Home > Dragon's Prisoner (Kur Dragons Book 1)(20)

Dragon's Prisoner (Kur Dragons Book 1)(20)
Author: Juniper Hart

Lora didn’t look convinced, but she dropped the subject, leaving Tav to feel slightly more confident about what they were doing.

Two days, he told himself with renewed hope. I’ll figure out where she came from by then.

But two days was not only the deadline for him to uncover what he could about this mysterious woman who had landed in his life. It would also be a full moon, and Lora would undoubtedly shift for the first time.

After that, everything would be much easier for Tav to explain.






At first, Lora hadn’t been sure what to make of the truce she and Tav had developed. When he had first broached it over the kitchen island, her mind had been on the previous morning and how much peace she had felt, inhaling the scent of bacon and relishing in his charming smile.

That morning, things were so different, her mind fraught with mistrust, but her body still so responsive to Tav and everything he represented.

How can I not believe him and yet want him so much? She wondered, studying him covertly long after she had agreed to leave things as they were for two more days. She was sure that she could not sit around and wait for such a change, but she had promised him, and she didn’t want to be a liar.

Then again, maybe I am a liar, she thought, picking up her coffee mug and taking a long sip. Maybe I’m not a good person at all, and that’s why I was out there by myself.

It was the first time she had stopped to reflect on who she had been before waking up in Tav’s house. Sure, she’d thought about where she’d come from and how she’d lost her memories, but she had never really considered who she was.

Maybe I was a terrible wife to Andrew, and that’s why I don’t remember him at all. Maybe I never really loved him.

“You have a weird look on your face,” Tav told her. “Are you okay?”

She forced a smile and reached for her fork.

“Sure,” she lied. “I’m great.”

Tav sighed.

“I’m not going to pretend that everything is perfect between us, Lora, but you can talk to me.”

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” she replied flatly. “What have you learned about Oliver? You’ve told me exactly nothing.”

Tav cleared his throat and pretended to chew food that wasn’t in his mouth before answering her.

“I’ve reached out to a couple of my brothers,” he explained. “I’m hoping they can do a bit of a background check for me.”

Lora’s eyebrows shot up.

“You did?” she asked slowly. “You told your family about me?”

“Is that a problem?”

She shook her head and looked back down at her plate, feeling her cheeks stain pink. She was inordinately pleased, and she wished she could commit to an emotion about the situation. It was all so confusing.

“I’m just surprised you would,” she mumbled before shoveling another forkful of eggs Benedict into her mouth.

And he’s a gourmet cook. Does this guy get any more perfect? He probably deserves better than me.

The self-deprecating thought startled her, and she dropped her fork, a strange feeling overtaking her gut.

Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling well, and she wanted to lie down.

“I-I didn’t sleep very well last night,” she muttered, rising. “I think I’m going to lie down for a bit.”

Concern overtook Tav’s eyes.

“What’s going on?” he asked, also lowering his utensil to help her up, but Lora waved him aside.

“I’m fine. Just tired.”

He watched her with concern as she climbed the stairs, her movements awkward and uncomfortable.

Great. I’m probably coming down with something, she thought, almost rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of it. That’s all I need.

As if reading her mind, Tav called up to her, “I’ll make you tea.”

She opened her mouth to refuse but changed her mind.

Why not? She thought. How much longer am I going to have a man waiting on me hand and foot?

Instant shame shot through her as she thought of Andrew, waiting for word of her. When Tav arrived a few minutes later, a steaming cup of chamomile tea in his hands, she sat up and looked at him.

“You said that I wasn’t married,” she said. “Is that true?”

Tav seemed taken aback by the question, and he placed the mug on the bedside table, carefully perching on the edge of the bed.

“I’m not a hundred percent sure,” he replied slowly. “According to the reporter who covered Oliver’s story on you, you aren’t. I can’t find anyone online who might be your husband.”

“Remember, it’s Andrew, not Adam,” she said quickly. Tav smiled patiently at her.

“No, Lora, I don’t think it’s either. Moreover, I don’t have a good enough lead on where you’re from to know for sure.”

A combination of disappointment and relief shot through Lora as she eyed him.

“Are you remembering anything at all?” he asked. There was a note of regret in his voice, as if he hoped she didn’t, but his face remained impassive. Lora shook her head.

“No,” she sighed. “I don’t remember anything.”

“Just rest up,” he told her. “When I get news, you’ll be the first to know.”

Lora nodded and curled back up against the soft pillows, offering him a tentative smile.

“Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes growing heavy as she spoke.

“For what?”

He sounded surprised.

“I might not know exactly what happened, Tav, but I know you saved me,” she sighed. “Even if I am acting like a bit of a bitch.”

“You’re not,” he said gruffly. “This has been a lot for us both to take in. Just rest. I’ll check on you soon.”

She nodded, permitting her eyes to fully close, and then Lora was asleep before Tav was out the door.



“It’s right through here,” Oliver said, waving a hand. “You’ll see. It’s perfect.”

Through the thick, unfamiliar woods they walked, and yet Lora knew she had been there before. Her hand reached for her jugular, half expecting to feel something there.

“What is it?” Lora asked, looking around nervously at the darkness. Neither of them held a flashlight, yet Lora had no issue seeing in the blackness. All around them, night critters tittered jeeringly, like they were warning her to run away.

But there was nowhere for Lora to run.

“You’ll see when we get there,” Oliver promised. “You want this. I know you do.”

But Lora’s apprehension mounted.

“I-I don’t know if I do…” she whispered. “Can’t you tell me where we’re going?”

Oliver turned to leer at her, his face suddenly ugly and cruel.

“Don’t you trust me? I’m your brother.”

“Are you?”

He stopped abruptly and glowered at her, crystalline eyes gleaming in the blackness.

“What did you say?” he hissed.

“Are you really my brother?”

Without warning, Oliver transformed into a wolf, his nose elongating to become a snout, saliva dripping over a pair of gleaming, silver fangs.

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