Home > Dragon's Prisoner (Kur Dragons Book 1)(11)

Dragon's Prisoner (Kur Dragons Book 1)(11)
Author: Juniper Hart

Tav made a noise that was something between a grunt and a snort.

“More important than returning a long-lost girl to her family?”

“Woman,” Lora corrected automatically. Tav’s face relaxed into an amused grin.

“Woman. Of course.”

“I’m coming with you,” she told him, her hand opening the car door and following him into the lobby. She knew that she only had a few more minutes alone with Tav, and as wrong as it was, she wanted to make the most of them.

Should we exchange numbers?

She wanted nothing more than a way to contact him if things went awry, but after what they’d done together, she wasn’t sure it was a good idea. What would her husband say if he knew she was carrying around the phone number of a man she had bedded while suffering from amnesia.

Good God, I can’t even think that with a straight face. He’ll file for divorce.

Lora wondered if that was such a bad thing. More shame flooded through her at the notion. She was already trying to escape the man she had married, and she had no idea who he was. Yet as she watched Tav leaning over the counter, the ripple of his muscles apparent beneath the cotton of his shirt, Lora was sure there was not another man alive who could possibly compare to the guy who had saved her life.

We should call this whole thing off. I want to go back to the cabin with Tav! I don’t want to be here!

But of course, it was far too late for any of that, and when he turned to her, key in hand, she knew it was really over.

“Come on,” Tav said brightly. There was too much cheer in his voice, like he was putting on a show, but Lora was sure he was grateful to be rid of her after the whirlwind twenty-four hours they’d spent together.

He’s handsome, rich and so kind. He doesn’t need this kind of drama in his life. The faster I’m out of here, the better off he’ll be.

They entered the elevator in silence, and Lora could feel the energy palpating off his body. She bit down on her lower lip so hard she tasted blood, but it was enough to keep the heat from surging through her.

“I’ll go and wait for Oliver in the lobby,” he said. “Then you can come down.”

Lora shook her head.

“No,” she said firmly. “You’ve done enough.”

She paused in front of the hotel room door and took the key card from him, pretending not to notice the look of hurt surprise on his face.

“You should go now,” she murmured, unable to meet his eyes. “If you want to give me your information so I can reimburse you for the room…”

She trailed off, wondering if he could hear the yearning in her voice, but when she stole a look at his face, she read nothing but disappointment.

“I don’t need reimbursement,” he replied shortly. “I…”

He stopped and seemed to collect himself.

“All right, Lora. Good luck to you.”

He turned away, albeit slowly as if he were waiting for her to stop him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She had already pulled him too far into this mess. She needed to let him go, no matter how difficult it was. Lora didn’t know anything about herself, but the little she had gleaned, she already did not like.

I’m doing him a favor by letting him go now, she thought, watching as he retreated down the hall. At the elevator, he cast her a last look and a weak smile, but Lora could barely see him through the blurry tears of confusion in her eyes.



At four fifteen, Lora left her room again and moved into the lobby, her heart hammering.

I can do this. I have to do this.

She barely stepped off the elevator when she was accosted.

“LORA! I can’t believe it! Let me look at you!”

She fell back as a blond, blue-eyed man confronted her. It was clearly the same man she had seen in the interview on YouTube, but there was absolutely nothing familiar about him now that she was looking at him face to face.

“Oliver?” she choked, moving out of his arm’s reach. Her brow furrowed as she searched his face for signs of resemblance between them, but she saw nothing. A half-smile formed on Oliver’s lips.

“You really don’t remember me, hm?”

She shook her head apologetically.

“I-I’m sorry,” she murmured. “Not really.”

He waved his hand dismissively, his smile broadening.

“Don’t worry about it.” He looked around warily. “Where’s your friend? Octavius?”

“He’s gone,” Lora replied. “He was very helpful.”

Relief crossed over Oliver’s face.

“That’s fine. I’ve got you now. Let’s get you home, alright?”

He moved to touch her arm, but Lora recoiled as if she’d been burned.

“I-I would rather just…” she hesitated, noting the look of annoyance on his face. “I mean, this is all really weird to me, Oliver. Can’t we just take it slow?”

Oliver scowled slightly.

“Lora, you’ve been AWOL for three days. Andrew is eager to have you back home. We should get moving, not waste any more time around here.”

Lora’s eyebrows knit into a vee.

“Who is Andrew?” she asked softly.

Oliver snorted.

“Your husband, hon. I told your friend about him.”

“You told Tav his name was Adam.”

Oliver faltered for a moment, his smile freezing phonily on his face.

“I said Andrew,” he replied. “Tav must have misunderstood.”

He paused, his eyes narrowing, and Lora took another step back, goosebumps exploding over her arms.

Something’s not right. Tav didn’t screw that up. Something feels off.

“Sounds like you got close with your savior.”

“He found me left for dead in the middle of the woods,” she retorted with uncharacteristic harshness. Oliver blinked at her tone.

“You wouldn’t have died,” he replied shortly.

Lora folded her arms over her breasts and cocked her head to the side.

“How the hell do you know that?” she demanded. “You weren’t there.”

Oliver looked around, and Lora realized that she had risen her voice, catching the attention of the employees and guests in earshot. Instantly, her cheeks flushed red.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered, uncrossing her arms and shaking her head. “I-I’m just a little overwhelmed.”

“Completely understandable,” Oliver said brightly, but there was a darkness about his eyes that had not been there before. “That’s why I think we should get you home sooner rather than later. It will help jog your memory.”

Lora wondered if he was right.

I’m fighting with him. I was fighting with Tav. They’re just trying to help me, and I’m kicking and screaming like a little kid.

“Come on, Lora,” Oliver insisted, reaching for her arm again. But once more, she yanked back. She exhaled and shook her head.

“I-I can’t…” she mumbled, taking in his look of annoyance. “I mean, not tonight. We’ll go tomorrow, okay? I just need a little time to get myself oriented.”

Oliver’s jaw twitched, and Lora waited for him to argue, but instead, he shrugged.

“Fine,” he said sharply. “I can stay with you.”

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