads over every inch of my body.

Opening the box, I let my long blonde hair hang around my face to disguise the blush staining my cheeks. “Red velvet. Yum.” I swipe my index finger into the soft sweet frosting.

“It’s your favorite, right?” He props his butt against the long table behind us.

“That and their…”

“Peanut butter truffle cupcakes,” he finishes for me.

I beam at him as I suck icing off my finger. “You know me well.”

“I think I do.” He waggles his brows as his eyes scan the room. “Damn, Firefly, you’ve really taken to photography. Those pictures are amazing.”

Every part of me melts at his compliment. I spin around, perusing the collection of photos stuck haphazardly to the far wall. “I’m still learning about technique, but it’s fun. I’m enjoying it.”

“You are so talented.” He pushes off the table and walks toward the wall on the other side, his fingers brushing over the newest additions to my mural. I copied a scene from one of the Harry Potter movies, depicting the Hogwarts Castle elevated high above the ground with a lush green forest at the base. I’ve added to it over the months since I started it, as the mood took me.

“You added Harry,” he says, looking over his shoulder at me.

“And Hermione and Ron.” Walking to his side, I point at the small figures elevated in the sky upon broomsticks. “I had to add a quidditch game after we went on the ride at Universal Studios.” My finger traces the circular edge of the golden snitch, and I smile as contentment sweeps through me.

Ben and painting make me happy, and I could burst with joy in this moment.

“You find inspiration everywhere, Sierra. I wouldn’t mind seeing the world through your eyes.”

“The world is one giant pool of inspiration. How could I not be inspired every second of every minute of every day?”

He leans down, bringing his gorgeous face close to mine, and I forget how to breathe. “I think you’re the one who’s inspirational, Firefly.” Very carefully, he tucks some stray strands of my hair behind my ear, and my cheeks inflame. But I refuse to be embarrassed, holding his gaze as he smiles adoringly at me. “Never change.”

“Uh, I won’t,” I croak, disappointed when he straightens up and steps back.

“I thought I might find you here,” Saskia says, and I jump at the unexpected sound of her voice, emitting a high-pitched shriek.

“Oh my God. You frightened me.”

She narrows her eyes. “It’s not nice when people eavesdrop on private conversations, is it?” she asks, making it clear she knew I was spying on her earlier.

“Ben brought me a cupcake,” I retort, waving the box at her.

“You’ll get fat,” she drawls, her gaze roaming me from head to toe. “And it’s not like you can get away with packing on the pounds. You’re already looking pudgy around the middle.”

My face explodes, popping bright red with burning embarrassment. I fight tears, not wanting her to see how much she has upset me. How could she say that in front of Ben?

“Saskia. Don’t be so cruel,” Ben says, and I love how quickly he always comes to my defense. He’s my hero, and I will always worship the ground he walks on. He turns to me, his features softening. “You’re perfect just the way you are.” He pats the top of my head, and my embarrassment puffs into thin air.

“I’m just trying to educate my little sister. The world is a cruel place,” Saskia says, stalking across the room. She threads her fingers through Ben’s, and I grind my teeth to the molars. “And only ugly old dudes want to fuck fat chicks.” She pats me on the head, but her gesture is completely condescending. “So, eat your calorie-laden cupcake, Firefly, but don’t blame me when you end up fat and alone.”

Ben yanks his hand from Saskia’s, but it only gives me a tiny bit of joy because her hurtful words and scathing look pierce the walls I hide behind, and her strike hits deep.

I know I have put on some weight lately, only because I haven’t hit my growth spurt yet. I’m the smallest in my class with most of my friends towering over me. Mom said shouldn’t worry about it since the weight will fall off when I grow taller. I usually pride myself on not being obsessed with my appearance, unlike Saskia and Serena who spend hours in front of the mirror, but I’m not strong enough to protect myself from such a horrid attack. I thought older sisters were supposed to protect their little sisters, not be mean and cruel for no reason.

“You are way out of line, Saskia,” Ben says through gritted teeth. “Apologize to Sierra.”

She huffs out a laugh. “You’re my boyfriend, not my father, and I won’t apologize for being honest. God knows Sierra doesn’t stop to consider anyone else’s feelings when she speaks her mind.”

Ben opens his mouth, to defend me again, I assume, but I cut across him this time. “It’s fine, Ben. I’m used to Saskia’s personal brand of education. And I don’t care what she says,” I lie, stuffing the cupcake into my mouth while I spit fire at my sister through my eyes.

She pins me with a disgusted look, opening her mouth to insult me, I’m sure, but she stops, mouth open like a fish out of water, when Ben levels her with a dark look that is kinda scary.

“Can we be done with this?” she asks a few seconds later when she’s composed herself.

Ben mutters under his breath, his chest heaving, before nodding.

Swallowing the delicious light spongy texture, I race to the table, snatch the painting I had set aside, and dash to the door before they leave. “Thank you for the cupcake,” I tell him, thrusting the drawing at him. “I painted this for you.”

He smiles as he takes the painting, his eyes carefully examining the picture I created especially for him. “A firefly, glowing with light and energy just like the little girl who drew it,” he says.

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