Home > My Bestie's Ex (The Rooftop Crew #1)(2)

My Bestie's Ex (The Rooftop Crew #1)(2)
Author: Piper Rayne



Me: Oh, and here I was unbuttoning my blouse to entice the slumped over gentleman three rows in front of me.



Carm is the youngest of my brothers but still older than me. He’s probably laughing right now, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t share the same form of overprotectiveness as the other two.

My only saving grace lately is they all have women in their lives now who they need to worry about more than me.

Me: I’m going to rest. Dinner was great. Catch you guys next week. Love you.



Dom: Don’t shut your eyes on a train full of strangers!



I shake my head, looking at the only other man riding in the car with me. He’s either passed out or dead. Not much of a threat.

Me: I won’t. Someone might steal Mama’s meatballs.



Enzo: Those are hot commodities.



Carm: I’m snacking on them right now.



Dom: We just ate.



Carm: Like an hour ago.



Me: I’m putting my phone in my purse, so no one tries to steal it.



Enzo: Good idea but keep it within reach just in case.



Me: Bye guys.



Carm: See you.



Dom: Love you, sis.



Enzo: Remember to text us when you’re in your apartment.



Me: Aye, aye captain.



I click the button on my screen and toss my phone into my purse.

The conductor comes on the speaker to announce the name of the train line and route we’re on before the train jolts to a start. I close my eyes and lean my head against the vinyl seat. Even with the ladies in my brothers’ lives helping me in the kitchen on Sundays, I’m still tired. My hands are dry from the dish soap like they always are. Doesn’t seem to matter how thick I lather the lotion on afterward. My stomach is bloated from all the salt in Mama’s food.

My family is the typical Italian family. Big dinners, big personalities—big everything. Mama is over the moon about my brothers finding the love of their lives. Dom and his wife, Valentina, are expecting my parent’s first grandchild. Annie and Enzo are planning their wedding. And I’d bet Carm has a ring for Bella already hidden, ready for an impromptu proposal.

All three of my brothers are successful. We’re talking advertising executive, high-end real estate broker, and a Wall Street trader. They have more money in their bank accounts than I’ll probably ever see in my lifetime.

“HOLD UP!” I hear someone yell and my eyes pop open. There’s a man running alongside the train like in one of those romance movies where the guy has to get on the train to declare his love for the woman of his dreams.

He has a backpack secured on and carrying a plastic bag similar to mine filled with Tupperware. Inching toward the glass, I watch him grab the metal handle of the train, running along like he’s trying to rev up more energy to make the final jump. Oh shit, he’s going to hit the steel beam. His feet move faster and just before, he jumps on the step and the train breezes by the steel beam.

I mentally hope he decides to come on this car instead of the one in front of me. I’d like to see the type of guy who can pull off that stunt like he’s filming a movie.

Sliding to the edge of my bench seat, I tip my head to see him and the conductor talking through the residue covered glass window. He hands him a plastic container and the two do some type of handshake before he mindlessly presses the button for the doors of my car to open.

He steps into the car that only holds me, a passed out guy and the smell of my mama’s Italian sauce. All the air rushes out of my lungs. He’s drop-dead sexy. I have no idea how to describe him. He’s gorgeous. Light brown hair that sticks straight up on top and trimmed on the sides. Enough scruff to make my thighs shake with want. Ripped jeans, a dark button-down and a pair of sneakers. So casual and so mouthwatering at the same time.

Just when I’m about to slide over and beg him to sit with me, his lips tip, his mouth opens in the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen on a man. Perfect straight white teeth. Damn, I’m not sure I’ve ever been this attracted to someone before. It’s not even just him. It’s how he’s looking at me. Like he’s been searching all over the world for me and he just found me.

“You’re new?” He opens up the plastic bag and places a Tupperware container next to the man passed out.

“Do you know everyone who rides the train?” I ask and he keeps walking toward me and I find myself holding my breath the nearer he comes because with every step, my heart beats a touch faster.

“I know everyone who rides the last train on Sunday night. Yes.” He slides his backpack off, sitting in the seat right in front of me. He leans his back against the train window and extends his feet along the bench of the seat. “That’s Gil.” He nods toward the sleeping man. “He’ll be getting off at Peekskill.”

I lean forward. “Is he okay?”

He laughs like I’m not crazy for asking. “Yeah. Watch. He’ll get up at Peekskill without anyone waking him up.” He bends forward and I hear the plastic of the bag rustling. “You hungry?” He holds up a third Tupperware container.

“No, thanks.”

He nods. “Good idea not to take food from a guy on a train that you don’t know. Someone taught you well.” His smile deepens and a dimple forms in his right cheek. Seriously, who sent this man my way, the train fairy?

“I have my own anyway.” I lift my jacket and he peeks over the seat.

“What is it?”

I open my container of meatballs. “Italian.”

He sighs and his hand moves across the seat, grabbing a meatball with his finger and thumb, the sauce is about to drip right before his head falls back and he drops it into his mouth like a cherry. Please tell me he gets off early because my libido is revving in overdrive and it’s going to stall out soon.

“Aren’t you afraid of taking food from a stranger on a train?”

“Nah. You look sweet. Something tells me you didn’t bring food on the train to poison a random stranger.”

He’s funny. And so at ease and free-spirited.

“It’s my mama’s and if she knew I was sharing with you, she’d want me to tell you that there’s something off in her meatballs tonight. Unfortunately, she’ll figure it out at midnight and feel the need to text me.”

He retrieves a bottle of water. “Nothing wrong that I can tell.”

“Too much garlic. It’s overpowering the meat. My brother miscalculated.”

He stares at me for a moment and I cross my legs, becoming uncomfortable under his scrutiny. “If you knew, why didn’t you say anything?”

I shrug. “I like garlic?”

His eyes narrow, but in a teasing you-intrigue-me way. “Sibling rivalry. I get it.” He sips his water as I admire his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down and secures the cap on the bottle.

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