Home > The Seasons of Callan Reed(3)

The Seasons of Callan Reed(3)
Author: S.M. Soto

“You know, I really can’t stand your cousin,” Rose grumbles as we make the trek down the street.

I blow out a sigh, fighting the urge to look back over my shoulder. “The feeling is entirely mutual.”


After walking through the mall together, Rosalind and I stop at our favorite pizza spot for a bite to eat. We get our usual, half combination and the other half pineapple and cheese, because yes, pineapple does belong on pizza, and I refuse to let anyone tell me otherwise.

She wrinkles her nose at the cheesy deliciousness on my plate. “You know, it’s absolutely criminal that you think eating that is okay.”

I shrug, popping a pineapple into my mouth. “You still love me.”

She sighs, like loving a friend with an adoration for pineapple on pizza is such a hardship.

“Anyway, back to what I was saying in my bedroom before I was rudely interrupted by your fantasies featuring my brother.” I’m just about to refute that statement when she raises her hand, silencing me. “Let me finish this time, please. I don’t need to hear any bogus excuses from you today.”

I can’t help but pout as I continue chewing. Guilt slowly creeps in as I realize what a lousy friend I am for tuning her out the way I did earlier. I hastily swallow the food in my mouth and force the words out before she cuts me off again.

“I really am sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have zoned out, and I feel horrible.”

She smiles. “Apology accepted. Now please, zip it, because I have an idea.”

“Oh, no.” I pause with the slice halfway to my mouth.

“Ryan finally asked me out.” My eyes widen, and I squeal, prompting everyone in the vicinity to glance at our table. I wince, apologizing under my breath.

“Annnnd,” she draws out. “I was thinking we should double date.”

“I’m sorry, what? Who am I supposed to double date with exactly, the freaking air?”

“If you’d let me finish, you’d know his best friend, Dean, is interested.”

“In me?”

She scowls. “Who else? Of course, you!”

“Aren’t they seniors? I can’t see Callan letting that slide.”

She rolls her eyes. “Screw my brother. He’s not the boss of me. So, are you in?”

I chew on it, mulling the decision over in my mind. Dean is hot. I mean, he doesn’t have anything on Callan, but—stop it.

Stop thinking about him.

Going on a date with Dean wouldn’t be so bad. He’s popular, athletic, and continuously has girls trailing him. I don’t know why he’d go for a girl like me. I also know Dean and Callan hate each other. Not that he would care, but if I was going to date anyone, I guess it would be smart to date Dean.

I hesitate for only a few seconds longer.

“I’m in.”

Rose smiles brightly. “Good. He’s having a party at his house tomorrow night, and we’re going.”

For the first time in a long time, a thrill shoots down my spine at the prospect of being near someone who isn’t Callan.





I fiddle with the hem of the dress that Rose let me borrow. It’s a red, strapless, formfitting number that comes to mid-thigh. Rose suggested I wear this one because she said red was my color. Apparently, it brings out the dark chocolate strands in my hair. She also said it makes my legs look like they go on for miles, which is likely only because this dress feels like it was made for a Barbie doll and not an actual human. I tug the hem down again, trying to pull it over my thighs, but with each step I take, it rides up higher. I opted for my Converse instead of heels—it felt like overkill. I mean, the dress is short enough as it is, and heels would definitely make me look like a hooker. Rosalind opted for a similar dress, but hers is a black halter number that shows off her ample cleavage. Despite her incredibly good looks, Rose thinks her best assets are her breasts. As a freshman with D cups, she doesn’t have a shortage of guys knocking on her door, begging for her attention.

“Would you knock it off!” she hisses as we walk up the driveway.

“I can’t! My butt cheeks are literally hanging out of this dress.”

She glances at my backside, then rolls her eyes. “They’re not. Stop being self-conscious. You look hot.”

I silently curse her in my head. She’s the only person who can get me to wear something this scandalous to a party. I stick to her side the closer we get to the front entrance. As far as high school parties go, they’re not really my scene. Large crowds don’t do it for me, and I’m not exactly the most sociable person around. I take in the multitude of people surrounding us the second we step over the threshold. It’s absolute madness. The air is thick, with body heat and the smell of alcohol and smoke. It’s so stuffy, my throat clogs with each breath I take, making it hard to breathe.

Is this what appeals to high schoolers? Hot air that smells like ass and armpits, and horribly loud music?

I’ll never understand it.

Somehow, through the crowd, Rosalind spots Dean and Ryan. Taking my arm in hers, she pulls me after her, guiding me through the crowd of gyrating bodies. Over her shoulder, I lock eyes with Dean. His expression is unreadable as he watches me approach. His gaze roams up and down my body, assessing me. The corner of his mouth quirks while his eyes linger on my shoe choice. When he drags his gaze back up to mine, his face breaks out into a smile, and I’m surprised when my heartbeat speeds up. My palms suddenly grow sweaty, and those pesky butterflies that I usually only feel around Callan take flight in my belly.

Rose pauses in front of Dean and Ryan, and she throws her arms around Ryan for a hug that has surpassed the phase of “just friends.” What the hell does she need me here for again?

“Nice outfit,” Dean remarks. “I’m particularly fond of your shoe choice.”

My lips quirk. “Thank you. I wouldn’t be able to walk in heels even if I tried.”

Dean chuckles and nods toward the assortment of alcohol displayed before us. “Do you want anything?”

I shake my head. “No, thanks.”

“Here,” he says, handing me an unopened can of beer, ignoring me.

Strike one, I think to myself.

As if to prove those thoughts wrong, he leans in, whispering near my ear, “You don’t have to open it. Just holding it in your hand is enough. You won’t have to deal with anyone else asking the same question over and over.”

I glance up at him, and my breath gets lodged in my throat when I realize how close we are. He’s handsome. With a strong jaw, short blond hair, and hazel eyes, Dean is every girl’s dream. He smells good, too, like spices and something that is all male. When he glances down at my lips, my heart starts to pound.

Will he try to kiss me tonight?

He’s Dean Fletcher. I know for a fact that he has girls throwing themselves at him daily. So why is he suddenly interested in me?

As if sensing my nervousness, Dean smirks and pulls away. “Want me to show you around?”

I glance at Rosalind, and she shrugs noncommittally. All the while, her eyes are urging me on. “I’ll be right here if you need me.”

I guess I can’t really be upset with her. She didn’t ditch me, but she also didn’t offer to come with, so there’s no telling how this will go. After taking my hand in his, Dean leads me around his place, careful to keep me close to his side. You can’t even walk in this place without crashing shoulders with someone else.

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