Home > Four Hundred Souls(41)

Four Hundred Souls(41)
Author: Ibram X. Kendi

   There are other instances of gender-nonconforming figures during the nineteenth century. On June 11, 1836, Mary Jones (also known as Peter Sewally) testified in court after being arrested for stealing one of her sex work clients’ wallet and money. She testified:

        I have been in the practice of waiting upon Girls of ill fame and made up their Beds and received the Company at the door and received the money for rooms and they induced me to dress in Women’s Clothes, saying I looked so much better in them and I have always attended parties among the people of my own Colour dressed in this way—and in New Orleans I always dressed in this way.


   “Folks like Mary Waters, Mary Jones, and Thomasina Hall come up in court records in explosions of conversations that fixate on their gender and race,” Johnson says. “It’s probably one of the biggest similarities we have in how women of color are treated now, especially being policed, scrutinized, surveilled, and possibly not given justice in court. That’s a legacy of an earlier preoccupation.”

   The existence of queer behaviors and modes of expression, and the larger white society’s need to police these expressions by Black gender and sexual minorities, have long existed on this soil. As Johnson explains, “Policing gender, race, and the boundaries of these things has always been the work of creating laborers, separating communities and people from their humanity. A lot of categories we’re dealing with in present-day are legacies of that period.”




   Ishmael Reed



   For Edwidge

        Like Caonabo


    Padre Jean

    And Macandal before

    Boukman got his

    Guabancex and Ogun on

    Saint-Domingue flowed with the blood of France

    Dread spread to Guadalupe, Jamaica and

    The slaveholding North

    Not only in the South but Albany, New York

    Virginia masters slept with their lights turned


    They feared that it might happen up here

    Slaves roaming from plantation to plantation

    Their minds set on decapitation

    Said Jefferson’s man

    Jupiter: There wasn’t no

    Sword of Damocles over the enslavers’ beds

    It was a machete that Iman Boukman held

    I overheard Tom talking to his friends

    About how they could wrench the

    Settler French from danger

    Wasn’t gone be no cinch. Ha!

         He was all for the French having their liberty

    But condemned his “property” to a life of slavery

    They was afraid that Boukman would cross the sea

    And interrupt their lives of comfort and ease

    While we lived on pork, cornmeal and day old fish

    They recruited French chefs to

    Prepare their dish

    Had all the pretty women at their

    Beck and call

    Said Monsieur La Rochefoucauld

    After visiting Monticello

    Tom’s Greco Roman involuntary


    “I have even seen, and particularly at Mr. Jefferson’s, slaves

    Who have neither in their color nor features a single

    Trace of their origins.”

    Tom couldn’t keep his children out of sight

    He was a founding father all right

    Sally Hemings wasn’t the only one

    There were at least two others by whom

    He had daughters and sons

    They weren’t treated like the other

    Slaves whose wounds were

    Smeared with brine

    After his overseers got

    Drunk on Tom’s imported wine

    He and his friends thought that

    Haitian rebels would rob them

    Of their gains

    The ones they stole from Indians whom

    They murdered and maimed

    Tom called the rebels “Cannibals”

    When it seems to me that

    He was the one who was a

         Consumer of men

    Worked them 24/7 without a fee

    While he studied Plato’s philosophy

    The Albany Dutch shared the planters’ fears

    The Schuylers, the Ten Eycks and

    The Rensselaers

    When arson broke out

    They blamed the Haitians

    Saw Haitians under their beds

    Behind the door and

    In the basement

    But finding none arrested their


    Pompey was the first who was taken in

    He was grilled until he finally bent

    If you name the conspirators we’ll

    Set you free, they lied

    Just like they lied to the Central Park 5

    He named two teenage girls Bet and


    Said that they helped him burn a

    Barn that belonged to Gansevoort

    Another Dutchman who prospered

    From stolen loot

    They were found and jailed

    For the Albany conflagration

    All three were sent to the gallows

    By the kind of Albany jury

    That acquitted the

    Murderers of Amadou Diallo

    The Gov. said the facts of the

    Case didn’t make sense

    And tried to postpone their sentence

         But the Albany mob was lusting for a kill

    The girls were hanged on Pinkster hill

    And Pompey was hanged a little later

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