Home > Condemned to Love(37)

Condemned to Love(37)
Author: Siobhan Davis

“It’s no accident Joseph Lawson married two of his daughters to men of power within the mafioso,” Leo deduces as he drives me from our hotel to Sierra’s house.

One of my soldiers is normally on driver duty, and it’s not often a task asked of my underboss, but circumstances necessitated it today. I would have driven myself except Leo refused to let me go anywhere without him now that I have assigned Alessandro as Sierra’s bodyguard.

I nod. “It’s widely known Lawson Pharma has been laundering money for The Outfit for years. Lawson has hundreds of reps on the road dealing directly with doctors and small-town pharmacies, and they favor cash payments purely so they can wash money for DeLuca’s organization. In return, The Outfit uses their contacts and influence inside the government to ensure significant R&D funding goes to Lawson Pharma and that key legislation is passed to enable them to rush trials through as quickly as possible.”

It’s genius, really. No one would suspect a pharmaceutical giant of money laundering. The mob usually uses clubs, bars, hotels, and casinos to wash their cash, and that’s what the authorities focus on when they are trying to find something to charge us with. One of the reasons I’m putting a lot of my energy into the construction division of our business is so we can wash cash. Focusing on high-end multimillion-dollar projects in prime locations is strengthening our redeveloped brand and enhancing our reputation within legitimate business circles as well. We still clean some money through the casinos, but it’s carefully laundered in a way that can’t be traced.

“I see the attraction for Lawson,” Leo adds, taking the next exit for Glencoe. “What I don’t understand is why powerful men like Gifoli and Barretta would agree to it.”

Arranged marriages are fairly common within la famiglia, most usually at the higher levels, as a way to forge bonds, foster loyalty, and to ensure the bloodline continues. It is rare for Italian men to marry non-Italian women. “Both enterprises have grown wealthier over the years, thanks to the alliance. Money is a powerful motivator, and it’s the only leverage Lawson has.” I flick a piece of lint off my pants. “Gifoli must need him badly enough, or perhaps I’m not the only one challenging traditions.”

It might come across like I’m making light of it, but I’m not. It has raised some suspicions in my mind.

Leo eyes me through the mirror as he drives through downtown Glencoe. “Sierra getting pregnant must have saved her from a similar fate.”

“I have no doubt that’s true.”

“When Lawson discovers the truth, he will use that to his advantage,” Leo warns.

“Only if we make peace with The Outfit. He wouldn’t dare risk their wrath by insisting I marry Sierra if The Outfit remains outside of The Commission’s control.” He pulls onto Elm Street, and I smooth a hand over my hair.

“They are in even greater danger.” Leo acknowledges what I already know as he guides the car to a halt outside the small bungalow my son calls home.

“Lawson can’t know yet,” I supply. It has thrown my plans into disarray. I can’t whisk my family away now. Not without tipping Lawson off. If he finds out before things are agreed with The Outfit, he might do something to hurt Rowan or Sierra. I remember how little regard the man had for his youngest daughter, and I can’t believe her status as a single mother has elevated her higher in his esteem. Joseph Lawson has always been a heartless cruel bastard. If he believes Sierra’s connection to me might damage his business arrangement with The Outfit, he will take steps to eliminate the problem.

Leo kills the engine and turns around to face me. “Either way, this only means one outcome.”

I pin him with a pointed stare. “I’m well aware of what it entails.”

A smirk creeps over his mouth. “How the hell do you plan to marry two women?”

“I’ll become a Muslim and move to Africa,” I dryly state.

He loses the smirk, addressing me with a serious tone. “Salerno will never accept it if you marry Sierra.”

“Saverio hasn’t called in his favor yet,” I remind him, staring out the window at the bungalow. My son’s bike is propped against the side wall, and a messy ball of emotion catches in my throat.

“It’s only a matter of time. The girl will be of age next year.”

Tearing my gaze from the blue and yellow bicycle, I eyeball my friend. “Maybe this was the solution all along.” Saverio might lose his shit if I marry Sierra before he can ask me to marry his daughter, Anais, but it’s not my fault he delayed calling in his favor, and we never discussed the specifics. I have made no commitment to marry Anais, so he can’t hold it against me, even if he is pissed. I’ll be thirty-six next year, and I have zero desire to marry a bride half my age.

“You have always been adamant about not getting married,” Leo adds.

“As have you.”

He stares wistfully into space. “For different reasons,” he mumbles, and I nod.

I know why I have never considered it—loving a woman will weaken me in the eyes of my enemy and any wife I take will be an obvious target. I have never wanted the distraction or wanted to put any woman in that position. Everything has changed now. As the mother of my child, Sierra is an automatic target whether I marry her or not. At least as my wife, I can offer her some additional protection, while ensuring my son is well-guarded and a permanent fixture in my life.

I want to get to know him, and that means Sierra is a natural part of the deal. I’m still mad at her, but I would never take her away from her son. I want Rowan to grow up with both parents in his life, enjoying a stable, secure family home where he will be loved, supported, and nurtured. I want him to have all the things that were lacking in my life when I was his age.

When I talk to Sierra about this, I will make it clear my decision is a way of keeping her safe and nothing more. I have no time for love, and she needs to understand that at the outset. I won’t cheat or take a mistress as long as she agrees to sex. She’s adventurous and responsive in bed, and I will enjoy fucking her. I will ensure she is satisfied, cared for, and not wanting for anything, but love is off the table. I don’t have time for it, and I can’t afford the distraction.

Leo is still pensive, staring at nothing. I know why he no longer considers marriage an option—because he lost the only woman he would ever consider marrying to another. Not that he will ever admit it, but I know. I have always noticed the way he looks at Natalia. “It’s a moot point right now,” I say, and his gaze snaps to mine. “If I told Sierra my intention is to marry her, she would go for my jugular.”

Leo chuckles. “Something tells me you will have your hands full with that one.”

“Don’t I know it.” Sierra is not going to make any of this easy for me. Her reaction last night made that very clear. Losing my temper and almost choking her to death didn’t help either. I sigh, curling my hand around the door handle as my cell pings. Extracting my phone from the inside pocket of my suit jacket, I read my new text. “Gifoli has agreed to meet. Tomorrow morning at ten. He will send us the coordinates in due course.”

“I will organize transport immediately for the men we agreed to.”

I nod. “You’ll attend to that other matter too?”

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