Home > Much Ado About You(67)

Much Ado About You(67)
Author: Samantha Young

   “You’re perfect,” he murmured, kissing me again.

   “That’s enough. Let her up.” Milly’s voice cut through. “Let us congratulate you.”

   Roane’s expression fell for some reason, and I swore I saw anxiety flicker in his eyes as he whispered hurriedly, “Evie, there’s something we need to talk about.”

   A muffled, animalistic roar made me jolt in surprise, and as one the entire pub looked up at the ceiling.

   “Dad!” We heard Viola’s muted shriek.

   My gaze shot to Milly, who paled and started walking away from us toward the bar.

   Feet pounding down the stairs halted her, and Roane and I slowly stood as Viola’s shouts were overwhelmed by Dex’s angry yelling.

   Soon enough we knew why, as Lucas appeared out of the staff only door still pulling on his shirt. His back was turned toward us, and his hands were held up in defense as Dex followed him out.

   Holding a shotgun.

   “Where did he get that?” I squeaked.

   “It’ll be Milly’s father’s.” Roane’s voice was tight as he gently pressed me back. “Stay here.” He didn’t, however, stay. He cautiously started walking toward Milly, who was frozen in place with shock.

   As was every single patron there.

   “Dad!” Viola crashed into the room, her clothes askew, her face flushed, and her hair rumpled.

   Oh dear.

   Things were becoming clear.

   “Vi, get out of here,” Lucas demanded.

   “Don’t you talk to her.” Dex waved the gun. “Don’t you even look at her. I see you here again and I will fucking kill you.”

   Dex was a pretty laid-back guy. I’d never seen him pissed, let alone enraged.

   “Dad, no!” Viola forced herself between them, struggling against Lucas, who was determinedly trying to get her out of the way.

   “Will you lower the fucking gun off her!” Lucas yelled at Dex as Viola stubbornly fought to remain between them.

   “You leave and I won’t have to bother with the gun.”

   “Dex,” Milly called out quietly. “Dex, put away the gun.”

   “Not until he promises to never see Viola again,” Dex demanded, eyes narrowed on Lucas.

   Viola’s eyes flashed with fury. “I expected this of his dad, not mine!”

   Dex faltered. “Vi—”

   “I love him! If he goes, I go!” She turned to him, all tortured young love, and if I weren’t already swooning over Roane’s proposal, I would have swooned over this scene. “I love you, Lucas.”

   He stared down at her with such adoration, I melted. “I love you too, Vi.”

   I wanted to clap, but taking a gander at the other occupants of the room, I’d say celebrating was a little premature. I seemed to be the only one happy with this revelation. Everyone else looked stunned. Some even a little disapproving.

   Milly was one of the astounded observers.

   As was Dex, who lowered the shotgun reluctantly.

   Roane did clap his hands but only to get everyone’s attention. “The Anchor is closing early. Everyone pay up and get out.”

   Although slow to comply, everyone followed his orders, slapping coins and notes on the bar before ambling out of the pub with dazed expressions.

   First a proposal.

   Then Alnster’s own Beatrice and Benedick.

   “Let’s go.” Roane held his hand out to me and nodded to Caro and Shadow. She grabbed her laptop as I took Roane’s hand, his thumbs sweeping over the engagement ring sitting on my fourth finger.

   “Thanks,” Milly murmured as we passed. “Sorry we ruined your proposal.”

   “Nothing got ruined, Milly,” Roane assured her. “Call if you need me.”

   I gave her a small smile, my eyes shooting over to Lucas, Vi, and Dex, who were standing in pained silence together.

   All three of us let out an exhalation as we stepped outside and Shadow trotted ahead of us.

   “You must be feeling pretty pleased with yourself.” Roane shot me a wicked smile.

   “Because I just bagged myself a hot farmer or because I was right all along about Vi and Lucas?”

   Caro giggled at my side as Roane pulled me closer. “Both I suppose,” he said.

   “Well, of course I’m ecstatic about the former.” I studied my engagement ring and felt another wild flutter of excitement in my belly. Dropping my hand, I sighed. “As for Vi and Lucas, I wish it hadn’t gone down like that. Not just because they kind of stole our moment,” I teased, “but because I think they should have been up-front about what was going on. They were obviously sneaking around. Lying about their relationship only makes it look like they have something to be ashamed of, and it’ll make it harder for Milly and Dex to trust them when they say it’s love. I know that’s how I’d feel.”

   Hopefully, however, Milly and Dex would come around. I loved Viola. I loved them all and just wanted them to be as happy as I was.

   After Caro had gotten in her car and driven home to Beadnell, Roane and I disappeared into my apartment, where I murmured my plans for the future between each of his kisses. “I’ll need to call Greer and then book flights to Chicago to clear out my apartment. And I’ll need to drive to Indianapolis to talk to my mom and Phil.” I kissed Roane harder, crushing my breasts against his chest to let him know I was ready to shut up and have celebration sex. However, as we stumbled toward the bedroom, discarding clothes as we went, I remembered something. “Hey,” I reluctantly avoided his searching mouth to say, “you wanted to tell me something.”

   Roane hesitated for a second and then whispered, “I love you. I wanted to tell you that I love you so much . . .” He let out a shaky breath, something desperate in his gaze. “So much, Evie, I’m terrified you’ll disappear. I didn’t know this much happiness went hand in hand with fear.”

   Clasping his face in my hands, I looked him straight in the eye and announced, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay, mister. For you, for me, for us.” My grin was shaky with excitement and hope. “And I’m going to see if I can buy the bookstore.”




   It was fair to say that Lucas and Viola’s love story eclipsed Roane’s proposal and our consequent engagement. Of course people congratulated us when they saw us, and we’d gotten a few free drinks during the past week, but the whole village was abuzz with the young couple who defied a thirty-year-old feud.

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