Home > Vet Under Fire (Fever's Edge #5)(7)

Vet Under Fire (Fever's Edge #5)(7)
Author: Lynn Hagen

“It’s like wolves,” Evan explained. “When the first one howls, it sets off a chain reaction.”

That was why it was forbidden for anyone to howl at the mansion unless they were signaling trouble. Too many complaints had been lodged with the sheriff about the howling, so Ben had made it a rule.

No need to scare the townsfolk about wild animals. It was best to keep the peace, especially when it was the pack who guarded the town against any and all threats.

“You guys settle down,” Nando said loudly. “No one will want to come in there if you cause such a fuss.”

To Evan’s surprise, the animals quieted.

Except Shoeshine, who was still trying to escape. He bleated and ran in a circle, as if trying to gain Evan’s attention. The puppies copied him, running around with their tiny tails wagging.

“You have a way with animals,” Evan said with a nod. He hoped that helped when he had to reveal to Nando what he was and that they were mates.

That might be the icebreaker that Evan needed.

Or it could freak Nando out and his mate might reject him.

Nando shrugged as he turned seven kinds of red. He looked at the floor instead of at Evan. “I guess we just click better than I do with people.”

“Great,” Trey said. “Then you’ll get along fabulously with the men who live at the mansion. They’re more animal than human, if you ask me. They also have wolfish personalities.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” Nando said.

“Trey has a strange sense of humor.” Evan glared at Trey once more. “Now I’m off. I’ll see you guys tonight.”

It took concentrated effort to make himself leave. Evan wanted to stay, to get to know Nando better, and to kiss those pretty lips. Instead, he walked out and headed to his car.

“Dr. Scott.” Mrs. Ackley stopped him before he reached the driver’s door. “Can I talk to you a moment about Fizzy?”

It never failed. Whenever one of his clients saw him on the street, and they felt their pet needed attention, they wanted him to diagnose their pet without having it with them.

“If you make an appointment with Simon, I’d be happy to discuss your cat.” He gave her a charming smile.

“It’s just a small concern,” she said, advancing closer.

Evan stopped his eyes from rolling. He cared about the resident animals of Fever’s Edge, but he had a clinic for a reason. Did he stop Mrs. Ackley on the street and asked the beautician to give him a quick trim?

Besides, he had appointments he needed to keep. But, being who he was, Evan stood by the driver’s door and nodded. “Tell me what’s going on.”

He could never refuse a cat, or any other creature, in need. The residents knew that, too.

“He keeps hacking, like he’s swallowed something he shouldn’t have had in his mouth. Should I be concerned?”

“He’s probably trying to couch up a hairball. If it really concerns you, bring him in and I’ll be happy to take a look at him.”

The woman smiled in relief. “I’ll do that, but thank you for setting my mind at ease.”

“You’re welcome.” Evan slid into his car and drove to the clinic.

Three clients were waiting when he arrived. Evan groaned when he saw Tailspin. It was a Doberman pinscher who went nuts anytime he was around Evan.

The dog smelled wolf on Evan, and it was more of a pissing contest to see who the biggest and baddest canine was. A dominant thing that Tailspin wasn’t going to win. Evan was even-tempered, compassionate toward pets, but if the Doberman bit him, Evan was biting back.

“Here you go.” Simon handed him a chart. “I have Tweety in room one and Mrs. Winthrop in room three.”

Emma Winthrop. She was the last person Evan wanted to see. She should have had some kind of card to punch for every five visits. Evan knew for a fact she was there just to see him, and as flattered as he was, she had no hope of snagging him.

“Thanks.” Evan took the charts and headed to room three. He might as well get this visit over with and, hopefully, in the process, get it through her head that he wasn’t interested.



Chapter Four


“I have no idea what’s gotten into you, but you better behave while we’re here.” Nando got out of his clunker and stared at the expansive sprawl in front of him.

The mansion was made of tan stone, with a wide, sweeping front entrance. The house was in an L-shape, and there was shrubbery everywhere. A few spots had vines growing up the wall, and damn, could Trey and Evan live in a nicer house?

Nando felt like a bum on the street as he rang the doorbell, keeping a tight hold on Shoeshine’s leash. He wasn’t sure if it was okay to bring the goat, but Shoeshine had kicked up such a fuss at the pet store that Nando didn’t think it wise to leave him there by himself.

After standing there for what felt like forever, Nando started to leave. The house was ginormous, but someone had to have heard the doorbell.

Just as he turned to walk away, the door swung open. Nando recognized the guy. It was Elijah from the flower shop. He had brown hair with highlights of blond, and big, expressive hazel eyes.

Did he live there, too? Just how many people lived in the mansion?

“A tiny goat!” Elijah dropped to his knees and started petting Shoeshine, forgetting that Nando stood there. “You are so cute. Yes you are. All I ask is that you don’t try to eat Buster.”

At least Nando knew Shoeshine was welcome there. He cleared his throat, drawing Elijah’s attention. “Is Trey here?”

After all, it had been Trey who had given him the invite, though Nando was dying to see Evan again. All those sinewy muscles and pretty blue eyes. Nando shivered just thinking about the vet.

Nando was curious to see Evan’s wolf, but that had only given him a reason to accept the invitation. Nando hadn’t wanted to seem too eager or desperate, and the mention of wolf—since Nando was a huge animal lover—was the perfect excuse.

“Sure, come on in.” Elijah stepped back to allow Nando entrance.

Holy crap. The inside was more impressive than the outside. The marble flooring was shiny, and Nando thought it would be fun to slide around in his socks.

There was a living room to the right, but no one seemed to be in there. He heard echoing footsteps approaching, and then Nando’s heart leapt into his throat when Evan appeared. He wasn’t in his usual scrubs and lab coat. No, sir. The vet had on a pair of dark denim jeans and a gray button-up dress shirt. The long sleeves were rolled back to the elbows.

Nando cursed when he felt his face catch fire.

“Shoeshine.” Evan smiled. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

Evan bent and scratched at the goat’s head. Nando was starting to wonder if Shoeshine would be the guest and Nando would be relegated to the backyard. It seemed the goat was a hit, whereas Nando was being ignored.


“I can take the leash,” Elijah offered. “I’ll take him out back to graze.”

Reluctantly Nando handed over the leash. “Watch it. He’s fast when he wants to be.” Hopefully Shoeshine didn’t cause any destruction, because there was no way Nando could pay for any damages. Not in a place as fancy as this one.

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